The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 890: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Tsunade ignored Fusu and continued to draw one.

After the ninth random summons, Tsunade once again drew a divine weapon card.

"It's another divine weapon summoning card. This is a bow." Tsunade placed the summoning card in front of Fusu.

"Oh, let me go, you are at odds with the magic weapon." Fusu was speechless in his heart.

Fusu took a look at the magic weapon summoned by Tsunade - the Eight Treasure Kirin Bow.

It is a peerless divine bow.

The eight-treasure unicorn bow is five feet long and can shoot a hundred steps away. It is the divine bow of Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng, the first god of arrows in the Three Kingdoms period.

"Not bad." Fusu's eyes lit up.

This bow is slender, about five feet long. There are unicorn patterns engraved on the left and right sides of the bow. On both sides of the bow, there is a unicorn head sticking out, with majestic horns and bright eyes. On top of the bow, there is a unicorn. Covered in armor, the entire bow was filled with an aura of respect.

It is the magic weapon - the eight-treasure unicorn bow.

Fusu's eyes lit up as he looked at the long bow on the summoning card.

Then, Fusu crushed the summoning card and summoned the Eight Treasure Kirin Bow.

"It's so heavy." Fusu held the bow of the Eight Treasure Kirin Bow and felt it carefully.

On the top of the Eight Treasure Kirin Bow, a black bow string is tied to it.

I don’t know what material it is made of, but it is completely black.

Just like black dragon tendon.

Fusu couldn't help but pull, and a strong pulling force appeared. If it weren't for Fusu's strong strength, he really wouldn't be able to pull the eight-treasure unicorn bow.

"What a bow, what a bow." Fusu looked at the eight-treasure unicorn bow in his hand and couldn't help but praise it.

"What a beautiful bow." Tsunade's eyes lit up as she looked at the long bow in Fusu's hand.

"Of course, this is the weapon of Huang Zhong, the god of arrows during the Three Kingdoms period of China," Fusu nodded.

Then, Fusu put the eight-treasure unicorn bow in his hand into the summoning space.

Looking at Fusu's movements, Tsunade reached out her hand without anyone saying anything and took out another summoning card from inside.

Unfortunately, this is a blank summoning card.

Fusu didn't feel anything.

He believed in Tsunade's luck.

Then, Tsunade stretched out her hand again, this was the eleventh summons.

"Brush", following Tsunade's movements, a summoning card appeared in front of Fusu again.

This is a character summoning card.

Fusu's eyes widened.

Tsunade looked at Tsunade in front of her with a look of surprise.

"Tsunade, you are so awesome." Fusu couldn't help but stepped forward, hugged Tsunade, and kissed her fiercely.

Tsunade was stunned.

Then, Tsunade reacted, activated her strange power fist, and attacked Fusu.

If it is hit by that powerful force, it will definitely break your muscles and bones.

Fusu was shocked when a golden barrier appeared directly outside his body and blocked Tsunade's attack.

"Yeah," Fusu grunted and couldn't help but step back.

"Oh, let me go, it's so strong." Fusu couldn't help but groaned.

"Humph", looking at Fusu's appearance, Tsunade couldn't help but snorted.

Just when she made another move, Tsunade's body suddenly froze.

Because at this time, the system actually sent information.

Let Tsunade know everything.

"Summoning system, my God, there is such a magical system," Tsunade couldn't help but exclaimed.

He never thought that there would be such a magical thing in the world.

Fusu looked at Tsunade's appearance and couldn't help but smile slightly, and then took the summoning card from the feeling hand.

Fusu was happy, really happy.

On the summoning card, it is Huang Zhong, the God of Arrow, one of the Five Tiger Generals of Shu Kingdom.

Huang Zhong is from Nanyang. A famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Originally a Zhonglang general under Liu Biao, he later returned to Liu Bei and helped Liu Bei attack Liu Zhang in Yizhou. In the 24th year of Jian'an, Huang Zhong killed Cao Cao's famous general Xia Houyuan in the battle of Dingjun Mountain, and was promoted to General of the Western Expedition. Liu Bei was named Queen of Hanzhong and was granted the title of Queen General, and was given the title of Marquis of Guannei.

The following year, Huang Zhong died of illness.

In the third year of Jingyao's reign, he was given the posthumous title Ganghou.

In later generations, Huang Zhong often appeared in various literary and artistic works as a brave veteran. In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Liu Bei called the Queen of Hanzhong and named him one of the Five Tiger Generals. Huang Zhong's name gradually became a popular name in China. It has become synonymous with "old and strong".

Zhuge Liang commented on Huang Zhong: The reputation of loyalty has never been related to Guan and Ma Zhilian, and now he is ranked in the same category. If Ma and Zhang are close, they can see their achievements in person, and they can still describe them; if they hear about them from afar, they will probably be displeased, and they will gain everything.

Luo Guanzhong praised: "The general's spirit is like that of heavenly ginseng, but his gray hair is as if he is trapped in Hannan." Be willing to die without any regrets, and feel ashamed before lowering your head. The sword shines brightly in the snow to show your bravery, and the iron cavalry faces the wind and remembers the fierce battle. The eternal famous name should never be forgotten, and it will always shine on Xiangtan with the lonely moon.

According to rumors, Huang Zhong also has a magic sword.

Tao Hongjing's book "Ancient and Modern Swords and Swords" records that Huang Zhong got a sword when Liu Bei pacified Nanjun. The color was as red as blood. When he fought against the Xiahou army in Hanzhong, Huang Zhong used this sword to kill more than a hundred enemy soldiers. .

Known as the "Red Blood Knife".

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Huang Zhong is the representative of the marksman, who can hit the target with a hundred shots and hit the target with a hundred steps.

Moreover, Huang Zhong competed with Guan Yu in his old age, and both sides won.

Extremely powerful.

Chapter 1236 The old man has great ambitions and the goddess of luck is born

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