The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 928: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

"Your Majesty," at this moment, a pair of snow-white jade arms stretched out from behind, hugged Fusu, and then revealed a stunning face.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" A coquettish voice sounded. The coquettish voice was soft, like a soft knife, placed on the man's neck.

Makes you not want to leave.

This is the truth in Wenwen Township and the Tomb of Heroes.

With such a beauty here, who would be willing to leave.

But Fusu is different, Fusu is willing to give up.

Because he left this gentle town and went to another gentle town.

"Beauty, I have something to do." Fusu smiled lightly and looked at the charming woman in front of him.

Compared with yesterday, Qi Wenjiang at this time was completely developed by Fusu.

From a girl to a young woman, her aura became more and more feminine.

"Your Majesty, who is Mu Guiying?" Qi Wenjiang didn't know much about the affairs of Qin State because he lived in Qi State. What's more, Mu Guiying didn't live in Xianyang Palace for long, so he took his cousin Li Xiuning with him. Went out with Hu Sanniang and Lu Qiling.

Not many people in the palace knew about them, not to mention that Qi Wenjiang had just been here for more than a day and didn't inquire about them.

"She is a figure that everyone respects very much," Fusu thought for a while and said.

"Oh", Qi Wenjiang's eyes couldn't help but move. She didn't expect that this person named Mu Guiying would be so important to Qi Wenjiang.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore." Fusu got up from the bed, and then, under the service of the palace maid, he changed his clothes and washed himself, put on his dragon robe, put on his crown, tidied himself up, and headed outside.

Qi Wenjiang watched all this, and she became very curious about this person named "Mu Guiying".

"Come here, change my clothes." Qi Wenjiang also decided to get up. She wanted to see what Mu Guiying was like.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Several palace maids came up holding phoenix dresses.

After a while, Qi Wenjiang finished dressing up and transformed into the beautiful and stunning woman again.

At this time, in the Taiyang Palace, the important place of Afang Palace, two stunning women were chatting.

On the left is Concubine Yan, holding a teapot in her hand and making tea.

The tea in her hand was the tea Lu Yu had just cultivated.

The tea is mellow and sweet.

People who like tea will feel a strong tea aroma if they taste it.

As Concubine Yan was second only to Fusu in the harem, she could certainly get any good things.

On Concubine Yan's right hand, there is also a stunning woman.

Wearing a bright yellow robe, she exudes a powerful aura and light, just like a high-ranking emperor, and her aura is no worse than that of Concubine Yan.

Concubine Yan is the sun and the golden crow.

Then this woman is a golden dragon, domineering and awe-inspiring.

If Fusu were here, he would definitely find that this woman was none other than the emperor of the generation - Wu Zetian.

The legendary Wu Zhao with the sun and moon across the sky.

Only she can exude such a powerful aura.

"Sister, I heard that Mu Guiying was back when I came here," Wu Zhao looked at Concubine Yan and said softly.

"Well, I already know about this." Concubine Yan nodded.

If anyone in the harem could threaten her status, it was Mu Guiying.

Mu Guiying was forthright and informal. More importantly, he was proficient in the art of war and had led troops to fight. He was accompanied by Li Xiuning, Lu Qiling and Hu Sanniang, and was loved by the generals in the army.

Mu Guiying's prestige in the military is very high.

"Sister, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, Mu Guiying has no attachment to this position. Even if I give it to her, she won't want it. She is a soldier and a general. Compared with managing the harem, , she likes to wield swords and guns even more," Concubine Yan said with a smile.

Concubine Yan knew Mu Guiying's character very well.

Although Mu Guiying has high prestige in the military, she will not get involved in this position.

"Hey, sister is just reminding you that if sister gives birth to a child this time, sister's position will be as secure as a mountain." Wu Zetian looked at Concubine Yan's belly.

Concubine Yan is pregnant again. As long as she gives birth to a boy and becomes the future prince, then...

"Mother," at this time, Ying Jingyao ran in.

"Auntie," Ying Jingyao hugged Concubine Yan and shouted to Wu Zhao.

Chapter 1274 The four female generals in the Women’s Army Yue Fei’s son—Yue Yun

Wu Zhao looked at Ying Jingyao with a doting smile on his face.

"Hey, Jingyao is so good." Although Wu Zetian's face was full of smiles, deep down in her heart she was still full of infinite emotion. It would be great if Ying Jingyao was a boy.

Then everything is not a problem.

"Jingyao, what did you do today? You are so dirty." Concubine Yan looked at her daughter with a happy smile on her face.

What happened to her daughter? Her daughter is also her child.

"Mom, I went to climb a tree today," Ying Jingyao said happily.

"Well, not bad." Concubine Yan nodded.

Seeing this, Wu Zetian couldn't help but sigh silently, "Sister still loves Jingyao too much."

Outside the city gate, tens of thousands of troops marched in, with Sheng flags covering the sky.

What’s even more spectacular is that they are all women.

The Detachment of Women is an unprecedented pioneer in history that uses women as the army.

Created a historical precedent.

In Xianyang City, people lined the streets to greet Mu Guiying and others.

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