The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 929: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Fusu did not come out to greet him, but waited quietly in Xianyang City.

It's not that Fusu doesn't want to welcome Mu Guiying, but because Mu Guiying's standards are not enough, and because Mu Guiying is a woman.

As the army approached, everyone finally saw the real scene.

In front of the army were four men, each riding a tall horse.

The first one is Mu Guiying.

I saw Mu Guiying wearing silver-white willow leaf armor, covering her whole body, with a silver-white helmet on her head, a peach blossom horse underneath her, holding a pear blossom gun in her hand, her eyes bright and full of vigor and vitality. vitality.

Mu Gui's handsome cheeks were full of vigor and vitality.

At this time, Mu Guiying looked at the people on both sides, with a happy smile on her face.

Beside Mu Guiying is her cousin Li Xiuning.

Li Xiuning wore a fiery red bright armor, wrapping her whole body in it. Her waist was very slender and did not become bloated due to the appearance of the armor.

Riding under him is the divine horse - Chasing the Wind White Phoenix. The white body is majestic and full of power.

He held the iron-blooded divine spear in his hand, and the spear body was filled with blood, as if it had been soaked in blood.

Very scary.

The iron-blooded divine spear moves forward without fear of anything and kills all monsters and monsters.

Next to Li Xiuning is Lu Qiling.

Lu Qiling is a veritable daughter of the God of War. She wears a golden armor with beautiful patterns engraved on it. She wears an armor on her head, holds a thunder half-moon halberd in her hand, and underneath her body is a divine horse, a fire dragon colt.

Dressed in red, it looked like a burning flame.

The last one is Yizhang Qinghu Sanniang.

She is undoubtedly the worst among the girls.

Wearing light golden armor, with a rouge horse underneath him, and a pair of swords hanging on his waist, in addition to that, a fiery red cloak fluttered in the wind.

There is also a lasso on his horse, which is only used to restrain the enemy.

Behind the four people, thousands of troops followed.

Everyone looked at all this, their eyes filled with enthusiasm. With the four of them there, it was as if they had found spiritual support.

As Mu Guiying and others entered the city, everyone arrived outside Xianyang Palace.

When Mu Guiying and her four daughters saw this, they hurriedly got off the horse.

"Meet your Majesty," the four women hurriedly dismounted and saluted Fusu.

"Meet the King," these female soldiers roared loudly, their voices reaching into the sky with great power.

Behind Fusu, the faces of the Imperial Guards led by Yuwen Chengdu couldn't help but change, "What a great momentum."

It’s really hard to believe that such a powerful momentum comes from a group of women.

Behind Yuwen Chengdu were four generals.

The first person on the left is a very talented person, majestic, wearing golden armor, and holding a pair of big golden hammers in his hands. He is none other than the number one golden hammer general in "The Story of Yue Yue" - Yue Yun.

The rumored Yue Yun is the reincarnation of the God of Thunder, so Yue Yun has been a talented person since he was a child. He is majestic, talented, and has a photographic memory.

In "Shuo Yue Zhuan", there is a description of Yue Yun: The eldest son Yue Yun has grown to twelve years old, and he is a man of great talent and majesty. My wife had previously asked a well-educated gentleman to teach him how to read, but unfortunately Yue Yun was a newbie with a very bright talent. When the gentleman mentioned one sentence, he actually knew ten sentences. The gentleman was almost stumped by the student, so he had to meet the eldest lady. Said: "The young man has little talent and little knowledge, so he cannot be his teacher, so he has to hire another talented person."

Later, I invited several people in succession and it was like this, so no one dared to take this person seriously.

Later, Yue Fei was trapped in Niutoushan and Jin Wushu could not attack him for a long time. Military advisor Hamichi devised a poisonous plan and sent Marshal Xue Li Huabao to Tangyin County to capture all members of the Yue family in order to force Yue Fei to submit.

Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating, but Yue Yun beat him and fled. After Yue Yun learned that his father was trapped in Niutoushan, he rushed to Niutoushan alone to rescue him.

When Yue Yun first came to Niutoushan, he defeated Jin Wushu. Later, Yue Fei felt that his troops were insufficient, so he ordered Yue Yun to dispatch troops to Kinmen Town. After Yue Yun left, Jin Danzi, the second son of Nianhan, led his troops to challenge. Niu Gao asked for orders to fight, but was beaten three or four times by Jin Danzi, who could not resist him. After that, he defeated Yu Hualong in more than ten rounds, and defeated Dong with seven or eight rounds. First, defeat He Yuanqing in twenty rounds.

