The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 922: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Next to Xue Nu, is Zhao Feiyan.

Zhao Feiyan's dance is obviously more moving than Xue Nu's dance.

As graceful as a butterfly, dancing like a fairy.

The figure is graceful and beautiful, as bright as the silver moon.

Zhao Feiyan's figure swayed gently to the music around her.

A pair of jade feet did not move at all.

That dancing figure can make rivers flow backwards, make immortals move their hearts, rejuvenate all things, and make all living beings excited.

Among the three, the one who danced the worst was the most beautiful, and the most touching one was the stunning enchantress Daji. She stood between the two women, and her every move made people fascinated.

Fusu looked at all this, his eyes shining.

Daji is so beautiful.

Fusu could now understand King Zhou. Such a stunning woman could not be compared to others.

I saw the snow girl, wearing a light blue dress hanging down to the ground, covered with light blue gauze, and her long white hair was bound by a jade crown.

Very beautiful.

At this time, there was diamond brilliance shining on the jade crown.

Wearing a white jade bracelet on the snow girl's wrist, it gives people a fresh and beautiful feeling.

But the snow girl was serious and serious, and there was a coldness in her bones.

The snow girl has an outstanding figure, weak and boneless.

The appearance of the three of them completely outshone the other girls around them.

The three of them are like the bright moon, and the girls are like the stars. How dare the stars shine with the bright moon!

Next to the snow girl is Zhao Feiyan. Zhao Feiyan's elegant jade face is carved with clear facial features. Her water-colored eyes are crystal clear, but they are still bright. Her eyes are as tender as fire and the flames are rising. She seems to be able to see through everything. She is small and delicate. The nose is as thin as a cherry, the small mouth is as light as wings, and the delicate and flawless smile is rippling.

There is a trace of charm on the delicate face, which is fascinating.

Wearing a white gauze dress, her waist is gently held with a jade-like silk belt. The edge of the skirt is embroidered with nine mandala flowers layered with silver glitter thread, in a pale pink. It is particularly eye-catching. The collar of the skirt is made of two thin silver brocade straps that cross and hang around the neck.

Lined with a long silk ribbon with a wider moiré pattern, it was wrapped around Ying's arms. She applied a little makeup and powder. Her black hair hung down on her thin waist. Three thousand green silk hairs were slightly pinned with crystal rose hairpins, revealing A light fragrance.

A crystal necklace around her neck made her collarbones feel clearer, and the white jade bracelets on her wrists highlighted her skin like snow.

Daji in the front has dark cloudy hair, apricot face and peach cheeks, eyebrows as light as spring mountains, and eyes like autumn waves. Her breasts are enlarged and her waist is slender, her hips are slender and her legs are slender. She is better than a begonia in the sun and pear blossoms in the rain.

Suddenly, it is like a flawless piece of jade, with delicate flowers ready to speak, a face lined with the morning glow, a piece of jade in her lips, green fluffy temples, a delicate red face, turning her eyes with infinite love, and her singing voice is alluring.

Fusu looked at the three women in front of him and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Eyes widened.

When all the lovers saw this, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

They couldn't help it, they really couldn't help it.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

At this moment, bursts of fragrance hit my nostrils.

I saw the maids walking up one by one carrying plates.

Then put the delicacies in your hands on the table.

Fusu looked at the things in front of him and couldn't help but lick his mouth.

Fusu actually felt hungry.

At this time, the alluring dance of Daji's three daughters also stopped.

Fusu couldn't help but applaud.

"Okay, okay", Fusu couldn't help but praise.

When everyone saw this, they also applauded.

"Three beloved concubines, why are you here?" Fusu looked at Xue Nu, Zhao Feiyan and Daji with great curiosity.

"Your Majesty, this is the dance our sisters gave you." Daji looked at Fusu and smiled quietly.

That touching smile shines like thunder in the sky, making people feel amazing.

Fusu was better, because Fusu himself had a certain immunity to Daji's smile.

So Fusu felt better.

But other ministers are different.

Although they didn't dare to have any thoughts in their hearts, they couldn't help but be amazed when they saw Daji's stunning smile.

Beautiful, so beautiful. They had no idea that there would be such an outstanding person in the world.

Hearing Daji's words, Fusu nodded.

"I've received your surprise," Fusu said with a smile on his face.

But he didn't expect that immediately after, someone walked in again, it was Aunt Gongsun.

I saw Aunt Gongsun holding Zidian and Qingshuang in her hands, and she was wearing training clothes, all red, very festive.

Coupled with the purple lightning and green frost, it looks like a god.

Aunt Gongsun walked into the hall, bowed her hands to Fusu, then bowed her hands to the ministers, and started dancing!

Chapter 1268 The first combination of Zi Nu and Chi Lian

In the main hall, blue light flashed, purple light shone, the light soared, and people jumped in all directions.

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