The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 938: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

For a long time, Kyushu became the only country in the world that could smelt zinc on a large scale.

The method of refining brass using metallic zinc instead of zinc compounds recorded by Song Yingxing is the earliest record in human history of directly melting copper and zinc to obtain brass.

Song Yingxing paid attention to discovering the essence from general phenomena, and also made some achievements in natural science theory.

Reflected in biology, chemistry and physics respectively.

In "Tiangong Kaiwu", he recorded examples of farmers cultivating new varieties of rice and barley, studied the effects of soil, climate, and cultivation methods on changes in crop varieties. He also noted the variation caused by the hybridization of different varieties of silkworm moths, explaining that through Human efforts can change the variety characteristics of animals and plants, and we have reached the scientific insight that "soil veins vary over the ages, and species vary with water and soil." This has advanced the understanding of ecological variation by ancient Chinese scientists and provided the basis for artificial cultivation. A theoretical basis was proposed for the new varieties.

It is particularly worth pointing out that the species variations recorded by Song Yingxing seem to be caused by changes in the environment; some are caused by the hybridization of different varieties, which involves a deeper understanding of species variation.

In this sense, Song Yingxing is one of the pioneers of the theory of biological evolution.

Darwin, the famous biologist and the master of the evolutionary gun idea, took the relevant discussion in "Tiangong Kaiwu" as an important example for his demonstration of species variation and evolution.

In terms of physics, the newly discovered lost work "On Qi and Air Sound" is an outstanding chapter discussing acoustics. Song Yingxing studied the occurrence and propagation rules of sound through specific analysis of various sounds, and proposed the concept that sound is transmitted by air.

In terms of chemistry, Song Yingxing analyzed the chemical properties of various non-ferrous metals such as gold, silver, copper, tin, lead and zinc, compared their reactivity, and proposed methods to use the differences between them to separate or test related metals.

Chapter 1284 Song Yingxing buys books and Zhao Kingdom summons privileges

There are many interesting stories and anecdotes spread about Song Yingxing, the most famous one is "Song Yingxing buys books".

According to rumors, when Song Yingxing was fifteen years old, he heard that "Mengxi Bi Tan" by Shen Kuo of the Song Dynasty was a valuable scientific work, so he was eager to read it.

Whenever he saw relatives, friends or neighbors who were literate, he would eagerly ask if they had this book.

One day, he heard that Wenbaozhai Bookstore in the town had just purchased a batch of new books, so he hurried to buy books, but the bookshelves were filled with Four Books and Five Classics, but there was no "Mengxi Bi Tan".

When the shop owner saw the young man searching around the bookshelf, he secretly wondered: If he doesn't buy so many scriptures, what is he looking for?

The store owner came up to inquire and found out that he wanted to buy "Mengxi Bi Tan".

The shop owner told him that now people read the Four Books and Five Classics in order to gain fame, and no one bought the science books even if they were available.

Song Yingxing had no choice but to leave Wenbaozhai in frustration.

On the way back, Song Yingxing kept thinking about the book. Where to find it? Alas, it is so difficult to find a book! He sighed and shook his head helplessly. As he was walking, he was thinking. He heard an "ouch" sound and bumped into a pedestrian in front of him. Looking at the ground, he saw that a lot of rice had been spilled. At this time, Song Yingxing's thoughts returned from "Mengxi Bi Tan" to his present. He apologized repeatedly and hurriedly bent down to help the pedestrian pick up the rice.

As I was inspecting it, my eyes suddenly lit up. There was a line of "Mengxi Bi Tan" on the waste paper that was used to wrap rice!

This is really a place where you can't find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all to get there.

He hurriedly asked the man where he bought the rice noodles so that he could look for the book. Song Yingxing ran for several miles in one breath before catching up with the old man selling rice noodles out of breath and sweating profusely. He wanted to pay a high price for the waste paper the old man used to wrap the rice noodles.

Seeing that he loved books, the old man found an old book and gave it to him. It turned out to be a fragmentary copy of "Mengxi Bi Tan", with the second half missing.

The old man told him that he got this book from the store owner when he passed by Nancun Pulp Store early in the morning. Song Yingxing ran all the way to the pulp store again, but the second half of the book had been torn apart and soaked in the pool with other old books, and was about to be beaten into pulp.

Song Yingxing was so anxious that he rubbed his hands and walked around the pool. He looked at the book in the pool with heartache and almost burst into tears.

He took the shop owner's hand and said eagerly: "Please help me fish out the book "Mengxi Bi Tan" from the pool."

As he spoke, he took out all the money he had on him, placed it in front of his boss, and took off his clothes as payment.

The boss said in confusion: "My child, this pool of useless books is not worth the money!"

Song Yingxing told his boss how he found this book.

The boss was deeply moved by this spirit of learning, and hurriedly asked the craftsman to go into the pool to find the half of the book from the scattered pile of wet paper.

Song Yingxing returned home holding the wet book, carefully separated the pages, dried them, and bound them.

He finally got the book he had dreamed of.

Fusu looked at Song Yingxing's summoning card, crushed it directly, and then summoned Song Yingxing.

"It seems that the strength of Tiangong Pavilion is about to increase again." Fusu smiled lightly and looked at the blue arch in front of him.

As the cyan arch appeared, a figure walked out of the light curtain.

Wearing green clothes, a double-brimmed hat on his head, and his hands behind his back, he gave people a "careless" and leisurely feeling.

Song Yingxing has two mustaches at the corners of his mouth, which adds a sense of experience to Song Yingxing!

After Song Yingxing came out, he looked at Fusu in front of him and walked up to Fusu.

"Song Yingxing pays homage to the young master," Song Yingxing saluted Fusu.

"Senior Song, please get up." Fusu stepped forward and helped Song Yingxing up.

"Thank you, Mr. Song." Song Yingxing stood up and looked at Song Yingxing in front of him with a smile.

At this time, Song Yingxing's figure slowly faded and gradually disappeared into the summoning space.

Fusu waved his hand and brought Song Yingxing into the Tiangong Pavilion.

The identity Fusu assigned to Song Yingxing, the master of the "Mechanical Hall" of Tiangong Pavilion, was Bi Sheng's junior brother.

"System, list all the permissions that I can summon. I want to summon them all." The next time is the time to recuperate.

No war broke out, and there was no need for reservations.

Fusu will keep at most two combination rewards as backup.

"Ding", with the sound of "ding", the summoning authority appeared directly in front of Fusu's summoning list one by one.

The first hidden mission was to conquer Zhao's first city, and Fusu received a character summoning card.

The second hidden mission, The Destruction of the State of Zhao, obtained a designated character summon and a designated mount summon card.

The four major combination summons, the first is the conditions of the three major naves of the Qing Dynasty, the second is the summoning reward of the four major beauties, and the third is the reward of the four major beauties of the Spring and Autumn Period (Xi Shi, Xia Ji, Madam Xi, Qi Wenjiang).

The fourth combination of the Five Tiger Generals of Shu.

Fusu looked at this and immediately used his summoning privilege.

"Use the Zhao Kingdom summoning privilege," Fusu ordered to the system!

Chapter 1285 Science Saint——Zhang Heng Seismograph Armillary Sphere

Following Fusu's order, the system changed again.

"Use the character summoning privilege," Fusu said to the system space.

"Ding", following Fusu's words, summoning cards appeared in front of Fusu one after another.

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