The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 887: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

But it is undeniable that Zheng He's voyages to the West did promote the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty and surrounding countries!

Chapter 1232 Fusu’s Ambition "Sunflower Divine Code"

In addition, Zheng He's voyages to the West also vigorously developed overseas trade and spread Chinese civilization. Zheng He's mission to the West was mainly a political purpose, but it also had a certain economic purpose. When the country implemented such a large strategic action, it had to consider many aspects. During Zheng He's fleet's voyages to the Western Ocean, many trade activities were carried out, mainly in three forms: the first type of tribute trade, which was the basic form of Zheng He's voyage to the Western Ocean and had the nature of a feudal suzerainty. The second type of official trade was an important part of Zheng He's voyages to the West. It was transactions with local merchants under the official auspices of both sides, and was an important way for the Ming Dynasty to expand overseas trade. The third type of private trade emerged to a certain extent driven by Zheng He's overseas trade activities.

Wherever Zheng He went on his voyages to the West, he not only conducted overseas trade, but also spread the advanced culture of the Celestial Dynasty.

At that time, some countries and regions in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Africa were relatively backward in social development, and they yearned very much for Chinese civilization.

When Zhu Di sent Zheng He to the Western Seas, he also shouldered the mission of "preaching to foreign countries overseas, instructing them with etiquette, and changing their barbarian habits."

Zheng He brilliantly spread Chinese civilization far overseas and wrote a new chapter in the history of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The contents of Zheng He's voyages to spread Chinese civilization mainly include the following aspects: Chinese etiquette and Confucianism, calendar and weights and measures system, agricultural technology, manufacturing technology, architectural carving technology, medical skills, navigation and shipbuilding technology, etc.

Many stories about Zheng He are also spread overseas. There are Sanbao Mountain and Sanbao Well in Malay West, and there are Semarang and Sanbao Temple in Indonesia, leaving the remains of Zheng He.

At the same time, Zheng He also vigorously developed "navigation technology".

Zheng He's great voyage comprehensively applied a variety of navigation methods such as astronomical navigation, compass navigation, landmark navigation, measuring water depth and sediment, etc., as recorded in "Historical Records of the Western World": "Chopping wood into plates, inscribing the characters of stems and branches on books, floating on them A needle in the water points to the boat."

This kind of navigation technology was very advanced in the world at that time.

According to the "Zheng He Navigation Chart", Zheng He used sea channel needles combined with star-crossing techniques, which was the most advanced navigation technology at the time.

Astronomy and navigation technology China has long been able to determine the orientation and position of ships by observing the sun, moon and stars. Zheng He's fleet has combined navigational astronomical positioning with the application of navigation compasses to improve the accuracy of determining ship position and course, which is called "star-finding".

Use the "star board" observation and positioning method to determine the position and direction of the ship and determine the route by measuring the height of the sky. This technology represented the world's advanced level of celestial navigation in that era.

Fusu looked at Zheng He's information. For some reason, Fusu suddenly thought of Mirage.

Although the construction of the mirage has not yet been completed, it is certain that the mirage will definitely appear.

When the time comes, he will not pursue the illusory overseas fairy mountains. His goal is Fuso Island.

He wants to conquer that island and turn it into a place for China and the land of Great Qin.

Although the six kingdoms have not yet been unified, Qi has not yet surrendered.

But Fusu had already ordered people from the Gongshu family to draw the drawings.

He will build great ships.

Destroy Fuso Island in one fell swoop.

The appearance of Zheng He gave Fusu even more confidence.

Incorporate all the islands in the South China Sea into the territory.

Thinking of this, Fusu couldn't help but crush the summoning card in his hand, and then summoned Zheng He.

Following Fusu's movements, a light curtain appeared directly in the summoning space, and then, a person walked out.

When Fusu saw this, he couldn't help being slightly shocked.

Apart from Cai Lun, Zheng He was probably the most awesome eunuch in Chinese history.

Cai Lun's improved papermaking technology cannot be surpassed by this single contribution alone.

Zheng He's voyages to the West were also a great merit.

The rest, such as Wei Zhongxian, Zhao Gao, Gao Lishi, Liu Xi, Cao Huachun, Li Lianying, etc., cannot be compared with Zheng He at all.

Zheng He walked out of the light curtain, and it could be seen that the system recognized Zheng He very much.

Then, a person walked out of the light curtain.

He has a fair complexion and delicate skin. He is wearing a white brocade outfit with a black plush cloak behind him, and he is windless.

Although he is a eunuch, he gives people a power that cannot be ignored.

Fusu looked at Zheng He in front of him and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because Fusu saw something shocking in Zheng He's character attributes.

Zheng He actually knows martial arts, and he is also the famous "Sunflower Divine Canon".

"Sunflower Divine Code", the legendary martial arts, was rumored to have been created by "the eunuch of the former dynasty".

Fusu really didn't expect that it was Zheng He, the eunuch of the Three Treasures.

Fusu couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

If this is the case, then Zheng He is really awesome.

If you want to practice this skill, swing your sword from the palace.

Although it is a peerless martial arts, Fusu doesn't know how to practice it.

He is an emperor, an emperor who has become a eunuch, life is worse than death.

Facing the three beauties in the harem, he can only look forward to it and sigh, it would be better to die.

Fusu's attention to Zheng He has once again risen to a higher level!

Chapter 1233 Summoning Mr. Guo Xing

"Zheng He pays homage to the eldest son," Zheng He held a whisk in his hand and paid homage to Fusu.

"Sambo, please get up quickly." Fu Su helped Zheng He up.

"Yes, sir." Zheng He straightened up and looked at Fusu in front of him.

Fusu was thinking about what kind of identity he would give Zheng He.

After thinking about it, Fusu arranged Zheng He as his personal eunuch.

It is different from Xiao Dengzi and Xiao Guizi.

Zheng He's identity is that he began to take care of Fusu when he was a child.

For Fusu, Zheng He was half a father.

Zheng He was childless and regarded Fu Su as his own child.

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