The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 899: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

They thought he was Li Si's bodyguard.

"Li Si pays homage to King Qi," Li Si said to King Qi.

Li Yuanba was still looking at the surrounding scenery carefully, looking absent-minded.

"You bastard, why don't you bow to your Majesty when you see him?" When a minister saw Li Yuanba like this, he immediately became angry and stood up.

"King Qi, this is Li Yuanba, the sworn brother of our great king, and His Royal Highness King Zhao of our King of Qin," Li Si said hurriedly, "This time, I am here to help him gain knowledge."

King Qi looked at Li Yuanba and couldn't help but frown.

He was not stupid, he could tell clearly that Li Yuanba seemed to have a mental problem.

"Forget it, what are you doing here?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

"Wei Chen has three purposes for coming here this time," Li Si said with a smile.

"Oh, three purposes?" King Qi couldn't help but be surprised.

"What purpose?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

"The first purpose, this time Li Si is specially presenting treasures to the king. My king worships King Qi very much, and accidentally got three priceless treasures, so he wants to give them to King Qi to show King Qin's respect for the king. ", Li Si said with a smile.

"Oh, there is such a thing." Everyone likes to hear good things, including King Qi.

After hearing Li Si's words, King Qi couldn't help but look happy.

He was really happy.

"I'm really curious. It's not easy for King Qin to call it a treasure. Let me take a look." King Qi said with a smile.

The surrounding ministers were also a little curious.

What kind of baby is it?

"Does your Majesty know about He's Bi?" Li Si couldn't help but ask.

"He's Bi?" Everyone was shocked.

Who doesn't know about He's Bi?

He's Bi, the most famous jade in China's history. During the hundreds of years it has been circulated, it has been regarded as a "priceless treasure" and "a treasure handed down by the world". It is also known as He's Bi, Jing Yu, Jing Hong, Jing Bi, He Bi, He Pu.

It is a rare treasure in the world.

"Han Feizi" records: Bian He, a native of Chu, obtained a beautiful jade in the Chu Mountain and dedicated it to King Li. King Li asked the jade carver to identify it. The jade carver said, "This is stone."

King Li thought Bian He was lying and cut off his left foot.

When King Li died and King Wu came to the throne, Bian He presented the jade to King Wu again.

King Wu asked the jade carver to identify it and said, "This is stone."

King Wu thought Bian He was lying and cut off his right foot.

King Wu died and King Wen ascended the throne. Bian He hugged his jade and cried at the foot of Chu Mountain. For three days and three nights, all his tears were shed and replaced by blood.

After King Wen heard about it, he sent someone to ask him why, saying: "There are many people in the world who have been executed. Why are you crying so sadly?"

Bian He said: "I am not sad because my leg was chopped off. I am sad because it is a jade and is regarded as a stone. A loyal person is regarded as a liar."

King Wen then sent jade carvers to cut open his jade, and as expected, he got a precious jade, so he named it "He's Bi".

Liu Xiang's "Warring States Policy" of the Warring States Period contains: "There is trouble in Zhou Dynasty, there is green knot in Song Dynasty, there is sorrow in Liang Dynasty, and there is harmony in Chu."

Li Si of the Qin Dynasty mentioned in his "Book of Remonstrance and Expulsion": "The jade your Majesty sends to Kunshan today contains the treasure of being easygoing and harmonious."

Fu Xian of the Western Jin Dynasty said in "Yu Fu": "When it shines in the bushes, holding the puzhu without paying attention, everyone regards it as a stone, but Bian Zi only knows it."

During the Five Dynasties, Du Guangting, a Taoist priest from the former Shu Dynasty, recorded in Volume 7 "Strange Stones" of "Records of Strange Things": "The essence of the year's star fell on Jingshan Mountain and turned into jade. When viewed from the side, it appears blue, and when viewed directly, it appears white. Bian He He obtained it and presented it to the king of Chu, and later to Zhao and Qin. The first emperor unified it and carved it into the seal of his orders. The text was written in Xiaozhuan by Li Si and passed down from generation to generation."

Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty wrote in his "Ancient Style" thirty-six: "I brought a jade into the Chu Kingdom, and I doubted what I heard in the past. A good treasure is finally abandoned, and I offer it to you three times in vain."

Everyone knows He's Bi because He's Bi is so famous.

During the Warring States Period, King Zhao Huiwen obtained the precious jade originally lost by the Chu State - "He's Bi".

When King Zhao of Qin found out about this, he sent an envoy to tell King Zhao that he was willing to exchange fifteen cities for "He's Bi".

King Zhao read the letter and knew King Qin's virtue.

I didn't want to give it, but I was afraid that Qin would send troops, so I discussed it with the ministers.

There was a minister named Lin Xiangru. After learning about it, he took the responsibility and was willing to risk his life in exchange with the King of Qin.

King Zhao knew that Lin Xiangru was a brave and witty man, so he agreed to let him go.

Lin Xiangru arrived in Qin State, and the King of Qin received him in the palace.

Lin Xiangru presented "He's Bi" to the King of Qin with both hands.

King Qin took it and looked at it from left to right, and he liked it very much. But just don’t talk about the city.

Lin Xiangru stood by alone and came up with a plan.

Lin Xiangru stepped forward and told King Qin that "He's Bi" had a slight flaw, so he took out He's Bi.

Then, Lin Xiangru and "He's Bi" will die together, and the jade will be broken into pieces.

The King of Qin was anxious and hurriedly asked someone to bring the map and assigned fifteen cities to Zhao.

Lin Xiangru was afraid that King Qin would regret it, so he found an excuse to deceive King Qin.

Lin Xiangru took the Heshi Bi to the mansion.

Then someone hid the Heshi Bi on his body and secretly ran back to the Zhao Kingdom through the trail.

Later, when the King of Qin found out about this, it was too late to regret it.

Then nothing happened.

This matter is called "returning the complete jade to Zhao" in history.

It was also a major scandal in the Qin State. After all, the King of Qin was tricked by a Zhao man!

Chapter 1244: Flowers grow in rocks, rare things are valuable

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