The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 932: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

obey the orders of Emperor Zhou;

The princes guarded the territory for the Emperor of Zhou;

follower in battle;

pay tribute;

Obligation to perform Hajj duties.

At the same time, the princes re-divided the ministers and officials within their own territories. The officials then distributed the land and people to the scholars. Officials, officials and scholars also have to assume combat and other responsibilities to the higher level. In this way, the enfeoffment was carried out layer by layer, forming a strict hierarchy within the aristocratic ruling class of "the emperor - the princes - the ministers and officials - the scholars".

This is the enfeoffment system.

But as time went by, various drawbacks of the enfeoffment system began to appear.

The princes were stronger than the emperor, so the emperor became a decoration and a puppet, and his rights were emptied.

But even so, as the emperor, Emperor Zhou still had his own ministers and troops.

These ministers are all direct descendants of the Emperor Zhou, and the same is true for the army, which is the army that defends the royal city.

It is a pity that as time goes by, these armies are obviously inferior to the armies of other tyrannical vassal states.

You must know that these surviving vassal states are all people who survived the light of swords and shadows.

Its strength is much stronger than the Imperial Guards of Emperor Zhou.

Following the order of Emperor Zhou, all ministers began to go to Zhou Tian's womb.

When all the ministers heard the news about Emperor Zhou, they were stunned.

Including some generals.

Of course they knew about Fusu, who swept across the six countries and unified the world.

This time he led another hundred thousand troops.

Everyone was too scared to speak.


Emperor Zhou looked at the performance of the ministers and generals, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

Disappointed, really disappointed.

Emperor Zhou couldn't help but shook his head.

It seems that I have placed my hopes on the wrong thing.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, what use do you have?" Looking at the performance of the ministers, Emperor Zhou became angry.

He never thought that the king of subjugation would fall on him.

Emperor Zhou couldn't accept it for a while.

Chapter 1278: The troops are approaching the city, fighting for the heart and mind

Seeing Emperor Zhou roaring and roaring above, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him.

After Emperor Zhou vented his anger, he seemed tired and sat slumped on the dragon chair, his face full of decadence.

Everyone felt a little bitter and had no choice. Fusu led an army of 100,000 people, but their imperial guards only had 50,000 soldiers, and they were still scattered.

It was no match for Fusu's 100,000-strong army.

For them, wanting to defeat Fusu's 100,000-strong iron army is tantamount to reaching the sky.

You know your own situation.

Fighting with the Qin army, throwing eggs against rocks, there was no chance of victory, so everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Emperor Zhou.

Emperor Zhou looked at the trembling ministers below, who lowered their heads and said nothing. He waved his hands and had no choice but to retreat.

"Hey", looking at the people leaving, Zhou Tianzi suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

It was a kind of sadness that lived in the same era as Fusu.

Since Liang is born, why is Yu born?

In this world, any proud man of heaven will be overshadowed by the brilliance of Fusu.

It's not that they are too weak, but that Fusu is too strong.

"Ancestor, it's not that I am incompetent, but that my opponent is too strong." Emperor Zhou looked up to the sky and sighed.

He had ambitions in his heart, but unfortunately, when he was born, the pattern of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period had already been formed, and even though he was extremely heroic, he was incompetent.

Fusu led an army of 100,000 people and went straight to the capital of Emperor Zhou.

One hundred thousand cavalry, like wolves and tigers, all the monsters and monsters retreated.

The iron cavalry is everywhere, and no one dares to stand up to it.

A few days later, a hundred thousand troops arrived at Luoyi, the capital of Emperor Zhou!

The Zhou Dynasty was divided into two stages.

At the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the capital was set in Haojing. However, Haojing was located in a remote area, which was not conducive to the Zhou's control of the vast territorial areas in the east, north and south, and was not conducive to the suppression of new rebellions. Therefore, in order to consolidate and strengthen the control of the east, and control of the vast area in the south, Emperor Luoshui began to build a new capital, Luoyi.

And call it Chengzhou, and call Hao Zongzhou.

In the year of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King You of Zhou "played with the princes with beacon fire", causing the troops of Quanrong and Shenhou to attack Haojing. Haojing was severely damaged and could not be used as a capital.

Later, the princes drove away the Quan Rong, welcomed the crown prince Yibao to the throne, and moved the capital to Chengzhou, that is, Luoyi.

In order to distinguish it from the period of Zhou Dynasty history before the eastward move, based on the geographical location of the capital, the period of history when the capital was Haojing was called the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the period of Zhou Dynasty history after the capital was moved to the East Zhou Dynasty was called the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

There are many such situations in history.

For example, the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, and so on.

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