The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 961: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

"Li Si", Fusu looked at Li Si.

"Here", Li Si stood up and said to Fusu.

"I'll leave the unification of writing to you," Fusu said to Li Si.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Li Si accepted the order directly.

"In addition, I have decided to unify measures, quantities, and balances, and cancel all the standards of each country in the seven countries," Fusu said in a deep voice.

During the Warring States Period, the weights and measures and currency systems of various countries were very inconsistent.

After the unification of the Qin Dynasty, it was stipulated that the currency was divided into two types: gold and copper: gold was called the upper coin, with yi as the unit, and Qin made 20 taels as yi; copper coins were called the lower coins with round square holes, and the unit was half a tael.

Gold coins were mainly used for rewards by the emperor, and copper coins were the main circulation medium.

Qin Shihuang used the original Qin state's measures, quantities, and measures as the unit standards and eliminated systems that were inconsistent with them.

The Qin court engraved the imperial edict on the original standard vessel issued by Shang Yang, or made another identical standard vessel, engraved with the inscription, and distributed it throughout the country.

The use of measures, quantities and measures that are different from those of standard instruments is prohibited.

In the field system, it was stipulated that six feet was a step and 240 steps was an acre.

This acre system will be used for thousands of years without change.

In terms of thought, Fusu adopted the "Five Virtues of the End and Beginning" of the Yin and Yang School of the Warring States Period. According to Qin's water virtue, the water color is black, and the number of the end is six, it stipulates that all clothes, banners, festival flags, and talismans should be black. All systems use six as the number.

Because water governs Yin, and Yin represents punishment and killing, Qin Shihuang used this as the basis for his laws to increase the severity of torture.

In history, because Qin Emperor's harsh laws aroused dissatisfaction among scholars, various accusations came one after another, and disapproval of Qin Shihuang's various legalist theories was endless. Due to the contention of hundreds of schools of thought in society at that time, it seriously hindered Qin Shihuang's unification of the thoughts of the people of the six original conquered countries.

Prime Minister Li Si believed that this threatened the rule of the Qin Dynasty and advocated severe suppression of these scholars. Qin Shihuang supported Li Si's view and initiated the burning of books and the entrapment of Confucian scholars: the so-called "book burning" was Qin Shihuang's attempt to unify the thoughts and ideas of the people of the six original kingdoms. To consolidate the rule of the Qin Dynasty, it began to destroy the history books of the other six countries except "Qin Ji", and preserved books on agriculture, technology, divination and medicine.

Except for the positions of doctorate officials, anyone in the world who dared to privately store poems, books, or hundreds of languages ​​​​were ordered to burn their books.

Those who dare to even talk about "Poems" and "Books" abandon the market and think that the past is not the present.

If an official conceals the knowledge and fails to report it, he will be punished in the same way as the person who collected the book.

This policy was implemented from 213 BC to the fall of the Qin Dynasty in 206 BC. But in fact, Qin Shihuang did order some banned books to be kept in the royal library. It was not until Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, set fire to Xianyang after he conquered Xianyang that these books disappeared completely.

"Treat the Warlocks", the second year after the book burning, that is, 212 BC, Qin Shihuang ordered the censor to interrogate the warlocks in Xianyang because two warlocks fled privately and slandered the emperor before escaping. All the people reported on each other, and eventually more than 400 magicians were killed in Xianyang, the capital of Qin at that time.

But Fusu wouldn't do that.

The law must be enacted, but it will not enact such strict penalties.

Fusu will proceed step by step, and "those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be treated as princes" will not happen.

Murder to pay for life, debt to pay for money, this is the ancient truth.

In addition, those who rape women will be killed without mercy.

Those who kidnap and traffick children will be killed without mercy.

Burn and kill the looters without mercy.

The rest, for petty theft and the like, will not be killed. At most, they will be detained for a period of time to let people experience what it means to be terrible in prison.

From now on, I dare not come in again.

At the same time, Fusu ordered the "Tiangong Pavilion" to carry out large-scale construction for the sake of national security and construction, and also for Fusu's personal honor.

Fusu decided to build two huge projects again during his reign.

The first one - the Great Wall.

The second one - the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

The most famous building of the Qin Dynasty is undoubtedly the Great Wall.

After the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six kingdoms, it began to build the Great Wall in the north.

The purpose of building the Great Wall was to resist the invasion of northern nomads. The primary function of the Great Wall is to use beacon towers for early warning.

But the Great Wall is not only used for defense, the Great Wall modified by Meng Tian is also a system that can be attacked.

Qin Shihuang connected and expanded the Great Wall in the north of Qin, Zhao, and Yan during the Warring States Period, and built the Great Wall from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the east. It can be called the most gigantic military project in human history.

In order to build the Great Wall, the Qin State conscripted more than 400,000 civilians every year. Most of the construction was in wild and remote places, and countless civilians died.

According to "Historical Records", the corpses of civilian husbands filled up the ravines.

In addition, compared with the modern Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, the scale of the Great Wall of Qin is far smaller than that of the Great Wall of Qin. It only connects the old Great Walls of Qin, Zhao and Yan into one.

Unlike Ying Zheng, Fusu had enough time to complete all of this.

Therefore, Fusu would recruit civilians to complete this huge project in more than ten years, or even decades.

The second huge project is the construction of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

But this Fusu was not in a hurry.

His internal strength is profound, and as long as he is not seriously injured, he will not die young.

Chapter 1311 Fusu’s plan, a grand project

The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is also known as the Lishan Tomb.

Regarding this, Fusu only has an idea in his mind, but he will not implement it now.

For the Lishan Tomb to appear, at least the Great Wall must be built.

Moreover, Fusu would not recruit civilians like Qin Shihuang Yingzheng in history, and countless people would die from exhaustion.

Fusu will proceed step by step, and Fusu will not forcefully recruit civilians, but will decide to provide paid services.

To put it bluntly, it was similar to today’s “part-time job”.

The common people are responsible for contributing merit and effort, while Fusu is responsible for providing money.

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