The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 927: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Sir, you are back." Seeing Li Si coming back, the servants of the Li Mansion hurriedly came forward to salute.

"Yes." Li Si nodded.

After a while, the news of Li Si's return spread throughout the Li Mansion, and everyone inside came out to greet him.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui received Fusu's imperial edict and knew that they were going to Qi.

So they arranged things at home and took them over when they established themselves in Qi.

Yu Qian did the same. He arranged for his wife and daughter and told them.

Someone will be sent to escort them after a while.

Yang Yanzhao, Yang Yanping and others also received the imperial edict to go to the King of Qi and decided to dispatch troops to the State of Qi.

Yang Yanzhao received the order to go to Songhai.

Each person can lead ten thousand elite soldiers and generals.

In addition to them, Li Yuanba and Li Cunxiao also received orders from Fusu and accompanied him to the Zhou royal family to force the Emperor of Zhou to abdicate in favor of a worthy person.

Then hand over the world to Fusu.

Compared with Li Cunxiao's calmness, Li Yuanba excitedly played with drums, urns and golden hammers.

He could finally go out again.

"What?" Yue Fei was stunned when he received the imperial edict from a young eunuch. "Really or not, the king will choose me?" Yue Fei's face was full of disbelief.

"Yes, the king named you during today's court meeting and asked you to lead the army and escort him." The little eunuch nodded.

He knew that Yue Fei was about to become rich and could actually enter Fusu's eyes.

As long as you perform well, your career will be successful and you will be right around the corner.

"Your Majesty, you actually know me?" Yue Fei couldn't help but be stunned. He had been keeping his eyes shut, and he didn't expect that he would actually get into Fusu's eyes.

"Yes, General Yue, you'd better prepare early. In three days, the king will go to the place of Emperor Zhou and become the real emperor," the little eunuch said with a smile.

"Thank you, father-in-law, I understand." Yue Fei nodded.

This is a good thing.

After the young eunuch left, Yue Fei immediately went to Meng Mansion and met Meng Ao, one of the three princes.

That is, Meng Tian's grandfather, a famous person in the Qin Dynasty.

"Teacher, what do you think the king means?" Yue Fei couldn't help but ask.

He was very curious, why would the king know about him if he had no reputation at all.

"You don't have to think too much, this is a good thing." Meng Ao knew what he was thinking about when he found a disciple.

It was a bit sudden indeed.

"Yes, teacher", Yue Fei nodded, "Teacher, could it be you who recommended me to the king?" Yue Fei couldn't help but ask.

"No", Meng Ao shook his head.

While all the ministers were busy, Mu Guiying and others finally returned from suppressing the bandits.

Appear from Xianyang, then go to Mukezhai, then go to Dongjun, and finally return to Xianyang.

During this period, everyone destroyed countless cottages, killed countless robbers who blocked the road, killed countless ruffians who were trying to get rich, bullied good and feared evil, saved countless people, and saved countless people. How many families.

Mu Guiying, Li Xiuning, Hu Sanniang and Lu Qiling are affectionately known as the "Four Goddess". In many places, statues and Taoist temples were erected for the four of them in order to express gratitude.

Pray for their protection.

Mu Guiying and Li Xiuning have spread many legends and stories among the people, and they have all been written into history books.

Some local officials even exaggerated in order to flatter themselves.

The writing is more fantasy.

Mu Guiying, Li Xiuning, Hu Sanniang, and Lu Qiling are portrayed as four empresses in heaven and earth.

Among them, Sifei Mountain and the Taoist temple on the mountain have become the most famous buildings in later generations.

After that, the four women once again left behind legends.

For example, Mu Guiying destroyed the Tianlang Village and killed the leader of the Tianlang Village with three shots.

There is also Li Xiuning's iron-blooded battle. One man, one horse and one magic soldier broke through the crowd in the encirclement and suppression of hundreds of people.

Hu Sanniang entered Hushan alone and stunned everyone in Heifeng Village.

Lu Qiling was a woman who did not give in to her men. She advanced seven times on Luofeng Slope, killing people like rivers of blood.

Let Luofengpo, a hundred miles in radius, be cleared.

Chapter 1273 The emergence of Wu Zetian, a generation of empresses who will not let women down

The legends left by the four Mu Guiying among the people are no weaker than those of Fusu.

Fusu is a male representative, while representatives such as Mu Guiying and others are indeed women.

The road that Mu Guiying and the four walked was also called the "Holy Road" by later generations, and they spoke highly of Mu Guiying.

The four Mu Guiying are called "the first for women to become generals - women will not let men down".

At this moment, Mu Guiying and the others came back.

Fusu received the order and hurriedly got out of Qi Wenjiang's boat.

"Guiying is here," Fusu's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Xiao Guizi nodded.

"Haha, come here, let me change my clothes. I have to go and greet my beloved concubine in person." Fusu couldn't help laughing.

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