The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 904: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Li Yuanba, who had always been very obedient to Fu Su's words, thought of this.

Li Yuanba's figure suddenly stopped.

"Huh", Li Si couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Nangong Wan also looked frightened.

If Li Yuanba really comes out, he will definitely die.

King Qi's face was very ugly. He had just vowed to take it with full confidence, but he was slapped in the face.

"Humph, go back to the palace." King Qi stood up and left immediately!

Chapter 1248 Qi surrendered and unified the world

When everyone saw King Qi getting angry, their faces turned very ugly.

The Lord humiliates his ministers to death.

After returning to the palace, everyone returned to their original positions.

King Qi's original happy mood was completely gone.

Li Yuanba was so powerful that no one in Qi could defeat him.

The King of Qi didn't know that, let alone Qi, no one in the world could defeat Li Yuanba's arrival.

Li Yuanba is too strong, inhuman.

The King of Qi looked at Li Si and couldn't help but sigh, Qin State is full of talents, and Qi State is no match.

"Master Li, everyone already knows the first two purposes. What is the third purpose?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

At this time, King Qi looked very ugly.

"Reporting to the King of Qi, my lord has always liked the culture of Qi, especially Confucianism, so the king does not want the land of Qi to suffer war. For the sake of the world and the people, my king is willing to treat you well with the title of king with a different surname. Your Majesty ...It’s better to surrender,” Li Sihe said seriously.

"Bastard." After hearing Li Si's words, everyone was furious even though they were prepared.

"There is no one in Qi who is afraid of death. We are willing to wrap our bodies in horse leather for the sake of Qi."

"You just have to give up."

"We will not surrender."

Every country has its tough men, and every country has its people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

This is human nature.

Li Si listened to the words of the people below and remained silent.

I just listened quietly and said nothing.

After a long time, King Qi spoke.

"I know this matter, let me think about it carefully," King Qi said calmly.

King Qi is very calm now. It is impossible for him to do anything to Li Si.

If he really takes action, it means a fight to the death with Qin.

Moreover, when the two armies are fighting, the envoys will not be killed. This is a rule that has been left since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

An unspoken rule followed by everyone.

"Li Si, please leave." Li Si cupped his hands and retreated.

The purpose has been achieved.

Moreover, King Zhao has already established his authority, and I believe King Qi will consider it.

After Li Si left, King Qi looked at the people below.

"My dear friends, do you have anything to say?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

"Your Majesty, we cannot surrender." A general stood up.

"No surrender? Are you sure of defeating the Qin army?" King Qi couldn't help but ask.

"I..." The general lowered his head in shame.

"You have also seen what happened today. There are too many strong generals in the Qin State. When Qi State and Qin State fight, the chance of winning is zero. Once the war starts, as Li Si said, the people of Li will suffer the most." , Although King Qi is not enterprising enough, he is kind-hearted.

Such a person would definitely be a good emperor if he lived in peaceful times, but if he lived in troubled times, he would definitely be eaten alive.

In troubled times, it is difficult to survive without being ruthless.

"But Your Majesty, we surrendered so easily?" Some generals were a little unwilling.

"What do you think?" King Qi asked angrily.

"I know the character of King Qin very well. When he was in Dongjun, it was known that he was wise and would recommend talents in an eclectic way. Moreover, King Qin did not distinguish among the seven kingdoms: Qin people, Zhao people, Yan people, Qi people, and Chu people. Everyone is treated equally, and under the governance of King Qin, I believe that the people of Qi will live and work in peace and contentment and live a prosperous life," King Qi said with some emotion.

If possible, who is willing to surrender?

After hearing King Qi's words, everyone fell silent.

The next day, the King of Qi recruited Li Si and officially announced the surrender of Qi.

Li Si was so excited when he heard it.

Qi State surrendered, Qi State really surrendered.

This huge credit belongs to myself.

Li Si couldn't wait to fly back to Qin and tell King Qi the good news.

The next thing will be easy, just return to Qin and send someone to take control of the military.

In fact, at the moment Qi accepted the surrender, Fusu, thousands of miles away, had already received the news.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission - to unify the world. The mission requirements: make the six countries surrender under the iron cavalry of Qin, conquer the six countries, and unify the world. In the process of conquering the six countries, the host must participate in at least three countries ’s demise, and lead the demise of one of the countries, mission rewards: loyalty to the country - Yue Fei and Yue Wumu, unparalleled divine machine - Liu Ji and Liu Bowen, a generation of queens - Wu Zhao and Wu Zetian, magic weapon - Cloud Piercer, the host is completed The more perfect the mission, the more countries are destroyed, the more battles you participate in, and the rewards are doubled."

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