The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 963: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

The greatest creation of the political system by Qin Shihuang was to abolish the feudal system nationwide and replace it with the county system. Under the direct control of the emperor, he established a complete set of bureaucracies from the central government to the counties and counties, establishing the authority and centralization of the central government.

It should be said that it was precisely because Qin Shihuang focused on the rule and system construction of the conquered land, unlike other conquerors of the same period, such as Alexander of ancient Macedonia or Caesar of ancient Rome, who only emphasized conquest but not The construction and unification of institutions and culture made the unified land rule stable and prevented Kyushu from experiencing truly irreversible division or destruction like other ancient civilizations in the following thousands of years. This laid the foundation for the history of modern Kyushu. Base.

Some people believe that although Kyushu has experienced long-term civil strife and division, and the languages ​​​​of different regions are also very different, it has always had the same culture and was unified again and again after several divisions because Qin Shihuang unified the writing system.

Qin Shihuang pioneered the post system and built post roads, which laid the technical foundation for the communication of government orders in the vast empire and the resulting imperial state with the system of prefectures and counties.

"Building post roads and setting up counties and counties" is a necessary condition for Kyushu to adopt an advanced system of counties and counties instead of a feudal system similar to the West.

At the same time, ancient Rome could not effectively control the occupied areas and could only set up governors with great power, which was still similar to the feudal system. This was a very important reason for the subsequent division of the Roman Empire.

The county system is a civilian system. Its military and political leaders are appointed by the emperor. Military merit can be promoted or demoted based on political performance, and they can be transferred equally. This has led to the emergence of professional bureaucrats and professional soldiers.

Both professional bureaucrats and professional soldiers can come from civilians. The county bureaucracy effectively guarantees the rights of civilians to participate in and discuss government affairs. For example, Li Si, Meng Ao and others were all civilians at the beginning. They were promoted to generals and prime ministers based on their military merits and political achievements. Compared with enfeoffment, Controlling this kind of aristocratic politics is undoubtedly a great historical progress.

Therefore, Fusu must learn from Ying Zheng in this regard.

Chapter 1313: Future generations will judge the merits and demerits Fusu’s ambition

There are many scholars and politicians in the past who have praised Qin Shihuang.

For example, Sang Hongyang, a famous official in the Western Han Dynasty, affirmed in his writings that Qin Shihuang's achievements in unifying the nine states were "like mountains and hills, and his fame will be passed down to future generations."

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, once said: "In modern times, the only people who brought peace to the world and expanded borders were the Emperor of Qin and Wu of Han."

Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poem "Ancient Style": "The king of Qin swept Liuhe, how majestic the tiger looked! Swinging his sword to cut through the floating clouds, all the princes came to the west. The Ming Jue comes from the apocalypse, and the rough strategy leads the talents. Withdraw the troops to cast the golden man, and the Han Valley opens due east. . Inscribed on the Kuaiji Ridge, galloping towards Langyatai."

In particular, "Slash the floating clouds with your sword, and all the princes will come to the west" has become an eternal masterpiece.

Liu Zongyuan, a thinker of the Tang Dynasty, pointed out in his famous work "On Feudalism" that Qin Shihuang abolished the feudal system and established the system of prefectures and counties, which was in line with the objective and inevitable trend of historical development. The so-called "it is not the will of the sage, but the trend."

Because Qin Shihuang was the first to unify the nine states, unify the written language, build broad roads, and did not create a state within a state, but used a centralized system. The central government sent people to various places, changing them every few years, without the need for a hereditary system.

However, Qin Shihuang was praised by some people as a monarch who was autocratic, imposed excessive taxes, severe punishments, and lived a luxurious life. He became the symbol of "tyrant" in Kyushu culture.

The cultural and ideological explosion of "a hundred schools of thought contending" before the pre-Qin period disappeared after the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty used highly organized government agencies to manage people and resources, and used harsh punishments to ensure the implementation of decrees.

Qin Shihuang promoted the Legalist theory of "ruling the country by law", while the rulers of the Kyushu dynasties from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty all promoted Confucianism with benevolence and moderation at its core.

Moreover, Qin Shihuang's extreme measures of burning books and harassing Confucians offended scholars all over the world. Therefore, Qin Shihuang often appears as a negative example in various prose and historical records.

Qin Shihuang's construction projects, including the Great Wall of Qin, Qinchi Road, Lingqu, Afang Palace, and Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, were extremely large in scale and required the entire country's population to build them. Many documents denounced the fact that many lives were lost during the construction of the projects.

