The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 905: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission - the surrender of Qi. The mission is completed perfectly. The host will be rewarded with two summoning opportunities for designated characters, one summoning opportunity for different time and space, and the length of the small world will be expanded ten times."

The system prompts sounded.

Hearing this, Fusu was so shocked that he didn't know how to describe it.

Then, Fusu was ecstatic.

"My loyalty to the country - Yue Wumu finally came out, and my empress has also arrived. Let's see how I conquer you on the bed, empress." Fusu was excited.

If Mrs. Xi, Zi Nu and others weren't around, Fusu would have jumped up long ago!

Chapter 1249 Twin Missions Jingzhong Yue Wumu

Fusu couldn't help but think of the other one of the "Twin Missions".

The so-called twin missions were the two large-scale missions that Fusu encountered back then.


"Ding dong, detecting the huge ambition in the host's heart, the system officially issued a mission - to unify the world. The mission requirements: make the six countries surrender under the iron cavalry of Qin, conquer the six countries, and unify the world. In the process of conquering the six countries , the host participated in the demise of at least three countries and led the demise of one of them. Mission rewards: Loyalty to the country - Yue Fei and Yue Wumu, Unparalleled Divine Machine - Liu Ji and Liu Bowen, Queen of the Generation - Wu Zhao and Wu Zetian, Divine Soldier - —Cloud-Piercing Arrow, the more perfectly the host completes the mission, the more countries it destroys and the more battles it participates in, the rewards are doubled." (Chapter 141)

Second task.

"Ding dong, the system releases mission two - Dynasty Hegemony. As the host of the system, how can the Great Qin Empire II be destroyed? How can the Great Qin Empire be overthrown? For the sake of the host's dignity and to show the host's power, we are hereby released. Follow-up mission, mission requirements: Suppress all anti-Qin forces, kill Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's Chu-Han Alliance, and make Qin the most powerful empire for future generations. Mission reward: Immortal body, immortality." (Chapter 142)

It can be said that Fusu has always kept these two large-scale tasks in mind.

Never dare to forget.

And now, Fusu has completed one of them, unifying the world and unifying the seven countries.

Fusu looked at Mrs. Xi and Zi Nu beside him.

"Zi Nu, Xi Gui, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first," Fusu said to Zi Nu and Mrs. Xi.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Zi Nu walked to Fusu's side and asked with a smile.

"It's nothing. I suddenly remembered that there is something I haven't done yet. You wait a moment, I will be back later," Fusu said to Zi Nu.

"Yes", Zi Nu and Mrs. Xi nodded.

Fusu returned to the palace and entered the summoning space.

As soon as Fusu entered the summoning space, he saw four summoning cards appear.

Floating in the air, constantly spinning.

A hint of excitement flashed in Fusu's eyes.

He hurriedly stepped forward and took out one of the summoning cards.

On the summoning card is none other than Yue Fei - Yue Pengju.

Yue Fei was a native of Tangyin County in Xiangzhou of the Song Dynasty. He was a famous general in the Southern Song Dynasty who fought against the Jin Dynasty. He was a famous military strategist, strategist and national hero in Chinese history. He was one of the four generals of the Zhongxing Dynasty in the Southern Song Dynasty.

He is also one of Fusu's most admired objects.

When he was a child, Fusu grew up hearing the story of "serving the country with loyalty".

It can be said that he admires Yue Fei very much.

Yue Fei surrendered to the army at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the more than ten years from 1128 to 1141 when he met Zongze, he led the Yue family army to fight hundreds of battles with the Jin army. He was invincible and "reached the position of general".

In 1140, Wanyan Wushu destroyed the alliance and attacked the Song Dynasty. Yue Fei sent his troops to the Northern Expedition and recovered Zhengzhou, Luoyang and other places. He also defeated the Jin army in Yancheng and Yingchang and marched into Zhuxian Town.

However, Song Gaozong and Qin Hui insisted on seeking peace and ordered their troops to retreat with twelve "gold-character plaques". Yue Fei was forced to withdraw from the army when he was isolated and helpless.

During the peace negotiations between the Song and Jin Dynasties, Yue Fei was framed by Qin Hui, Zhang Jun and others and was arrested and imprisoned.

In January 1142, Yue Fei was killed along with his eldest son Yue Yun and his general Zhang Xian on the "unfounded" charge of "treason".

During the reign of Emperor Xiaozong of the Song Dynasty, Yue Fei was rehabilitated and was buried in Qixialing by the West Lake. He was given the posthumous title of Wu Mu, and later he was given the posthumous title of Zhong Wu and was granted the title of King of E.

Yue Fei was the most outstanding commander in the Southern Song Dynasty. He valued the people's strength to resist the Jin Dynasty and created the "Connect Heshuo" strategy. He advocated that the civilian anti-Jin Dynasty rebels north of the Yellow River and the Song army cooperate with each other to attack the Jin army to regain lost ground.

