The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 949: Summoning a Strong General for the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1297 Great Qin Dynasty Title—Emperor

I have risen from humble beginnings and made my fortune from Dongjun. I work conscientiously and work hard at night. I worry about the worries of the world first and enjoy the happiness of the world later.

Now that I have come here, I have gained the gratitude of the common people, the help of the heroes of the world, and the selection of talents.

Don't avoid relatives, don't avoid enemies.

Only talented people can be reused by others.

Talents from all over the world gathered to respond, and everyone was very grateful.

With the help of such heroes from all over the world, we can unify the seven kingdoms and bring peace to the people of the world.

Let the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, and live a prosperous life.

This is my pursuit and my explanation for the dawn of the world.

I am deeply grateful to all the ministers and generals who trusted me and came to seek refuge with me.

Fusu bowed to everyone.

The ministers and generals below were extremely excited, and the feeling of a soldier dying for his confidant lingered in their hearts.

The people below were even more excited. They never expected that they would witness such a scene.

Bow to the ministers as an emperor.

This move may be comparable to the legend that King Wen of Zhou pulled Jiang Ziya and walked 800 steps.

According to rumors, at the end of the Shang Dynasty, there was a great sage, King Wen of Zhou, who created the King Wen Bagua.

King Wen of Zhou was forced by King Zhou to eat meat cakes made of his son's flesh before he could return to Xiqi.

After King Wen of Zhou returned, he vowed to overthrow Chaoge's rule and restore peace to the world!

That night, he dreamed that Fei Xiong was in his arms, and the next day he sent someone to visit Fei Xiong. I visited Jiang Ziya who was fishing by the Weishui River. Jiang Ziya’s Taoist name was Flying Bear.

After hearing the report from his envoy, King Wen of Zhou personally took a chariot to the Weishui River to invite Jiang Ziya to come to the court to manage national affairs.

In order to test King Wen of Zhou, Jiang Ziya asked King Wen of Zhou: "Your Majesty, please tell me how to get to Xiqi"?

King Wen of Zhou said: "It's up to you to ride a horse or sit in a sedan chair."

Jiang Ziya said: "I don't want to ride a horse, and I don't want to sit in a sedan chair. The king's chariot must be given to me."

The civil servants and generals who came with King Wen of Zhou were stunned!

You know, only emperors can sit in this dragon chariot. Who do you think Jiang Ziya is? Still have to sit on the chariot!

However, King Wen of Zhou agreed without hesitation.

However, Jiang Ziya was unwilling to give in and had another problem, "When I sit in the chariot, I have to be pulled by the king himself."

At this time, the civil servants and generals were startled. What did Jiang Ziya think of King Wen of Zhou?

You know, who is King Wen of Zhou? He is a prince.

It is not a small crime to tease the princes like this!

However, King Wen of Zhou agreed without any hesitation.

Jiang Ziya sat on the chariot, and King Wen of Zhou pulled him along step by step.

King Wen of Zhou sincerely invited Jiang Ziya, but it was a pity that King Wen of Zhou was a prince. He usually did not carry burdens on his shoulders and did not carry baskets in his hands. This time, he could not pull the dragon chariot!

After pulling for a while, I stopped to rest. Look at Jiang Ziya, he's still asleep in the chariot! King Wen of Zhou rested for a while, then pulled for a while, but couldn't pull anymore; he rested for a while, and then pulled again. After pulling for three times and resting for three times, I was so exhausted that I was sweating a little and couldn't even breathe. I had to say to Jiang Ziya: "I can't pull it anymore!"

Jiang Ziya opened his eyes, got off the chariot and asked, "How many steps did your Majesty take me?"

King Wen of Zhou said: "I don't know how to count."

Jiang Ziya said: "Your Majesty took me eight hundred and seventy-three steps, and I will keep your descendants in the world for eight hundred and seventy-three years."

When King Wen of Zhou heard this, he regretted it and said quickly: "Hurry up and get on the chariot, I will pull it back."

Jiang Ziya shook his head and said, "It's too late, I can't!"

King Wen of Zhou returned to the capital and appointed Jiang Ziya as military advisor to lead troops to defeat King Zhou of Yin. Later, King Wen of Zhou died, and Jiang Ziya protected King Wen's son King Wu of Zhou to defeat King Zhou of Yin and conquer the world.

When Jiang Ziya died, he said to King Zhou Wu: "When I die, the king will hang my body on the beam in the palace hall. Wherever there is rebellion, he will turn my face to that direction, and the rebels will be put to rest!"

King Wu of Zhou listened to Jiang Ziya's words and hung Jiang Ziya's body on the beam in the palace hall, passing it down from generation to generation. Wherever someone rebels, turn the face of Jiang Ziya's corpse to that side. There is no need to send troops or generals, and the chaos on that side will be settled. Jiang Ziya's corpse will not stink or rot.

In the year 873, the king at that time was afraid that he would fall, so he sent someone to take him down. When the coffin was opened, it was found that Jiang Ziya's body was rotten, and 18 pigeons flew out from it, so there was a dispute among the 18 princes.

Later it had to be buried.

At this time, the Zhou Dynasty fell, and later Qin Shihuang took over the world.

Of course this is a legend, and the current era belongs to Fusu.

After Fusu bowed to everyone, he raised his head, looked at everyone, and took a deep breath.

"I have been diligent and diligent all my life, never falling into foreign objects, adhering to the merits of my ancestors of Qin, and fulfilling my ancestors' long-cherished wish. From today on, I will officially rule the world and become a dynasty. The country's name is - Qin, and my title - Emperor, is taken from In the meaning of Three Emperors and Five Emperors, I become the First Emperor, and I hope that the descendants of future generations will carry on the past and open up the future, the second emperor, the third emperor, and even all generations. I hope that the kings and ministers of the future generations of the Qin Dynasty will set up their minds for the heaven and earth, establish their lives for the people, and carry forward the unique knowledge of the past saints. To create peace for all eternity, I hope that all the common people will become dragons."

Fusu shouted loudly!

Chapter 1298 "Serving the Country with Loyalty" "Men Should Be Strong"

When everyone listened to Fusu's impassioned speech, they were all filled with enthusiasm.

"Long live... long live... long live..."

Everyone went crazy and shouted at the top of their lungs.

Fusu continued.

"The red sun rises at the beginning, its path is bright; the river flows out of its undercurrent, and the vast ocean cascades; the hidden dragon rises into the abyss, its scales and claws fly; the tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are frightened; the eagle and falcon test its wings, the wind and dust spread; the first birth of strange flowers , the Emperor is the emperor; the generals have hair and their awns are made; the sky is blue and the earth is yellow; despite the eternity, there are eight deserts; the future is like the sea, and the days to come are long. How beautiful, I, Jiuzhou, am as immortal as the sky! How strong, I am Jiuzhou has no borders with the country!"

"Bang bang bang", at this moment, the fireworks developed by Tiangong Pavilion Ling Zhen were lit and bloomed all around, extremely beautiful!

Everyone couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the beautiful fireworks scene.

Fusu stepped forward and threw the silk in his hand into the brazier, burning brightly!

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