The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 940: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Yu Wei Zhangjun has great qualifications, great virtues, great talents, and outstanding talents. If you don't learn something, why don't you learn it as a teacher? Yingke will pass away, and the chapter will be completed. If you don't know something, you will be ashamed of it. If you hear a kind word, you will be overjoyed. Including categories, the gift is invisible, the discretion is inexhaustible, and it rushes and replenishes. Linlin and his concubines, and his descendants and their concubines. They are destined to be born in the future, and Shaosheng will be their teacher. If you are beautiful, you will be honest, and your virtue will be respectful; if you are gentle and beautiful, you will be filial to your friends and show your appearance. It is allowed to come out here, and Emperor Wei wants to do his best, harmonize the talented women, and harmonize the people. If you don't feel sorry for the sky, you will be blamed for this, and the wise man will wither, and you will not be threatened from time to time. Ji Yu Mingle will be praised forever, immortal in death, and full of fragrance.

Fusu's eyes widened after seeing Zhang Heng's information.

MD, this guy looks awesome.

He was actually canonized as a "saint"!

Fusu was suddenly a little surprised.

Then, Fusu crushed the summoning card in his hand.

Then summon Zhang Heng.

Following Fusu's movements, a cyan light curtain appeared in front of Fusu, and as time passed, a figure walked out of it.

It was Zhang Heng in the summoning card.

Zhang Heng was seen wearing coarse cloth, a hat on his head, and black boots.

"Zhang Heng pays homage to the eldest son," Zhang Heng said after walking out of the light curtain, looking at Fusu in front of him.

"Mr. Zhang, please get up quickly." Fusu stepped forward and helped Zhang Heng up.

"Thank you, eldest son." Zhang Heng stood up and looked at Fusu in front of him.

Fusu looked at Zhang Heng and couldn't help but feel happy.

With Zhang Heng, the Mohist mythical beast Suzaku will not be a problem.

Of course, there is also the most mysterious one - Qinglong.

Until now, Fusu still knows little about "Canglong Qisu".

He even doesn’t understand Qinglong.

Fusu only knew that the Mo family had four major organs and mythical beasts.

They are Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

The number of blue dragons is unknown, but it is guessed to be one.

There are several white tigers, including the No. 0 white tiger of Mozi, the founder of the Mohist family, and there are other white tigers.

There is not only one Suzaku, in addition to the messenger Suzaku, there is also the Great Suzaku.

The number of Xuanwu beasts is unknown.

According to speculation there is only one.

But with "Science Saint" Zhang Heng and "Mechanical Master" Ma Jun from the Three Kingdoms period!

Fusu believed that he would definitely surpass the Mohist family in terms of his achievements in mechanical beasts.

What's more, around Fusu, there is also the Gongshu family who are extremely good at domineering mechanisms.

The strength of the three families and one will definitely crush the Mohist family!

Chapter 1287 Half of the Analects governs the world - Zhao Pu

Fusu waved his hand and brought Zhang Heng out.

The place where Zhang Heng was born was still Tiangong Pavilion, and this time, Fusu also gave birth to Zhang Heng as Ma Jun's master.

At this time, Ma Jun had already gained a great reputation in Tiangong Pavilion.

As Ma Jun's master, someone stronger than Ma Jun will undoubtedly make people more convinced and respected.

So Fusu made Zhang Heng Ma Jun's master.

"System, I want to use the designated character summoning privilege," Fusu ordered again to the system.

"I want to summon Zhao Pu, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty," Fusu said loudly to the system.

Many people are not very familiar with Zhao Pu. Zhao Pu is the great man who said "half of the Analects rules the world"!

Zhao Pu, courtesy name Zeping, was born in Ji, Youzhou. He later moved to Luoyang. He was a famous politician from the Five Dynasties to the early Northern Song Dynasty and a founding hero of the Northern Song Dynasty.

In his early years, he was hired by Liu Ci and later served as Zhao Kuangyin's secretary-general.

In the seventh year of Xian De's reign, he and Zhao Kuangyin launched the Chenqiao Mutiny, overthrew the Later Zhou Dynasty and established the Song Dynasty.

In the second year of Qiande, he paid homage to the prime minister and assisted Taizu in planning to seize vassal towns, remove the military power of senior generals, implement more garrison laws, reform the official system, and formulate many major measures such as border defense and Liao Dynasty.

In the third year of Chunhua, Zhao Pu died of illness at the age of seventy-one. He was posthumously named King Zhending and given the posthumous title of "Zhongxian". Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty personally wrote an eight-point Shinto stele to bestow it on him.

In the first year of Xianping, he was granted the title of King of Han. The next year, it was served to Taizu's temple. He is one of the twenty-four heroes of Zhaoxun Pavilion.

Although Zhao Pu did not read much, he loved "The Analects of Confucius".

His theory of "ruling the world with half of the Analects of Confucius" had a great influence on later generations and became a famous saying about governing the country with Confucianism. "

Zhao Pu was born as a minor official, and his knowledge was much worse than that of ordinary civil servants.

After he became prime minister, Song Taizu persuaded him to read some books.

Every time Zhao Pu goes home, he closes the door, takes a book from the bookcase, and reads it carefully. When I go to court the next day to handle political affairs, I am always very quick.

Later, his family discovered that what was hidden in his book box was just a copy of "The Analects of Confucius".

So people spread a saying that Zhao Pu ruled the world by "half of the Analects of Confucius".

After the death of Song Taizu, his younger brother Zhao Kuangyi succeeded to the throne and was known as Song Taizong in history. Zhao Pu still serves as prime minister.

Once Song Taizong and Zhao Pu were chatting, Song Taizong asked casually: "Some people say that you only read one copy of "The Analects of Confucius". Is this true?"

Zhao Pu replied honestly: "What I know does not exceed the book "The Analects of Confucius". In the past, I used half of the "Analects of Confucius" to assist Taizu to pacify the world. Now I use half of the "Analects of Confucius" to assist your majesty, and the world is under control. Peace.”

Later, Zhao Pu died of old age and frailty. His family opened his book box and found that there was only one copy of "The Analects of Confucius" in it.

That’s why there is a saying that “half of the Analects rules the world”

Zhao Pu was an extremely famous prime minister in the Song Dynasty. Zhao Pu's shadow can be seen in "A Cup of Wine Releases Military Power".

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