The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 939: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Fusu stepped forward and took one out.

"This..." Fusu looked at the summoned figure in his hand and couldn't help but shook his head.

He actually summoned Zhang Heng from later generations.

A bit unsatisfactory.

Zhang Heng may not know much, or he may not be able to remember Zhang Heng, but when it comes to his inventions, absolutely everyone knows about him.

The seismometer passed down to this day in Kyushu is Zhang Heng’s masterpiece.

Zhang Heng, courtesy name Pingzi, was born in Xi'e, Nanyang. He was one of the Five Sages of Nanyang. Together with Sima Xiangru, Yang Xiong and Ban Gu, he was also known as the four great masters of Han Fu.

Jiuzhou was a great astronomer, mathematician, inventor, geographer, and writer during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He successively held the positions of doctor, Taishi Ling, Shizhong, and Hejian Prime Minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In his later years, he entered the court and served as minister due to illness. He died in the fourth year of Yonghe at the age of sixty-two. In the Northern Song Dynasty, he was posthumously named Xi Hubei.

Zhang Heng's astronomical works include "Lingxian" and "Illustrated Notes on the Armillary Sphere", etc. His mathematical works include "Suan Wang Lun", and his literary works are represented by "Er Jing Fu" and "Guitian Fu".

"Sui Shu·Jing Ji Zhi" contains "Zhang Heng Collection" in fourteen volumes, which has been lost for a long time.

Zhang Pu of Ming Dynasty compiled "Zhang Hejian Collection", which was included in "Collection of One Hundred and Three Masters of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties".

Zhang Heng made outstanding contributions to the development of Kyushu astronomy, mechanical technology, and seismology. He invented the armillary sphere and the seismograph. He was one of the representatives of the armillary theory in the mid-Eastern Han Dynasty.

He was hailed as the "Sage of Wood" and "Sage of Science" by later generations. Due to his outstanding contributions, the United Nations Astronomical Organization named a crater on the back of the moon "Zhang Heng Crater", and the 1802 asteroid in the solar system was named "Zhang Heng Star" .

In order to commemorate Zhang Heng, later generations built the Zhang Heng Museum in Nanyang.

Zhang Heng has achieved achievements in many aspects.

Among the greatest achievements were the invention of the armillary sphere and the seismograph.

In 132 AD, Zhang Heng invented the earliest seismograph, called the Houfeng seismograph, during his tenure as Taishi Ling.

According to the "Book of the Later Han·Zhang Heng Biography": The seismometer is made of fine copper, with a diameter of eight feet, a protruding top cover, shaped like a wine bottle, and decorated with images of turtles, birds and beasts in seal script. There is a big pillar in the middle, with eight paths running beside it, which is used to shut down the engine. It has eight directions, and in each direction there is a dragon with a copper bead in its mouth. Under each dragon there is a toad corresponding to it. If an earthquake occurs in any direction, the copper beads contained in the dragon's mouth in that direction will fall into the toad's mouth, and the direction of the earthquake can be determined from this.

After testing, it was in accordance with the established system, and it was as good as God. This has never happened since there were records in books.

Once upon a time, when a dragon's message came out, the earth did not move, and the scholars in Luoyang blamed it for not believing it. A few days later, the messenger came, and sure enough, an earthquake occurred in Longxi, and everyone was convinced of its miracle.

From then on, the imperial court ordered historians to record the places where earthquakes occurred.

Earthquakes are frequent in the world, but it was only after the 19th century that instruments could be used to observe earthquakes abroad.

Houfeng seismograph is the ancestor of seismographs in the world. Although its function is still limited to measuring the approximate location of the epicenter, it surpasses the development of world science and technology by about 1,800 years.

As for the armillary sphere, based on the armillary sphere invented by Geng Shouchang of the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng created an "armillary sphere" that was much more accurate and comprehensive than before - the leaky armillary sphere based on his own armillary theory.

The leaking water-turned-armillary sphere is a water-transported muddy phenomenon.

Use a copper ball with a diameter of more than four feet. The ball is engraved with the twenty-eight constellations, Chinese and foreign star officials, the ecliptic equator, the north and south poles, the twenty-four solar terms, the permanent display circle, the permanent hidden circle, etc., to form a complete image, and then use a set of rotating machinery , combining the Hunyianxiang and the Clepsydra.

The clepsydra water is used to control the muddy image so that it rotates synchronously with the celestial sphere to show the diurnal movements of the starry sky, such as the emergence and emergence of stars and the midheaven.

