The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 962: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

In addition, Fusu will also recruit some chefs to open restaurants and hotels in places where the Great Wall is being built.

Provide these civilians with cheap prices.

Fusu will replenish the price difference.

As long as you work for one month, you will get money, and your salary will be paid every month.

As long as you have money, you can't buy anything.

Another grand project - the Lishan Tomb, also known as the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

Historically, the construction of the Lishan Tomb began when King Qin ascended the throne, and this is also the case.

Lishan Tomb was built over nearly twenty years.

It stopped after Fusu ascended the throne.

It’s not that we won’t build it, but that it will be temporarily postponed.

The historical Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang lasted for more than thirty years, and it is said that it employed 700,000 people every year.

The built Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang has a circumference of two thousand meters and a height of fifty-five meters when viewed from the outside. The interior decoration is extremely luxurious, with a copper roof, mercury as the rivers, lakes and seas, and mercury alloy as the land. It is full of organs. From above, it looks like the territory of the country during the Qin Dynasty. Moreover, the craftsmen who built the tomb were all buried alive after the tomb was built.

Although the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was built for less than 20 years, more than half of it has been completed.

There was also a reason why Fusu stopped the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, because he needed these people to help him carry out large-scale national transportation construction.

Fusu decided to build a large-scale Chidao centered on Xianyang, the capital, and extending in all directions.

Much like a modern highway.

Chidao implements "cars on the same track" and is fifty paces wide.

Chidao has several functions. One is to facilitate transportation to facilitate the management of the old lands of the Six Kingdoms; the other is to facilitate supplies on the front line of the northern war; and the third is to facilitate unimpeded access for the First Emperor when he goes on patrol.

Except for the Qin Straight Road and the Qin Plank Road, most of them were expanded on the old roads of the Qin Dynasty and the Six Kingdoms, as well as the roads built when the Qin conquered the Six Kingdoms.

Famous Chi roads include: Shangjun Road, Linjin Road, Dongfang Road, Wuguan Road, West Road, Qinzhan Road and Qinzhi Road.

Among them, the Qin Straight Road is the most famous. It starts from Xianyang, the capital of the empire, and stretches northward to Jiuyuan deep in the desert. It is more than 700 kilometers long and can be called a military highway more than 2,000 years ago.

Wherever the Qin Zhidao passed, the terrain was dangerous and rarely visited. However, it split mountains and filled valleys, and even crossed the Ziwu Mountains at an altitude of 1,800 meters without avoiding it. In the mountains of northern Shaanxi today, the remains of the Zhidao are still clearly visible. .

After Qin Shihuang wiped out the six kingdoms, he also built the Ling Canal to facilitate the transportation of troops and supplies needed to conquer Lingnan.

Lingqu is one of the oldest canals in the world. It was built between 219 BC (the 28th year of the First Emperor) and 215 BC (the 32nd year of the First Emperor).

The Lingqu canal connects the Xiangjiang River in the Yangtze River system and the Lijiang River in the Pearl River system. Since its completion, it has been an important waterway transportation route between Lingnan and the Central Plains for more than 2,000 years. This project is now one of the key cultural relics protection units in the country.

This is also one of Fusu's goals.

But Lingqu is the second goal after Chidao.

Qin Shihuang built a large number of gorgeous palaces. Before unifying the six kingdoms, King Qin already had many palaces. After unifying the six kingdoms, Qin Shihuang immediately began to build the Afang Palace, known to future generations, on the south bank of the Wei River, which is Fusu's current harem.

There are so many beautiful women inside, it is a well-deserved "daughter country".

Each and every one of them is stunning, making life immersed in a gentle countryside.

Qin Shihuang employed 720,000 people at most. It is said that Epang Palace can accommodate 100,000 people, and carts and horses were needed to transport food and wine inside.

"Historical Records Volume 006 The Chronicle of Qin Shihuang" describes that the area of ​​the front hall alone reached 693 meters long from east to west, 116 meters wide from north to south, and the platform base was 11.65 meters high. Tens of thousands of people can sit on it.

