The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 942: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

He put forward ten things to say, implemented the New Deal, and assisted Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty to create a prosperous Kaiyuan era. He was known as the "prime minister who saved the time."

Yao Chong was in power for three years, and together with Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Song Jing, he was known as the four most sage prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty.

In the ninth year of Kaiyuan, Yao Chong passed away and was posthumously presented with the title of Governor of Yangzhou and posthumous documents.

When he was young, Yao Chong was free and easy, focused on integrity, practiced martial arts diligently, and entertained himself with hunting. After he was 20 years old, he studied hard and entered the official career as a filial groom. Lei moved to Xia Guanlang.

Wu Zetian once discussed with her courtiers the fact that Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen presided over the prison, and there were many cases of rebellion among the courtiers, and she wondered whether there were unjust imprisonments among them.

Yao Chong further said: "Most of the people who have been executed for treason since Chui Gong were committed by Zhou Xing and others in order to seek credit for themselves. Your Majesty sent close ministers to inquire. These ministers can't save themselves. How can they save themselves?" Dare to shake their conclusion! If the person being questioned retracts his confession and is afraid of being tortured, it is better to die early than to do that. Now that the cruel officials are being punished, I guarantee your majesty with the lives of my whole family that no ministers inside or outside the imperial court will rebel again in the future. Man. If there is even the slightest hint of treason, I am willing to bear the guilt of knowing it but not telling it."

Wu Zetian said happily: "The previous prime ministers obeyed Zhou Xing and others, allowing the cruel officials to succeed, and made me a monarch who abused punishment. What you said is very suitable to my heart."

So Yao Chong was rewarded with one thousand taels of silver.

Chapter 1289: Saving Prime Minister Yao Chong and Song Jing

As for why Yao Chong is called the "Prime Minister of Time Saving", there is also a story in it.

Yao Chong once asked Ziweishen Qi Huan: "As prime minister, who can I compare with? Can I compare with Guan Zhong and Yan Ying?"

Qi Huan said: "Although the policies implemented by Guan Zhong and Yan Ying cannot be passed down to future generations, they can be maintained during their reign. The laws you enacted are subject to change at any time. From this point of view, you seem to be inferior to them."

Yao Chong asked again: "Then what kind of prime minister am I?"

Qi Huan said: "You are a time saver."

Qi Huan said that Yao Chong was just the prime minister who saved the current situation.

Yao Chong was overjoyed, clapped his legs and said: "It is not easy to get the chance to save someone."

Sima Guang once said: The officials of the Yuan Dynasty were very smart in their affairs. Three of them were prime ministers, all of whom were also ministers of the Ministry of War.

When he came to the throne at the beginning of the Shang Dynasty, he worked hard to govern and visited Yuanzhi in every matter. Yuan Zhi responded like a bell, and his colleagues were all just promising, so he was appointed by the superior.

Yao and Song became prime ministers one after another, advocating good things and adapting to the situation, and Jing was good at observing the law and upholding justice. They had different ambitions, but they worked together to make taxes and servitudes lenient, punishments simple, and the people wealthy. The Xian Prime Ministers of the Tang Dynasty were formerly known as Fang and Du, and later as Yao and Song. No one else could compare with them.

Since he came to the throne, the prime ministers he has used are: Yao Chongtong, Song Jing, Fa, Zhang Jiazhen, officials, Zhang Shuo, Wen, Li Yuanhong and Du Xian, Jian, Han Xiu and Zhang Jiuling, each with their own strengths.

Fusu wanted to summon all Yao Chong and Song Jing.

The next few years were the years of ruling the world. For Fusu, civil servants were more important than powerful generals.

To conquer the world, Fusu needs some strong generals to expand its territory.

To govern the world, Fusu needs some civil servants to make the country rich and the people strong.

Following Fusu's order, a summoning card appeared in front of Fusu.

Fusu crushed it directly and then summoned Yao Chong.

Then, Fusu used the "Four Beauties of Spring and Autumn" combination to summon Song Jing again.

Song Jing was from the same period as Yao Chong, and later generations prefer to put the two of them together.

It is called Yao Chong and Song Jing.

Song Jing was the seventh grandson of Song Bian, the official secretary of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and he was also from a famous family.