It also has an affiliated mechanism, the Rui Lun Ming Cai, which is a mechanical calendar connected by a transmission device and the Universal Image. From the beginning of each month, one leaf grows every day; after half a month, one leaf falls every day. The two-stage clepsydra it uses is the earliest known record of a two-stage clepsydra.

Zhang Heng wrote an article after he created the armillary sphere. Unfortunately, the full text of this article has been lost.

Later, Zhang Heng reproduced the compass of the Yellow Emperor's period.

The compass car manufactured by Zhang Heng utilizes mechanical principles and the transmission function of gears, and consists of a two-wheeled single-column car. A gear system with automatic clutch is used in the carriage, and a wood-carved immortal is placed on the upper layer of the carriage shell. No matter which direction the car turns, the outstretched arm of the wooden figure points to the south.

Very advanced.

In addition to technological inventions, Zhang Heng also made improvements in the calendar.

Zhang Heng published a masterpiece on astronomy - "Lingxian", which comprehensively reflects Zhang Heng's achievements and development in astronomy.

The original text was quoted by Liu Zhao's annotation in "Book of the Later Han·Tianwen Zhi" and passed down to the world.

Chapter 1286 The powerful Zhang Heng, the four divine beasts of the Mohist family

The main points of astronomy introduced in "Book of the Later Han·Tianwen Zhi" are as follows:

Zhang Heng believes that the universe is infinite and the movements of celestial bodies are regular; moonlight is the reflection of sunlight, lunar eclipses are caused by the earth covering the sun, and the moon orbits the earth and rises and falls.

He recognized certain laws of the sun's movement and correctly explained the causes of long nights in winter, short nights in summer, and the causes of day and night at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.

He pointed out that there were 2,500 stars that could be seen in the Central Plains, which was slightly closer to what people know today.

After observing the movement of certain celestial bodies, he came to the conclusion that the length of a day is 365 degrees and one quarter, which is consistent with the measured value of the earth's orbit around the sun in modern times: 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 46 seconds. Almost the same.

Zhang Heng mastered superb mechanical skills. It is said that he also made two magical artifacts at that time.

One is a machine with three wheels that can rotate; the other is a wooden sculpture that can fly in the sky.

Regarding wood carvings, "Mozi Lu Wen" has a record: "Gong Shuzi whittled bamboo wood to make a magpie. Once it was completed, it flew away and did not fall for three days."

"Liezi Tang Wen" and "Han Feizi Wai Chu Shuo" both record that Mozi himself also made a wooden kite that could fly.

These wood magpies or wood kites are a bird-like kite.

Because at that time it was impossible to have a power machine that could run continuously for one or even three days.

The Northern Song Dynasty's book "Taiping Yulan·Jiu Min Jiu" quoted a paragraph from "The Biography of Scholars" and said: "Zhang Heng tried to make a wooden bird, using feathers as a feather, and using a machine in his belly, it could fly several miles."

There have been different opinions since ancient times regarding machines with three wheels that can rotate on their own.

Wang Yinglin, a scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty, believes that it is a kind of drum car. This kind of car uses a set of gear trains to transmit the movement of the axle when the cart rotates to the arm of a wooden man, so that it beats the drum when it passes one mile.

In short, Zhang Heng is very clever in mechanical technology. 《

"Taiping Yulan·Ministry of Crafts and Crafts No. 9" quotes Ge Hong of the Jin Dynasty from "Baopuzi": "The Wood Sages: Zhang Heng and Ma Jun are also."

Gao Sisun's "Wei Lue" also said that "Zhang Heng and Ma Jun were called 'Mu Sheng'."

In addition, Zhang Heng is also very good at painting.

"Records of Famous Paintings of the Past" records a legend about Zhang Heng using his "toes to draw monsters": Zhang Heng heard that there was a monster with a body of a pig and a head of a human in the water in Pucheng, Jianzhou, so he went to paint it. But this monster is afraid of people drawing it, so it doesn't come out. Zhang Heng then threw away the pen and paper, and the monster came out. He quietly drew the monster's movements with his toes. Although it is a legend that he can sketch with his toes, it also shows that Zhang Heng's painting reputation at that time was not low.

Therefore, the historical evaluation of Zhang Heng is quite high.

Cui Yuan commented on Zhang Heng and said: The art of numerology is the limit of the world and the creation of fortune.

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