In addition to Afang Palace, Qin Shihuang also built Xingle Palace, Liangshan Palace, etc. According to the "Old Stories of Sanfu", the Qin State had "one hundred and forty-five temples in the outer and inner halls".

According to "Historical Records·Volume 006·The Chronicles of the First Emperor of Qin": The Qin State had "three hundred palaces in the Guanzhong and more than 400 outside the Guan". In addition, there were "270 palaces and temples within two hundred miles of Xianyang".

If there is a palace, there must be beauties. When the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, all the beauties from all countries were captured and put into the palaces they built.

Fusu also moved towards Qin Shihuang in history.

No, it should be said that it was worse than that. For Fusu, there were more than just concubines from the six countries in Afang Palace.

And there are all the great beauties in history.

If Chang'e and Daji come out, what else will happen?

Chapter 1312 One Emperor through the Ages—Qin Shihuang

To be honest, Fusu admired Qin Shihuang very much.

But there is no way, he even wants to become Qin Shihuang.

Become an emperor through the ages.

If he hadn't traveled from later generations and brought with him a summoning system, it would have been impossible for Fusu to rival Qin Shihuang.

Qin Shihuang was a legendary and epoch-making figure in the history of Kyushu.

He was the first emperor of Kyushu, the founder of the title of emperor, the founder of the emperor system of Kyushu, and the first person to bring Kyushu into the era of centralized monarchy.

Throughout his life, he fought against the world, proclaimed himself emperor, abolished feudalism, established prefectures and counties, conquered Baiyue, drove out the Xiongnu, built the Great Wall, built ditches, sold weapons, moved wealthy people, used the same chariots and tracks, wrote the same texts, made the same coins, the same shape, and the same degree. The ruler, the equal balance of power, the same conduct, the same code, ruling the country by law, and burning books and humiliating Confucians all played a role in the unification of Kyushu, the creation of Kyushu's political system, the establishment of Kyushu's territory, and the inheritance of Kyushu's nation. The indelible key role had an immeasurable and far-reaching impact on Kyushu and the world in later generations.

However, Qin Shihuang has been a controversial figure since ancient times. Those who praise him call him the "one emperor through the ages" who pioneered a unified situation, while those who criticize him call him the "tyrant of a generation" who is autocratic and dictatorial.

Fusu only wanted to be an "eternal emperor", not an "eternal tyrant".

What he wants is wisdom and greatness, not tyranny and cruelty!

But no matter how cruel Qin Shi Huang was, in Fu Su's heart, Qin Shi Huang's merits outweighed his faults.

Qin Shihuang ended the five hundred years of separatist feudal feudal lords fighting since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and established the first unified, multi-ethnic, authoritarian centralized state in the history of Kyushu, laying a solid foundation for the development of Kyushu.

The so-called "Han inherited the Qin system", "the system has not changed since Qin", and "Qin laws and regulations have been practiced for a hundred generations". The Qin Empire established by Qin Shihuang laid the foundation for the political system of Kyushu for nearly two thousand years.

In addition to politics, Qin Shihuang completed the political and economic unification of Kyushu for the first time.

According to historical records, there were ten thousand kingdoms in the Xia Dynasty, one thousand kingdoms in the Shang Dynasty, eight hundred kingdoms in the Zhou Dynasty, about two hundred kingdoms in the late Western Zhou Dynasty, one hundred and dozens of kingdoms in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the "Seven Heroes" in the late Warring States Period.

The national documents of these countries are in different languages, the coins are in different shapes, the measures are different, the weight is not balanced, and the customs are different even if they are ten miles apart. Qin Shihuang established the first unified, multi-ethnic centralized state in the land of Kyushu unprecedentedly. The unified situation of "one homology, one code" laid a solid foundation for subsequent dynasties to seek unification.

Since the Qin Dynasty, the characters used by the descendants of Kyushu originated from the Qin people. The vast territory of Kyushu is the continuation of the Qin Empire. The unity and integration of the Chinese nation began to take shape during the Qin Empire. Kyushu has made great achievements in various aspects such as political system, culture and thought. The profound imprint of Qin Shihuang: The civil and martial arts established by Qin Shihuang more than 2,000 years ago have always been connected with the blood of the Chinese nation.

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