The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 948: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

In front of the altar table in Fusu's aisle, Su Xun shouted loudly.

"Send incense and worship God!"

Su Xun shouted loudly.

At this time, the little eunuch on the side came up, lit the incense, and then handed it to Fusu very respectfully.

On the top of the tribute platform is a medium-sized incense burner. The incense burner is in full bloom and contains incense ashes.

Fusu stood on the altar, put the incense into the incense burner, and then bowed very respectfully.

At this time, something amazing happened.

I saw that the originally clear sky suddenly changed.

Red fire clouds filled the void, glowing red, and then, five colors of glow bloomed in the void.

Everyone was stunned by such a celestial phenomenon.

They never expected that they would encounter such a scene, which was really terrifying.

Fusu's face was also full of surprise, he didn't know why this happened.

"Roar", at this moment, people seemed to hear the faint roar of a dragon.

That sound really shook the world.

Among the clouds, a black dragon seemed to be seen tumbling.

Shaking his body, he kept moving through the clouds.

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change, especially those who came to watch the ceremony.

They all knelt down and shouted, "Long live my king!"

At this time, everyone was united and full of a sense of belonging and awe for Fusu.

The Mo family, the farm family, and some people had to kneel on the ground when they saw this.

Pay homage to Fusu.

At this time, Fusu was destined to die.

Fusu couldn't help but raise his head proudly when he heard the exclamations below.

He was even more proud in his heart.

"Everyone is level," Fusu waved his hand, full of zodiac energy.

At this moment, Fusu's "Emperor and Dragon Code of the Zodiac", which he had not broken through for a long time, started running like crazy.

He actually broke through again.

"Bang", a golden halo enveloped Fusu's body, making Fusu look like a celestial being.

Fusu actually entered the human soul stage among the three souls.

It can be said that from now on, Fusu has broken through the "Twelve Realms of the Zodiac" stage.

It has broken away from the human category and become a human being.

Fusu's combat effectiveness, lifespan, and everything else have all been greatly improved.

Fusu's body was shrouded in golden light.

Just like a son of God, every word and action is full of great intimidation.

Everyone was stunned and lowered their heads, not daring to look at Fusu.

Xiaoyaozi, Chisongzi and others looked at the current Fusu and couldn't help but take a breath.

The Qi of the Imperial Dao turned out to be the Qi of the Imperial Dao. No one could have imagined that the Qi of the Zodiac would appear in Fusu's body.

Is it really destiny?

Especially Xiaoyaozi, looking at Fusu on the altar and the vision in the sky, he couldn't help but think of what happened more than ten years ago.

That day, he was practicing swordsmanship in the Taoist Human Sect. At this moment, a big change suddenly occurred in the sky.

A cloud dragon appeared in the sky and kept tumbling. Then something dropped from the cloud dragon. Soon after, the cloud dragon disappeared.

Xiaoyaozi knew at that time that with the arrival of the dragon, he would definitely be the destined person in the future.

Considering Fusu's age, Xiaoyaozi is now certain that the other party must be Fusu.

"Hey", Xiaoyaozi couldn't help but sigh silently.

Chisongzi of Tianzong didn't have much reaction. For him, Tianzong was aloof from the world, and they didn't care so much about the emperor on earth.

As long as it doesn't harm Tianzong's interests.

Fusu looked at the people below with a smile on his face.

The people from the Nong family and the Mo family lowered their heads, especially Prince Dan, who had a complicated look on his face.

When Su Xun saw this, he took a deep breath and took advantage of such a good opportunity to hold the ceremony quickly.

"Read the memorial inscription," Su Xun shouted loudly.

As for the sacrificial text, it is an article written to God. Later, the sacrificial text must be burned to God.

Following Su Xun's words, a little eunuch came up with a piece of yellow silk. On the silk, there was written an article about God, which could be regarded as a commendation to himself, praying for good weather and good grain under his rule. Fengdeng.

This is what almost every generation of emperors needs to do.

Fusu took the yellow silk from the hands of the young eunuch.

Then read it aloud.

This article was written by a cabinet minister and has some literary talent.

I would like to send Guan Gou Gan, the secretary of the Central Committee, to tell the Xuanyuan family of the Yellow Emperor:

The widow lives in the future and lives for the people in the grass and fields. When the seven kingdoms rise together and the world is in chaos, they take advantage of the autumn of the chaos and gather the people to use force. It has been a year since the Emperor He and the Empress Dowager brought down the riots and ruled the country over the common people. When you were born in ancient times, you succeeded to the throne and established democracy, and your miraculous merits and virtues have been passed down to this day. I have worshiped hundreds of gods and visited your mausoleum here, but it is far from the previous year. Looking at the scriptures, although I admire it deeply in my heart, I am born with stupidity. Ancient and modern folk customs are also different. I only look up to the Holy Spirit. According to the law of all ages, special officials were sent to pay tribute and repair the mausoleum. The Holy Spirit is not ignorant, how can he appreciate it! Shangxiao.

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