Yue Fei managed the army with clear rewards and punishments, strict discipline, and he was also considerate of his subordinates and led by example. The "Yue Family Army" he led was known as "Don't tear down the house to death if you freeze, and don't take captives to death of starvation." There is a legend among the Jin people that "To shake a mountain is easy, to shake the Yue Family is easy." The comment "Military Difficulty" expresses his sincere awe for the "Yue Family Army".

Yue Fei opposed the Song Dynasty's passive defense strategy of "only ordering oneself to defend oneself and wait for the enemy, not daring to attack from a distance to seek victory", and always advocated active offensive in order to win the victory in the anti-golden struggle; he was the only one who organized a large-scale offensive campaign in the early Southern Song Dynasty. commander in chief.

Yue Fei's literary talent is also rare among generals. His immortal poem "The River is Red: Angry Hair Rushes to the Crown" is a famous patriotic poem that has been passed down through the ages. Later generations compiled another collection and handed it down.

The young Yue Fei is a man of few words and often loses his integrity. He likes to read "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu", "Sun Wu Art of War" and other books. He once worshiped "Zhou Dong" as his teacher, learned riding and archery, and was able to shoot left and right bows.

Not long after Zhou Dong died of illness, Yue Fei personally visited his grave to pay homage every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. Yue Fei later became a disciple of Chen Guang and learned the art of swords and spears. His martial arts skills were "invincible in a county". Yue Fei was born with supernatural powers. When he was less than twenty years old, he could draw a bow weighing three hundred kilograms and shoot an eight-stone crossbow, which was "miraculous to people of his time."

In the winter of the first year of Jingkang in the Northern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei followed Liu Hao's order and led a cavalry team of 300 people to Ligudu for reconnaissance. He encountered Jin soldiers in Shiyulin and killed the enemy generals on the fly, repelling the Jin army. In the encounter in Huazhou South, Yue Fei took the lead and defeated the Jin army with a hundred cavalry. After two small battles, Yue Fei's bravery and martial arts were revealed.

Chapter 1250: Serve the Country with Loyalty, Legend Yue Fei

There are too many things about Yue Fei.

I couldn't tell clearly for a while.

So I won’t introduce it.

"History of the Song Dynasty: Biography of Yue Fei" has the most comprehensive evaluation of Yue Fei: "Since the Western Han Dynasty, if Han, Peng, Jiang, and Guan were generals, there would be no shortage of people in the generation. I hope that he will be civil and military, benevolent and wise, and be as good as the Song Dynasty." Yue Fei is rare in one generation.

Historically, it is known that Guan Yunchangtong studied Chunqiu Zuoshi, but his articles have never been seen. During Fei's Northern Expedition, the army arrived at Zhuxian Town in Bianliang. There was an imperial edict, and Fei himself responded to the imperial edict. His words of loyalty flowed out of his heart. He was really like Zhuge Kongming, but he died at the hands of Qin Hui.

Gai Fei and Hui are incompatible with each other. If Fei succeeds, then the feud of the Jin Dynasty can be restored, and Song Dynasty's shame can be avenged; if Hui succeeds, Fei will die.

In the past, Liu Song killed Tan Daoji, and Daoji was imprisoned. He said angrily, "I've destroyed your Great Wall!" ’ Gao Zong Ren abandoned his original intention, so he Ren Ren killed him. What an injustice! What an injustice! "

After Yue Fei's death, people continued to make comments about Yue Fei.

Wen Tianxiang once said: "Mr. Yue, I am Lu Shang of the Song Dynasty. His achievements are recorded in the annals of history, and thousands of generations later, it is like seeing his life. As for his brushwork, it is like clouds and cranes flying in the sky, and a group of heroes playing in the sea, which is especially true of Qiancheng. If you choose to combine the strengths of literature, who in my life can match it."

Mr. ** said: "Yue Feihun is the spiritual representative of the Chinese nation, that is, the national soul."

Yue Fei was a model for military management in ancient China, and the "Yue Family Army" became a model for a time.

Although he has no military treatises handed down to the world, the main content of Yue Fei's military thoughts can be seen from his scattered discussions and military practices in historical documents.

The book "Wu Mu's Suicide Note" even appeared in some novels.

When the predecessors summarized Yue Fei's thoughts on military management, they pointed out that there are six aspects: valuing the essence rather than the many; careful training; fair rewards and punishments; strict orders; strict discipline; sharing joys and sorrows. The core of these six aspects is to govern the army strictly.

Because Yue Fei was strict and good at running the army, the "Yue Family Army" had strong combat effectiveness, "any one can be worth a hundred." The Jin people also praised: "It is easy to shake a mountain, but it is difficult to shake the Yue Family Army!" The "Yue Family Army" was some of the most powerful at that time. The generals admired it, and it was also imitated by some famous generals in later generations. For example, Qi Jiguang, a famous general in the Ming Dynasty, also followed Yue Fei's example and trained the "Qi Family Army", a powerful anti-Japanese force.

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