Even the fierce general Zhang Xian is no match for the golden marble. Yue Fei had no choice but to hang up his no-war card.

Yue Yun returned to camp without knowing the reason, and smashed the exemption card. Yue Fei was furious and wanted to be punished according to military law. Niu Gao begged for mercy and recommended Yue Yun to fight the golden marbles. Yue Yun and the golden marbles fought for more than eighty times and gradually became unable to resist. When Niu Gao saw this, he became anxious and shouted: 'My nephew, don't let him go! ’ The golden marble just said that Wu Shu called him from behind. Looking back, Yue Yun took advantage of his unpreparedness and knocked him off his horse with one hammer, and then killed him with another hammer.

The main achievements of Yue Yun's life include: hammering golden marbles, two battles with Lu Wenlong, causing trouble in Zhuxian Town, etc.

It must be mentioned that Yue Yun is Yue Fei's son.

It's just that one person is in the Guards and the other is training the soldiers.

Chapter 1275 Four Fierce Eight Hammers Legends of the Past

On the right side of Yue Yun is a big man wearing silver armor. He is holding two silver hammers in his hands. It is He Yuanqing, the silver hammer general in "The Story of Yue Yun". The silver hammers in his hands are eight. Plum blossoms and bright silver hammers.

Although it is not as good as Pei Yuanqing's Bagua Plum Blossom Bright Silver Hammer, it is still quite powerful.

After He Yuanqing returned to Yue Fei, he made great military exploits. Niutoushan came to the rescue, and He Yuanqing faced off against Jin Danzi, the most brave general of the Jin Kingdom. They fought for twenty rounds. Although he lost, his record was still good. When suppressing Yang Yao's rebellion in Dongting Lake, He Yuanqing broke through the five square formations and killed the enemy general Cui An. Jin Wushu invaded the south, and He Yuanqing was the pioneer officer of the fifth route and rushed to Zhuxian Town to resist the enemy. Yang Zaixing died in Xiaoshanghe, and the six vanguards killed the Jin camp. The Jin soldiers were frightened after hearing the news. Lu Wenlong showed off his power in front of the double-gun formation. He Yuanqing, Yue Yun, Yan Chengfang, and Zhang Xian fought against Lu Wenlong. They fought fiercely with Lu Wenlong and they were neck and neck.

Jin Wushu set up the Golden Dragon Formation to fight against the Yue Family Army, and He Yuanqing was one of the vanguards to break the formation.

In this battle, Prince Yue's golden hammer danced, Yan Chengfang's copper hammer shone, He Yuanqing's silver hammer stirred the wind, and Di Lei's iron hammer moved simultaneously. These eight hammers swept across the Golden Dragon Formation, killing hundreds of thousands of golden soldiers and throwing away their armor. Jin Wushu was in a panic. And escape. In this battle, the Eight Hammers became famous all over the world, and He Yuanqing also became famous in one fell swoop.

After Yue Fei was killed, the Yue family army, led by Niu Gao, went to Lin'an to avenge Yue Fei.

As a result, when crossing the river, Yue Fei's ghost blocked him and prevented his troops from taking revenge. Because he could not take revenge, Yu Hualong was so ashamed that he drew his sword and killed himself.

When He Yuanqing saw Yu Hualong's death, he was heartbroken. In grief and anger, he raised a silver hammer and hit his head with it. A poor tiger general did not die in front of the battle, and his life was in vain.

On He Yuanqing's right is Yan Chengfang, the bronze hammer general.

Yan Chengfang was seen wearing bronze armor and holding two bronze Japanese melon hammers in his hands, carrying them on his shoulders as if they were weightless.

Yan Chengfang is tall and powerful.

Because of the density, Yan Chengfang's copper hammer is a bit large.

Compared with the other three, Yan Chengfang is less famous because he is not a queen from a famous family.

Yan Chengfang's father was Yan Qi, the Marquis of the West, a general of Yang Yao's tribe. He was only fourteen years old when he appeared. He is good at using a pair of bronze Japanese melon hammers and is very brave.

When Yue Fei was conquering Yang Yao, his father was persuaded by Wang Zuo to surrender and wanted to surrender to Yue Fei, so he refused to accept the promise and fought with Yue Yun. They fought with Yue Yun for more than 80 years without deciding the outcome. In the end, Yue Yun's envoy used a shooting star to catch up with the moon and defeated him. Brother, as Yue Fei's internal correspondent.

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