The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 941: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Zhao Pu was highly regarded by Zhao Kuangyin.

At the beginning, when Song Taizu was in a humble position, Zhao Pu made friends with him. After he conquered the world, Zhao Pu repeatedly talked about some shortcomings in their relationship when they were humble. Taizu was an open-minded person and said to Zhao Pu: "If the emperor and prime minister can be identified in the dust, then everyone can go and ask for them." From then on, Zhao Pu stopped talking about it.

Zhao Pu was the founding hero of the Song Dynasty, and his achievements can be compared with Zhang Liang and Xiao He of the Han Dynasty.

It is said that one time, Song Taizu asked Zhao Pu: "What is the biggest thing in the world?" Zhao Pu did not answer immediately, his mind was thinking quickly.

Of course it couldn't be something tangible, he thought. So, which one should be the greatest, the parents, or the emperor, who has the greatest imperial power? Before Zhao Pu could think of an answer, Song Taizu asked again: "What is bigger than other objects in the world?"

Zhao Pu thought for a while and replied: "The truth is the greatest in the world." Song Taizu immediately clapped his hands and praised: "Yes, yes, everyone must abide by the truth. Even I, as the emperor, must obey the truth. You answered it well." Fantastic."

Zhu Yuanzhang once said that if the generals are sincere and virtuous, so that the generals do not surrender their military power early, then the world of the Song Dynasty may not be like the Five Dynasties. It is said in history that there are many taboos. This is just a matter of benefiting the country and benefiting the people. How can we taboo a few!

He praised Zhao Pu very much.

Fusu was also very aware of Zhao Pu's affairs, so he thought of summoning Zhao Pu.

Although Zhao Pu is not as famous as Fang Mou Duduan, nor as awesome as Di Renjie or Zhang Juzheng, it is certain that Zhao Pu's strength is absolutely extraordinary.

Following Fusu's summons, Zhao Pu appeared in the summoning space.

Although Zhao Pu is the prime minister and has a high position of power, below one person and above ten thousand people, Zhao Pu's status is not as high as that of Song Yingxing and Zhang Heng.

At least in space evaluation, Zhao Pu's status is not as high as Zhang Heng's.

When Zhang Heng came out, the green light flickered like a dense cloud of green energy, and when Zhao Pu came out, a beam of light descended, forming a brilliant light.

Its momentum is not at the same level as when Zhang Heng came out.

With the appearance of Zhao Pu, an old man appeared in the summoning space.

This old man's hair is white, his beard is also full of white, and his face is full of wrinkles, making him look slightly older.

It was Zhao Pu.

Chapter 1288: Claw Yellow Flying Lightning Prime Minister——Yao Chong

Fusu looked at Zhao Pu in front of him, then said a few words and gave birth to Zhao Pu.

The identity Fusu arranged for Zhao Pu was Zhao Feiyan's grandfather.

He is also a famous figure.

After giving birth to Zhao Pu, Fusu once again used the "Specified Mount Summoning Privilege".

"System, I want to summon the divine horse - Claw Huang Feidian."

It's not that Fusu doesn't want to summon a more powerful horse, but that Fusu doesn't know much about the names of horses.

Fusu wanted to specify the summons, but he could only summon the summons of well-known people.

So Fusu could only choose from the horses he knew.

And Claw Huang Feidian is undoubtedly one of them.

Huang Feidian, Cao Cao's favorite horse, is tall and mighty, has a solemn body, has a unique name, and is majestic. Only a hero like Cao Cao can be worthy of this horse.

Precisely because of the noble and extraordinary temperament of this horse, Cao Cao would ride it every time he returned to court in triumph to show its unique momentum. This famous horse with "yellow claws and flying lightning" is undoubtedly a symbol of a generation like Cao Cao. The hero adds a lot of color.

Zhuhuang Feidian and Jueying are both Cao Cao's favorite horses, but there are fewer historical facts and romantic records than the latter.

It can only be seen in the 20th chapter of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" "Cao A concealed Xu Tian's siege, and Dong Guojiu's cabinet received an edict": "Cao Cao rode a yellow flying electric horse, attracting a hundred thousand people, and hunted with the emperor in Xu Tian. The sergeants lined up the paddock. , the circumference is more than two hundred miles. Cao and the emperor rode together, fighting for one horse's head. Behind them were all Cao's trusted generals. Hundreds of civil and military officials, attendants from afar, no one dared to approach. That day Emperor Xian galloped to Xutian, Liu Xuande lives near the road.

The emperor said, "I want to see your uncle shoot hunting now." Xuande received the order and mounted his horse, when suddenly a rabbit caught up in the grass. Xuande shot it and hit the rabbit with one arrow. The emperor cheered. Turning around the slope, I suddenly saw a big deer driving out of the thorns. The emperor shot three arrows in a row and missed, and Gu said to Cao Cao, "Shoot it, please." Cao asked the emperor for a carved bow and a golden arrow, and shot a full shot, which hit the deer's back and fell to the grass.

When all the ministers and generals saw the golden arrow, they only knew that the emperor had hit it, and they all enthusiastically shouted "Long live" to the emperor.

Cao Cao rode his horse straight out and sheltered himself in front of the emperor to welcome him. Everyone was eclipsed. "

The claws are yellow and the body is white, with four yellow hooves. It has a noble and extraordinary temperament and is arrogant.

Just hearing a name like "Zhaohuang Feidian" makes it look majestic and unique.

Precisely because of this horse's extraordinary temperament, Cao Cao would generally not ride it in battle, but would ride it when returning to court in triumph to show its unique momentum.

Therefore, more often than not, the claw yellow flying lightning gives people the feeling of a vase.

Following Fusu's voice, a summoning card appeared in Fusu's hand.

Fusu stretched out his hand and took the summoning card into his hand.

Then, Fusu crushed the summoning card and summoned Claw Huang Feidian.

Just like what was recorded in the book, I saw this yellow claw with lightning white body and four yellow hooves. It has an extraordinary noble temperament and arrogance.

Extremely beautiful.

Fusu then transferred Claw Huang Feidian to the "Tianma Stable".

Zhao Guo's summoning privileges had all been used up, and Fusu had to turn his attention to the combination rewards.

The first is the reward for the three great naves of the Qing Dynasty, the second is the reward for summoning the four great beauties, the third is the reward for the four great beauties of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the fourth is the reward for the combination of the five tiger generals of Shu.

"System, I want to use the three main hall conditions to summon a wise prime minister of the Tang Dynasty - Yao Chong." Fusu didn't know if it was possible, but he could only give it a try.

To Fusu's surprise, following Fusu's order, a summoning card appeared in front of Fusu.

It was Yao Chong's summoning card.

Yao Chong may be unfamiliar to many people, but this man assisted Tang Xuanzong in creating the "Kaiyuan Prosperous Age".

Moreover, Yao Chong's name is still circulated in history textbooks and is very resounding.

Yao Chong, whose real name is Yuan Chong and whose courtesy name is Yuanzhi, was born in Xiashi, Shaanzhou. He was a famous politician in the Tang Dynasty and the son of Yao Yi, the governor of Yizhou.

Yao Chong was both civilized and military, and served as an official in Zetian, Zhongzong, and Ruizhong dynasties. He was twice appointed prime minister and concurrently served as minister of the Ministry of War.

He once participated in the Shenlong Coup, but was later demoted as governor because he refused to rely on Princess Taiping.

After Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty came to power, Yao Chong was appointed Minister of War and Tongping Zhangshi. He went to worship Zhongshu Ling and was granted the title of Duke of Liang.

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