Song Jing can be said to be erudite and good at literature. He was a Jinshi in the weak crown and served successively as Shangdang Lieutenant, Fengge Sheren, Yushi Taichung Cheng, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. In the 17th year of Kaiyuan, he paid homage to Shangshu You, Prime Minister, and was granted the title of Kaifu Yitong Sansi, and was promoted to the title of Guangping County Duke.

He died in Luoyang in the twenty-fifth year of Kaiyuan. He was given a posthumous title as Taiwei, with the posthumous title "Wenzhen".

Song Jing served as an official in the five dynasties of Empress Wu, Tang Zhongzong, Tang Ruizong, Emperor Shang, and Tang Xuanzong. He worked hard to revitalize the Tang Dynasty throughout his life. He worked with Yao Chong to assist Tang Xuanzong to create the prosperous Kaiyuan era.

Together with Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Yao Chong, he was known as the four most sage prime ministers in the Tang Dynasty.

Song Jing, like Yao Chong, was a famous political official in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

During the three hundred years of the Tang Dynasty, it was known as "previously called Fang and Du, later called Yao and Song". Historical records have always mentioned Yao and Song Dynasties together, and there are praises of "Zhongshan was good at adapting to changes in order to achieve things, and Jing was good at keeping the text to uphold integrity".

Xuanzong, Song Jing and other important officials continued to maintain a stable relationship, which not only further improved the status of poor scholars, but also made the entire society show a positive, optimistic, vigorous and enterprising humanistic atmosphere.

The government and the public praised Song Jing as a "footed Yangchun".

The meaning is that Song Jing is like a wisp of spring breeze. Everywhere he walks, things are like the warmth of the spring breeze. He feels warmer. He does not strive for fame or gain for himself. He is strict with himself and treats others with leniency, which all reflect his noble character of loving the people and caring for others.

Unlike Yao Chong, Song Jing also has many legendary stories.

In the second year of Shenlong, General Wei Yue, a native of Jingzhao, wrote to Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, accusing Wu Sansi of "sneaking into the palace, which will lead to rebellion." After Wu Sansi heard about it, he secretly sent his subordinates to frame General Wei Yue for his treason.

Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty believed the slander and ordered General Wei Yue to be executed. Song Jing believed that the facts of the case were untrue and requested verification. Zhongzong was furious and said: "I have decided to behead him, what else do you have to say?"

Song Jing said: "People accused Queen Wei of having an affair with Sansi. Your Majesty asked and beheaded him without asking any questions. I am afraid that the world will discuss it, so please investigate and punish him." Zhongzong became even more angry. Song Jing showed no fear on his face and said: "Your Majesty, please behead your minister first, otherwise you will not be able to obey the imperial edict.

Zhongzong had no choice but to avoid the death penalty of General Wei Yue and send him to Lingnan. They were not executed until after the autumnal equinox.

"The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao" says: "Song Jing was the prime minister, and the people in the court were so happy that they felt beautiful. In the spring of the imperial banquet, the emperor ordered his ministers to give Jing the gold chopsticks he used."

At that time, gold tableware and utensils were monopolized by the imperial palace. During the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was stipulated that everyone from the princes to the common people were not allowed to keep "skilled gold and silver craftsmen" privately. It was illegal to make gold utensils privately.

So when Song Jing heard that the emperor had given him a golden chopstick, the prime minister was very frightened and froze in front of his Majesty at a loss.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty said: "I am not giving you gold, but I am giving you chopsticks to show your uprightness." When Song Jing knew that he was commending him for being as upright and upright as chopsticks, he was flattered and accepted the gold chopsticks.

However, this "law-abiding and upright" veteran minister did not dare to eat with gold chopsticks. He only offered the gold chopsticks to the prime minister's house.

Chapter 1290 The purpose of "Dragon Boat Festival" Wang Zhaojun appears

According to rumors, Song Jing also changed the name of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Everyone knows that the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional folk festival in Kyushu, but few people know the meaning of "Dragon Boat Festival".

Duan and Chu are synonymous. "Feng Tu Ji" written in the Jin Dynasty said: "Duanwu in midsummer. Duan means Chu."

Because the fifth day is connected with the noon month, according to the order of the earthly branches, the fifth month is the noon month, so the fifth day of the lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival.

During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, because his birthday was on the fifth day of August, Prime Minister Song Jing suggested that the name should be avoided, so he changed "Duanwu" to "Duanwu". From then on, "Duanwu" was changed to "Dragon Boat Festival".

It's a pity that I was registered first by TM's little stick.

The Dragon Boat Festival became theirs.

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