The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 933: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

One hundred thousand troops surrounded the entire Luoyi city.

It can be said that water is blocked.

Everything is surrounded.

At this moment, a hundred thousand troops made way.

A golden dragon appeared and headed towards the front.

Fusu walked out of the carriage, followed by two stunning beauties.

Fusu stood at the front of the carriage and looked at the city wall.

At this time, on the city wall, soldiers were standing ready, some holding spears, some holding bows and arrows, the gates were closed, the suspension bridge was raised, and the water in the moat was very deep.

It's full of fear.

At this time, everyone's faces showed solemn expressions.

They have always lived here and have never experienced war or war.

They were extremely nervous at this time.

"People on the wall, listen, I am Fusu. As long as you surrender, I can promise you that I will not harm you. Otherwise, I will make you pay a heavy price. Rivers of blood will flow and the capital will be forged." Fusu Using internal force to activate it directly shocked everyone's hearts.

"Kill...kill...kill..." Hundreds of thousands of troops roared together, the sound was overwhelming, and the powerful murderous intent seemed to have condensed into substance, rushing towards the face, making people feel terrified.

Everyone was scared, really scared.

These soldiers have never experienced such a scene.

When Emperor Zhou saw this, his expression was very ugly.

Be timid before fighting!

This is a taboo for military strategists.

Fusu looked at this and couldn't help but reveal a smile.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: Therefore, the first is to attack the enemy with the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, and the third is to attack the city.

That is to say, "attacking the city is the bottom priority, and attacking the heart is the top priority."

"I will give you three days to think about it. After three days, you will give me a decision, whether to surrender in Kaicheng or to resist stubbornly. You all know my reputation. You can keep your word and keep your promise. The decision of your life and death is in your hands. " Fusu decided to give Emperor Zhou and others three days to consider.

"Retreat the troops", Fusu waved his hand, and the 100,000 troops retreated.

Seeing that Fusu had really retreated, these soldiers couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"What should I do?" a soldier asked quietly to his comrades.

"I don't know anymore. I want to leave and leave this place of right and wrong." The face of the soldier next to him was full of fear.

"Me too", the soldier nodded!

Chapter 1279 Emperor Zhou’s abdication and Huang Xu’s improvement

Three days was like a year for these soldiers.

On the first day, it was easier for them to say.

The next day, some people couldn't stand the torture anymore, collapsed, and directly became deserters.

Fleeing in all directions.

Although Emperor Zhou issued strict military orders, deserters would be killed without mercy.

In order to restrain these soldiers, Emperor Zhou even punished a group of deserters and beheaded them on the spot.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and serve as a warning to others.

It's a pity that it didn't have much effect and there were still deserters.

Everyone is lucky.

As a deserter, there is still a chance of survival, but if you don't escape, you will fall into Fusu's hands and you will die.

With this sense of luck, many soldiers absconded.

On the third day, this oppressive atmosphere broke out, and more and more people became deserters.

There were even large-scale absconding.

Can't stop it.

When Emperor Zhou heard the reports from the people below, he waved his hands and said, "I know, you guys, go down." Emperor Zhou sat on the dragon chair, his face full of helplessness and decadence.

"Yes." When the minister saw this, he said nothing and turned to leave.

"Failed, completely defeated." Voices echoed in the hall.

After the third day, only ten of the Zhou royal family's troops were left.

Some were killed and some fled.

Of the 50,000 troops, less than 10,000 remained.

Fusu couldn't help but smile happily after receiving the report from the secret agent.

Fusu held Zi Nu's willow waist with his left hand and Fan Binbin with his right hand. Even in the military tent, he was still living at ease.

"Two beloved concubines, take a look." Fusu handed the message in his hand to Zi Nu beside him.

Zi Nu got up from Fusu's body, looked at it carefully, and then handed it to Fan Binbin.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the royal city of Luoyi will be destroyed without attack." Zi Nu said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, now the world is settled." Fusu nodded.

Now Fusu is looking forward to the Zen Ceremony a year from now.

He ascended the throne and became the first emperor.

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