The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 926: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Fusu really didn't expect that the title of "Emperor" had been kicked out by Jia Xu.

"Okay", just when everyone was silent, Fusu shouted.

"Emperor, from now on I will be called emperor, hahahahaha", Fusu couldn't help laughing.

"I will be the First Emperor from now on, and I hope that the legacy of the Qin Dynasty will be passed down to the second and third generations..." Fusu said with a hint of fanaticism on his face.

"Long live my king, long live, long live my king." At this moment, all the ministers came out and paid homage to Fusu.

"Hahaha, all my dear friends, please stand down." Fusu stretched out his hand and asked everyone to stand up.

"Next, there are a few things to announce," Fusu said with a smile on his face.

"The first thing is to appoint Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Yu Qian as envoys of the State of Qin, fully responsible for governing the affairs of the State of Qin. In addition, send Wu Song, Yang Yanzhao, and Yang Yanping to lead the army to the State of Qi to protect one side." , Fusu looked at everyone and announced the decision he had discussed with the cabinet ministers.

"The second thing is to send Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang and his troops to the State of Qi, and escort the King of Qi and all the concubines in the harem to the State of Qin."

"The third thing is that I decided to go to the Zhou royal family in person and replace him." Fusu's fangs that had been hidden for a long time were finally exposed.

"When I left, all the beloved ministers were performing their duties. There were Wang Li Yuanba, Li Cunxiao, Dian Wei, and Xu Chu as escorts. They were accompanied by a hundred thousand troops led by General Meng's beloved disciple Yue Fei and Yue Pengju." Fusu Said again.

"Yes", everyone dared not say anything and could only nod in agreement.

"Okay, I've said what needs to be said. After you go back, dear friends, think carefully about what good policies you can come up with to make Da Qin a better place. You can write to the cabinet ministers or to the widows." Fu Fu Su looked at the ministers below and said with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Okay, let's retreat." Fusu stood up and left.

Fusu walked down from the court, and then entered the interior of Afang Palace. Qi Wenjiang had already arrived. He wanted to see him, and then...

After Xiao Guizi knew Fusu's intention, he hurriedly reported the news and asked everyone to prepare for it.

Fusu came to a side hall. At this time, there were many people standing in the side hall.

There are men and women.

"The king has arrived," Xiao Guizi shouted loudly.

"Meet the King", everyone stepped forward and came to pay their respects.

Fusu looked at Qi Wenjiang in front of him and couldn't help but nodded.

Qi Wenjiang was one of the four beauties of the Spring and Autumn Period. Although her style was not very good, it was certain that she was indeed beautiful and had the potential to captivate everyone.

Especially those eyes, full of tenderness.

It is beautiful and charming, with blooming flowers and branches.

Fusu looked at Qi Wenjiang in front of him, wearing a red rose-colored tight-fitting dress, with the hem of the skirt resting on the ground.

On the top of the red rose dress, a golden rose pattern is embroidered with golden silk thread, adding a touch of nobility.

Wearing an emerald green floral skirt on the lower body, the skirt is dotted with plum blossoms.

The graceful appearance, quiet appearance and leisurely body make Qi Wenjiang's temperament look more noble.

On Qi Wenjiang's waist, a large bow was tied with soft gold silk smoke, with the butterfly spread high and its wings spread out.

On Qi Wenjiang's head, with his hair hanging down, a jade Zan phoenix hairpin is inserted diagonally. On top of the phoenix hairpin, a phoenix spreads its wings and flies.

The Japanese-style bun with jasper dragon and phoenix clips inserted sideways on her head makes her figure appear slender, charming, soul-stirring, and very charming.

It was like a stunning enchantress twirling her fingers.

Look at her bending her slender waist and taking a slight step, her indigo-green eyebrows, bright eyes, jade-fingered bare arms, slender waist and snow-skinned skin, fragrant limbs, lotus steps and small socks, and bright wrists covered with gauze.

The eyes contain spring water and the clear waves flow forward.

Her fragrance is delicate and tender, her beauty is more delicate than flowers, her fingers are like onion roots, and her mouth is like red pills. Every frown and smile touches the heart and soul.

Qi Wenjiang's cheeks were painted with light pink makeup, making her beauty even more delicate.

It is really as graceful as a startling dragon, as delicate as a swimming dragon, with a graceful appearance as autumn chrysanthemums, and as magnificent spring pine trees.

Shy and a bit touching, she smiled quietly, blooming like a flower.

Fusu looked at Qi Wenjiang in front of him and couldn't help but nodded.

The Qi Wenjiang in front of him does have the urge to make people "impulsive" without considering the consequences.

Chapter 1272 Mu Guiying Returns to the Palace Folklore

Qi Wenjiang raised his head, blinked his bright big eyes, and looked at Fusu.

I saw Fusu wearing a black dragon robe, a crown and beaded curtain on his head, his hands behind his back, his face was like a crown, his eyebrows were like swords, and his eyes were like stars and bright moon, bright and energetic.

The whole person is tall and straight, like a king.

Qi Wenjiang's eyes couldn't help but light up when she looked at Fusu. She didn't expect that Fusu was so handsome and heroic.

Qi Wenjiang's eyes sparkled with an inexplicable look.

Fusu walked up to Qi Wenjiang and helped Qi Wenjiang up.

"People are more delicate than flowers, so you must be Wen Jiang." Fusu looked at Qi Wenjiang in front of him.

"Qi Wenjiang pays homage to your Majesty, I am Wenjiang." Qi Wenjiang dripped his head gently, with a look of shyness on his face.

Seems to be shy.

That look is really charming and touching.

"Hahaha, let's talk after we enter the palace." Fusu hugged Qi Wenjiang's waist and walked towards the palace.

After all the ministers returned from Xianyang Palace, they all returned to their mansions.

Li Si couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, finally arriving home.

And I don’t have to go out anymore.

Li Si knew in his heart that his trip to Qi State would definitely be recorded in the annals of history and be famous throughout the ages.

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