The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 923: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Fusu looked at Aunt Gongsun dancing in front of him, his eyes filled with admiration.

Although I have seen Mrs. Gongsun dancing with the sword many times, every time I watch it, it gives people a shocking feeling.

This is true for Fusu, not to mention other people.

The ministers looked at Aunt Gongsun shining in the light, their eyes full of horror, as if some god had come to the world.

Everyone invariably remembered a poem.

Rumor has it that this poem was written by Empress Yang Mi after watching Empress Gongsun dance with her sword.

Later, it spread outside the palace and gradually spread.

At that time, everyone thought it was a bit exaggerated, but after watching Aunt Gongsun's sword dance, they really felt that it was too appropriate.

Lady Gongsun's sword dance is indeed as described in the poem.

At the same time, everyone admired Yang Mi very much, her literary talent was so good!

In everyone's minds, they all thought of the rumored poem.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful lady named Gongsun who moved all directions with her sword dance.

The viewer is as depressed as the mountains, and the heaven and earth are depressed for a long time.

Huo Ruyi shoots at the nine sunsets, as powerful as the dragons flying among the emperors.

It comes like thunder to absorb its wrath, and ends like the clear light of the river and sea.

Her crimson lips and beaded sleeves are lonely, and in the evening there are disciples who spread the fragrance.

The beauty Linying is in Baidi, and she dances wonderfully to this song.

The wood in front of the pile of golden millet has been arched, and the grass in Qutang's stone city is desolate.

The Dai Feast is in a hurry and the songs come to an end, and the moon comes out in the east with great joy and sorrow.

Especially Li Bai, looking at Aunt Gongsun in front of him, Yang Mi's poems came to mind.

His face was full of appreciation.

"The person who can write this poem is definitely an ordinary person. Oh, I really want to meet the legendary Yang Mi," Li Bai said with emotion.

If Yang Mi were here, I don’t know what she would think.


I'm afraid I will definitely be embarrassed.

After all, it would be embarrassing for anyone to be praised so highly by a poet in history.

That's a poetry fairy.

Standing at the top of the pyramid in the Jiuzhou poetry industry.

It is known as a monument in Jiuzhou poetry industry.

What's more, the poems Yang Mi read were by the "Poetry Saint" Du Fu.

Aunt Gongsun in front of all the ministers felt like she was seeing a god.

Several sword masters, such as Fu Su, Li Bai, Xu Shu and others, all stared wide-eyed.

Xu Shu is one of the people who is really closest to Fusu.

The other person is Dian Wei.

Recalling that when Fusu was a child and had no ability to protect himself, it was Dian Wei and Xu Shu who stood up.

Both civil and military, he protected Fusu.

Fusu will never forget that day.

He came to this world, got the summoning system, and then completed the first summons in his life - civil and military companionship.

Obtained Dian Wei and Xu Shu.

At the same time, Fusu also gained capital for its rise.

Later, although Hua Rong, Lin Chong and Chen Qingzhi were summoned one after another.

Their feelings are still inferior to those of Xu Shu and Dian Wei.

For Fusu, although Xu Shu and Dian Wei were guards, they accompanied him throughout his childhood.

It is to play the role of a master.

Especially Xu Shu, Fusu felt a deep concern from Xu Shu.

Fusu learned knowledge from Xu Shu since he was a child, and then learned swordsmanship.

This kind of emotion can be matched by no one except Queen Zheng.

Xu Shu looked at Aunt Gongsun's sword dance with admiration on his face.

After Aunt Gongsun finished her sword dance, she bowed her hands to Fusu, then bowed her hands to all the ministers, and left the hall.

Fusu didn't say anything. He was looking forward to it. Who would come out next?

After Aunt Gongsun walked out, two people came up again.

Fusu's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Zi Nu, Chi Lian, it's you." Fusu never expected that it was actually Zi Nu and Chi Lian. It was really surprising.

He thought of Xi Shi, Zheng Dan, Sun Shangxiang, and Diao Chan, but he never thought of Zi Nu and Chi Lian!

Fusu was very curious about what Zi Nu and Chi Lian would perform for him.

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