The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 885: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

I don’t know how long ago it was the last time I got a quintuple summoning card!

So lucky!

Fusu felt so lucky at this time.

Whenever the summoning card is doubled, the probability of being able to summon a character is greatly increased.

Fusu didn't expect that the system would give him such a surprise.

Say nothing more, summon.

"Summon", one summoning card turned into five summoning cards, squandering, summoning.

Following Fusu's call, rows of cards appeared in front of Fusu, and then Fusu took out one card from them.

Just as Fusu guessed, it was indeed a character summoning card.

And it was Yang Liulang's brother - Yang Tai, also known as Yang Dalang - Yang Yanping.

Yang Yanping was good at wielding the Quluhun Golden Spear; he made great contributions when he accompanied Taizu in his campaign against the Southern Tang Dynasty, and was named Zhongxiaohou, one of the eight Shaoyang Marquises in the current dynasty, and was granted the title of Daizhou Jiedu Envoy. His wife was Hua Jieyu, and his second wife was Zhou Yunjing; because of his resemblance to the king of Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyi, also known as Zhao Guangyi, the Golden Beach Shuanglonghui died on behalf of the king of Song Dynasty.

He once killed the King of Liang in Tianqing, Jingzong of Liao, with an arrow.

Hua Jieyu, the wife of Yang Dalang, was one of the five famous Shaoyin generals during the Southern Tang Dynasty. She was a disciple of Mother Suzhu and was granted the title of First-grade Madam by Taizu. She was the leader of the next generation of female generals of the Yang family.

After Jinshatan and Shuanglonghui, Hua Jieyu became a monk and left the house, and the position of eldest daughter-in-law was succeeded by Zhou.

Therefore, among the twelve widows, there was no Hua family anymore.

Zhou Yunjing was the second wife of Yang Dalang. The Zhou family was the daughter of Zhou Shenyi, the former surrendered general of the Northern Han Dynasty, Fenyang Iron Banner Linggong. Well directed.

Fusu looked at Yang Yanping's summoning card, then turned to look at Tsunade.

"Tsunade, do you want to try again?" Fusu stretched out the summoning card in front of Tsunade.

"Hmph," Tsunade snorted and ignored Fusu.

Fusu was a bit asking for trouble, and then crushed the summoning card in his hand.

Following Fusu's movements, a figure appeared directly in the summoning space.

It was Yang Dalang—Yang Yanping.

I saw Yang Yanping wearing chain mail, holding a Quluhun golden gun in his hand, and wearing blue sky white soap boots on his feet.

Wearing a helmet, his eyes are full of energy.

The man is as straight and slender as the barrel of a gun.

Fusu looked at Yang Yanping in front of him, who had a slender figure.

There is a general air about him.

Chapter 1230 Shattered into pieces and left innocent - Peerless Yu Qian

Fusu looked at Yang Yanping in front of him and thought that he would be the brother of Liulang Yang Yanzhao.

Following Fusu's movements, Yang Yanping turned into a shadow and slowly dissipated in the summoning space.

Then, Fusu drew another card from the summoning card.

A character card appeared in Fusu's hand.

Unlike the first character card, this character card is obviously a civil servant summoning card.

Character - Yu Qian.

This Yu Qian is not a crosstalk actor, but a famous national hero.

Yu Qian, whose courtesy name was Tingyi and whose name was Jie'an, was a famous official and national hero of the Ming Dynasty and a native of Qiantang County, Hangzhou Prefecture.

In the 19th year of Yongle's reign, Yu Qian was promoted to Jinshi of Xinchou Branch, and Xuande was granted the title of Censor at the beginning of his reign. He followed Xuanzong to suppress the rebellion of Han King Zhu Gaoxu.

After the rebellion was suppressed, Yu Qian, who was a royal censor, was promoted by Xuanzong to patrol Jiangxi for his meritorious service in criticizing Zhu Gaoxu. He was praised by all the people.

In the fifth year of Xuande's reign, he patrolled Henan and Shanxi as the right minister of the Ministry of War.

In the 11th year of the Zhengtong reign, he was framed by his party members because he did not offer gifts to Wang Zhenxian when he came to Beijing for an audience. He was imprisoned and threatened with death. Later, officials from the two provinces and even the vassal king urged him to be reinstated.

During the Tumubao Incident in the 14th year of Zhengtong, Ming Yingzong was captured by Wala. He strongly opposed the idea of ​​moving south, insisted on holding on, and entered the Ministry of War as Minister of War.

Dai Zongli organized the army, deployed key points, and personally supervised the battle. He led an army of 220,000 troops and lined up outside the nine gates of Beijing to defeat the Ola army.

Add Shaobao, governor of military affairs.

He also first used Yingzong to force peace. He regarded the country as the most important thing and the emperor as the least, so he would not allow it. He was forced to release Yingzong first because there was no opportunity to take advantage of him. After Yingzong returned, he still felt that the peace talks were difficult to rely on, so he selected the elite of the Beijing army to be divided into ten regiments and camps for training, and sent troops out to garrison in order to secure the border. At that time, there were many things going on in the government and the public, so he carried out the levies alone, all in accordance with the opportunity, and ordered the review to be clear. Every piece of paper traveled thousands of miles away and everyone was alert. He was worried about his country and forgot about himself. He kept silent about his merits and kept himself frugal. His residence was only protected from the wind and rain, but he had a strong and upright nature and was quite jealous of others.

In the first year of Tianshun's reign, Yingzong was restored, and Shi Heng and others falsely accused him of plotting to establish King Xiang's son, and he was killed. In the early years of Chenghua, he was reinstated and given a sacrifice. In the second year of Hongzhi, he was given the posthumous title Sumin.

In Wanli, his posthumous title was changed to Zhongsu. There is "Yu Zhongsu Collection". "History of the Ming Dynasty" praised him as "loyal and righteous, competing with the sun and the moon for glory."

Together with Yue Fei and Zhang Huangyan, he is known as the "Three Heroes of West Lake".

Yu Qian is a very talented person.

And during his reign, whether in politics, military, literature, thought, etc.

All have made great achievements!

Politically, Yu Qian dared to plead for the people and severely punished the powerful and powerful, even if he was excluded and suppressed by these powerful people.

But Yu Qian still insists on himself.

Yu Qian is the perfect interpretation of "wealth cannot be lascivious, poverty cannot be moved, power cannot be surrendered".

When people are officials, they cheer in front of them and support them in front of them, showing their authority. When Yu Qian is an official, he wears casual clothes and a skinny horse.

Colleagues did not regard him as modest and honest, but said that he broke official rules.

Yu Qian is like a lotus, not drifting with the tide, rising out of the mud but remaining unstained.

In terms of military affairs, Yu Qian advocated that the most important thing in military affairs is their skill, the most important thing in generals is their bravery, and the most important thing in using troops is adapting to the situation. He advocated "the officers and soldiers learn from each other", "Those who manage the army know the strength of the soldiers, and those who serve the soldiers know the orders of the general."

The regiment and camp system created had a great influence on the military system of the Ming Dynasty.

In terms of literature, Yu Qian also has high attainments.

The expression of reclusive feelings and the generous and desolate style of Yu Qian's poems foreshadow the change of the poetry world.

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