The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 900: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

When Li Si heard this, he shook his head lightly.

"No, He's Bi is just a piece of beautiful jade at its best, but the treasure I want to present is a hundred times more precious than He's Bi," Li Si said nonsense seriously.

No one knows anyway, so that’s bullshit.

"Oh", King Qi was startled and became even more curious, "Hurry up and bring it up for a look."

Li Si took out the "Crystal Mahjong" from his body.

There is only one crystal mahjong, and it is a "ten thousand" mahjong.

"This is..." All the ministers were shocked when they saw Li Si taking out the crystal mahjong.

"Oh my god, flowers grow in rocks, how is that possible?" Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

He never expected that lotus flowers would grow out of the stone, and they would be so beautiful.

King Qi stood up directly from the throne, and then stared at the thing in Li Si's hand.

"What is this?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

"King Qi, this is a national treasure of nature. It was a treasure discovered by King Qin by chance. In this crystal stone, there is a lotus growing. Look at this lotus, it is lifelike. There is no trace of it. Flaws," Li Si began to boast.

He wants to tout the thing in his hand as the most precious thing in heaven and on earth.

Of course, this is also a technical job.

"Bring it up, bring it up quickly," King Qi shouted loudly.

"Yes." Li Si couldn't help but show a happy look on his face.

Then the crystal mahjong is presented.

After King Qi got the crystal mahjong, he really couldn't put it down. "It's amazing. It's really amazing. It's such a wonderful craftsmanship. I didn't expect that there would be such a thing in nature." King Qi admired it with a face that seemed very amazing. Happy.

"Hey, why do I feel like this thing looks so much like mahjong?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

Mahjong passed through Fusu's hands and spread throughout the world.

Not only Qin people play, but everyone plays.

"Report to the king." At this time, Li Si stood up again.

"Because when this crystal was mined, there were some flaws on it. In order to cover up the flaws, King Qin ordered people to carve a pattern of 'ten thousand' on the other side," Li Si explained to King Qi.

"That's it." King Qi nodded.

"Priceless, really priceless." King Qi nodded in agreement.

"Right." At this moment, King Qi seemed to have thought of something.

"Didn't Mr. Li say that there are three treasures? This is just the first one, so what are the second and third things?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment." Li Si squatted down and took out the national tribute, Maotai, from the wooden box next to him.

"This is..." Everyone's eyes widened again when they saw the glass bottle in Li Si's hand.

"Crystal clear, flawless", and more importantly, it seems to be natural.

A modern glass bottle craft appeared in ancient times.

The sensation caused was undoubtedly huge.

There is a saying that goes well: "Things that are scarce are valuable."

Li Si looked at everyone's reactions, smiled lightly, and then opened the bottle.

Then, a strong aroma of wine emanated from the bottle.

The fragrance overflows and attracts the soul.

When some generals who liked drinking saw this, their eyes widened and they swallowed wildly.

King Qi is no exception.

If I could, my eyes would pop out of my head!

Wang Yi of the Han Dynasty wrote in "Jiu Si Ji Shi Shi": "Suck jade liquid to quench thirst, bite zhihua to cure hunger."

"Calling Souls" written by Song Yu of the Chu Dynasty during the Warring States Period: "The wine is old and has fine wine."

"What kind of wine is this? It smells so good. Even fine wine doesn't have this taste." King Qi's eyes widened.

"Reporting to your Majesty, the name of this wine is Maotai. It is the national tribute wine of our Great Qin Dynasty. Only when General Wang Jian and General Li Jing returned in triumph did the King take out a bottle. There are only a few bottles in the world. , drink one bottle, one less bottle," Li Si said with a smile.

"I know, it's him," some people exclaimed.

They had heard it before.

When Wang Jian returned to the court from the Chu State, the King of Qin personally greeted him. During the period, the King of Qin took out a bottle of wine said to be a gift from God and shared it with everyone.

It is said that when the bottle is opened, everything within a ten-mile radius is filled with the aroma of wine.

After taking a sip, one seems to be drunk, but one's soul is in a state of ecstasy.

They thought it was an exaggeration at the time, but when they saw it with their own eyes, they realized that all of this was not an exaggeration at all.

"Gudong", the sound of swallowing saliva kept coming.

"Bring it up quickly," King Qi couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and then said very calmly.

"Yes", at this time, the eunuch came down again.

Then he took the Moutai from Li Si's hand.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, a minister came up.

"Your Majesty, it's best to be careful. I'm willing to help you test the wine," a minister said righteously.

"Let me do it." At this moment, a military general also stood up.

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