The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 891: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Huang Zhong was a loyal man. When fighting Guan Yu, Huang Zhong did not shoot him because of Guan Yu's kindness.

Instead, he shot the bow and arrow in his hand onto Guan Yu's helmet.

It can be regarded as repaying Guan Yu's kindness.

Guan Yu has a happy family, his wife is virtuous and beautiful, and his son is lively and cute. The couple, the man farming and the woman weaving, enjoy themselves happily. Despite financial constraints, the family is happy.

Later, when the war broke out, Huang Zhong had to leave his hometown and led his family to flee to the stable Jingzhou and find a military career.

Later, the son unfortunately fell ill and died young, and the couple was in grief. His wife was too sad and weak, and soon passed away.

From then on, Huang Zhong lost his happiness and his life lost its meaning. Seeing Huang Zhong like this, Liu Qing often invited him to go hunting or harass Soochow to relax his mind. Huang Zhong is very skilled in martial arts and has few opponents. He only regained some sense during the battle. But he was born a commoner and was not reused. As the poor and boring days passed day by day, Huang Zhong was already discouraged and prepared to spend the rest of his life like this.

Until Liu Bei discovered him, he was already over sixty years old and had gray hair. The rusty sword finally shined with dazzling light in the last stage of his life, establishing Liu Bei's great military exploits in the Shu Han Dynasty.

In his later years, Huang Zhong used his "old man" body to kill Xia Houyuan in Dingjun Mountain.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" records that Liu Bei led his army to fight with Xia Houyuan. Mountain. In the same year, Liu Bei proclaimed himself the King of Hanzhong, appointed Huang Zhong as the rear general, and granted him the title of Marquis of Guannei.

Some people say that the most powerful general during the Three Kingdoms period was not Lu Bu, but Huang Zhong in his prime.

The old Huang Zhong is indeed worthy of the word - old and strong.

Fusu looked at the Huang Zhong summoning card in his hand, and couldn't help but feel a touch of ecstasy in his heart.

The Five Tigers of Shu are his favorite characters.

So far, he has summoned four people, Guan Yu with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, Zhao Yun with the Gendan Bright Silver Spear, Ma Chao with the Eight Treasures Tuolong Spear, and now Huang Zhong with the Eight Treasures Qilin Bow.

Fusu got a little excited, crushed the summoning card in his hand, and then summoned the veteran Huang Zhong.

Following Fusu's movements, a veteran figure slowly appeared in the summoning space.

Wearing a black armor, his hair is somewhat white, and his beard is blowing in the wind, constantly rippling in the summoning space.

Fusu looked at Huang Zhong in front of him, his eyes filled with joy.

The old man is brave and ambitious, and his ambition is thousands of miles.

When Huang Zhong saw Fusu, he stepped forward like a dragon or a tiger, "Huang Zhong, Huang Hansheng, pay homage to the eldest son," Huang Zhong paid homage to Fusu.

"Old General Huang, please get up quickly," Fu Su helped Huang Zhong up.

The most prosperous people, apart from Lian Po, are Huang Zhong, and then there are Huang Gai and others.

"Thank you, eldest son." Huang Zhong straightened up and looked at Fusu.

At this time, Huang Zhong's figure gradually faded.

Fusu quickly arranged an identity for Huang Zhong.

The identity assigned to Huang Zhong by Fusu is the same as in history.

Huang Zhong had a son who was seriously ill. Knowing that Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, Hua Tuo, the miracle doctor, and Li Shizhen, the medicine sage, were all in Qin, Huang Zhong brought his son to seek medical treatment.

After Fusu gave birth to Huang Zhong, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Tsunade seemed to be in a daze, Fusu stepped forward and pulled out a summoning card.

I don’t know if Fusu’s hand has touched dog shit, but three times in a row, all of them were blank summoning cards.

Fusu is disgusting.

There was still one last chance for random summons, but Fusu came forward.

Finally, Fusu turned his gaze to Tsunade who was in a daze.

"Tsunade, there is one last chance. Don't tell me that I won't take care of you. I will give this last chance to you." Fusu said it with a sense of justice.

Tsunade came back to her senses after hearing Fusu's words.

"Is all this about the summoning system real?" Tsunade asked, looking at Fusu.

"You know everything." Fusu nodded.

"Yes, it's all true, and the ability of the summoning system is stronger than you think."

"Oh my God," Tsunade exclaimed, "So, you really summoned me," Tsunade couldn't help but ask.

"Yes", Fusu nodded again, "So, you are my woman."

Tsunade took a deep breath and calmed down her inner excitement.

With great difficulty, Tsunade accepted this fact.

Finally, Tsunade turned her attention to the rows of summoning cards.

Tsunade stepped forward, stretched out her hand, and took out a random card from the summoning card.

"Swipe", following Tsunade's movements, a summoning card appeared in Tsunade's hand again.

Fusu took a sneak peek at the side, and his eyes suddenly widened when he saw it.

He never expected that Tsunade would summon a character summoning card again.

That's awesome.

Fusu had to give Tsunade a big thumbs up, he was convinced.

A new generation of goddess of luck was born, she is Tsunade-hime from the world of Naruto!

Chapter 1237 Gourmet Master——Shaoan Tofu Trio

Fusu stretched his head, wanting to see the character on the summoning card.

After seeing the figures above clearly, Fusu's face was full of disappointment.

Because the character on the summoning card turned out to be a strange person, and he was also a chef.

It's not that Fusu looks down on chefs, but he prefers military commanders to chefs. You can give me a civil servant.

The chef on the summoning card is the young master's senior brother, Shao'an.

Shaoan, one of the characters in "The Little Master of China".

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