The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 888: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Later, after Fusu became emperor, Fusu also gave Zheng He extremely high treatment.

He has a very high status and doesn't have to do anything in normal times.

Following Fusu's actions, Zheng He was born.

Tsunade frowned. The Zheng He just now gave him an aura of "Orochimaru".

But it doesn't look like it.

The other person spoke softly, and his voice was sharper than his.

Fusu ignored Tsunade's thoughts.

It's time to draw another summoning card.

This is the last of the five times summoning cards.

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly shouted.

"Wait a moment".

"What's wrong?" Fusu couldn't help turning his head to look at Tsunade.

"Let me take this one instead." Tsunade walked up to Fusu, pushed Fusu, and then pulled out a summoning card from it.

"Gudong", Fusu couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he looked at the pride in front of Tsunade.

Big, really big.

Among the beauties in the harem, there is no one on a larger scale than Tsunade.

It is truly a gift from God.

Tsunade took out one of the summoning cards and handed it to Fusu.

"Is this a character summoning card?" Tsunade asked curiously.

"Yes, it's a character summoning card." Fusu nodded.

Fusu looked at the summoning card in Tsunade's hand and nodded.

He was even more familiar with the characters above.

Chinese national hero, the national surname is Zheng Chenggong.

Zheng Chenggong's courtesy name is Mingyan. A native of Nan'an, Quanzhou, Fujian, his ancestral home is Gushi, Henan. He was a military strategist in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, a famous anti-Qing general, and a national hero.

His father is Zheng Zhilong, and his mother's name is Tianchuan.

He was born as a supervisor at the time of Hongguang. He was given the Ming Dynasty surname "Zhu" by Emperor Wu of Menglong. He was given the name "Zhu" and was named Zhongxiao Bo. Emperor Li granted him the title of King Yanping and called him "Zheng Yanping".

Later, the Qing army invaded the south of the Yangtze River. Soon, Zheng Zhilong surrendered to the Qing Dynasty and the Tagawa family committed suicide in the rebellion. Zheng Chenggong led his father's old troops to resist the Qing Dynasty on the southeastern coast of China and became one of the main military forces in the late Southern Ming Dynasty. They once raided and surrounded the Jiangning Prefecture of the Qing Dynasty by sea. , but was eventually repelled by the Qing army, and could only rely on the advantage of naval warfare to hold on to Xiamen and Kinmen, the islands of Quanzhou Prefecture.

After that, Zheng Chenggong led his army across the Taiwan Strait. The next year, he defeated the Dutch East India Company's garrison on the island, regained the island, and started the Zheng family's rule in the island.

After Zheng Chenggong's death, people in Baodao successively established temples to offer sacrifices, among which the Yanping County Prince's Temple in Tainan was the most important.

On Gulangyu Island, there is still a statue of Zheng Chenggong.

Like an immortal monument.

Zheng Chenggong's greatest contribution was not to fight against the Qing Dynasty, but to drive away the Dutch invaders and return the treasure island of Taiwan to the embrace of his motherland.

According to the "Baodao County Chronicle": "On the early morning of the second day of May when Mr. Guo Xing was ill, the sky suddenly became dark and the ground was dark. A strong yellow wind blew up. On the third day of the Lunar New Year, it was windy and rainy. Waves surged into the sky along the Taijiang River and the sea outside Anping, followed by thunder and lightning, like a landslide. The earth cracked... On the fifth day of the lunar month, the weather cleared up, and on the eighth day of the lunar month, Mr. Guo Xing passed away."

After Zheng Chenggong regained the treasure island, he established the Ming Zheng regime.

and implemented the following measures:

The first is political measures. The first was to establish political power and abolish all colonial systems and institutions of the Dutch invaders. He made Chicai the eastern capital of Mingjing and established one prefecture and two counties. The prefecture is Chengtian Prefecture, and the counties are Tianxing County and Wannian County.

Guanbei Road in Tianxing County and Guannan Road in Wannian County.

A pacification department was also established on the island to manage affairs in this area.

The second is ethnic policy. After Zheng Chenggong led his troops into the treasure island, he strictly controlled the army and ordered that the high mountain peoples were not allowed to be harassed or the cultivated land of the high mountain peoples was occupied. Education is also vigorously promoted, and rural schools are set up in the residential areas of the Gaoshan people. Those who send their children to school can be exempted from taxes and corvee.

After Zheng Chenggong died of illness on the treasure island, Emperor Kangxi wrote an elegiac couplet, which goes: "The four towns have two hearts, and the two islands have garrisoned troops, and they dare to fight for half of the southeast. The kings have no land, and they are determined to resist in one corner, only to know that there are overseas forces. Gu Zhong".

After the Zheng family surrendered, Emperor Kangxi issued an edict: "Zheng Chenggong is a relic of the Ming Dynasty, not a traitorous son of my rebellious ministers. He sent officials to escort the two coffins of Cheng Chenggong and his son, and buried them in Nan'an. They set up a tomb and built a temple to worship him." "

Fusu looked at Zheng Chenggong and directly crushed the summoning card.

Speaking of which, he already has several national heroes under his command.

Wen Tianxiang fought against Yuan Dynasty, Li Guang fought against Hu, etc., and now Zheng Chenggong comes out again.

And Zheng Chenggong is a well-deserved national hero because he expelled the Dutch.

Following Fusu's movements, a burst of passionate drumbeats came out.

Chapter 1234 Special Building - Yaolu Daxia Longque Dao

With a burst of passionate drumbeats, a figure appeared in the summoning space.

Wearing golden fish scale armor, a golden helmet on his head, a red cape flying behind him, and red spikes flying on the helmet.

Wearing armor, with a sword at his waist.

Square face, tall and powerful.

Just like an unparalleled hero.

Fusu looked at Zheng Chenggong in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

This appearance, if placed in modern society, would be an absolute success.

"Zheng Chenggong, meet the eldest son," Zheng Chenggong said to Fusu.

"Master Guo, please get up." Fu Su helped Zheng Chenggong up.

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