The main purpose of the Great Wall of Qin was to mark the defensive boundary line with the Xiongnu. Emperor Shihuang still sent Meng Tian to send 300,000 troops to attack the Xiongnu. Later generations commented on this: "Raising troops to attack from far away, coveting the external world but not internally, pursuing a wide territory, and not Consider the harm."

Not long after Meng Tian's death, the Xiongnu easily crossed the Qin Great Wall and not only regained their original lost territory, but also occupied Yan, Dai and other counties.

Jia Yi, a thinker of the Western Han Dynasty, pointed out in "On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty": "What can be done about a man who makes trouble and kills seven temples, and dies with his body and hands, and makes the world laugh? If he does not show mercy, his offensive and defensive momentum will be different. ... Zhou Wang Xu It took more than a thousand years to obtain the way, but the beginning and end of Qin were lost at the same time, so it could not last long. From this point of view, the safety and danger of the system are far apart."

Sima Qian, a historian of the Western Han Dynasty, wrote in "Historical Records: The Chronicles of the First Emperor of Qin": "The King of Qin had a greedy heart and the wisdom of self-improvement. He did not believe in meritorious officials and was not close to the people. He abolished the king's way and established private rights. He banned documents and tortured the law. Deception is followed by benevolence and righteousness, and tyranny is the beginning of the world. The one who combines husband and wife is high in deception, and the one who is stable is the one who values ​​obedience to power. This saying means that obtaining and maintaining are different skills."

Du Mu, a litterateur of the Tang Dynasty, commented in "A Fang Gong Fu": "The heart of one person is the heart of thousands of people. Qin's love is extravagant, and people also miss his family. But he takes all the baht and uses it like sand... People in the world dare not speak out but dare to get angry. The heart of a single man is becoming more and more arrogant. ... The one who destroys the six countries is not Qin; the one who belongs to Qin is Qin, and is not the world. Alas! Make each of the six countries love each other. His people are enough to reject Qin; if Qin loves the people of the six kingdoms again, he will be the king for three generations and will be king for ten thousand generations. Who can win and the family will be destroyed? The people of Qin have no time to mourn for themselves, and future generations will mourn them; future generations will mourn them without mourning. Learning from this will also make future generations mourn again."

It can be said that these are articles that will be passed down through the ages.

Fusu just wants to extract the essence and remove the dross.

Then, Fusu formulated policies again.

"My dear friends, I have decided to repair schools and hospitals among the people, and use Confucian, peasant, Mohist, and Legalist ideas as the basis to popularize them all over the world. At the same time, I will train a large number of medical talents in the hospital. How do you feel, my dear friends? ", Fusu looked at the people below and asked with a smile.

When everyone heard Fusu's words, they hurriedly agreed and said, "I will reconsider!"

"Yes." Fusu nodded.

"I hope that ordinary people, even white people, will have the opportunity to learn. I once said when I was in Dongjun that if everyone wants to become a dragon, only with knowledge can they become stronger." This is just one of Fusu's words. step.

Chapter 1314: Canonizing the Concubine: Two Hidden Missions

Establishing a school was something Fusu had decided long ago.

"In addition, I decided to implement the imperial examination system and select officials through the imperial examination system." This was Fusu's second purpose.

"Your Majesty, what is the imperial examination system?" At this time, a man stood up and asked Fusu.

He really didn't know what the imperial examination system was.

When Fusu was in Dongjun, he used the imperial examination system to select talents. However, after Fusu succeeded to the throne, Fusu delayed the imperial examination system in Dongjun.

The imperial examination system adopts the method of selecting scholars by subject, so it is called the imperial examination. In principle, scholars are allowed to "throw in ultimatums and advance on their own" and do not have to be specially recommended by ministers or governors. This is the most important feature of the imperial examination system and the most fundamental difference from the imperial examination system.

The imperial examination system improved the previous employment system and completely broke the hereditary blood relationship and the monopoly of aristocratic families; "Being a farmer in the morning, ascending to the emperor's hall in the evening", some capable scholars from the middle and lower classes of society entered the upper class of society and got the opportunity to display their talents. "

This is something Fusu attaches great importance to.

The policies formulated by Fusu were very comprehensive and implemented one by one.

If something is inappropriate, Fusu will make adjustments.

At this time, Wei Zheng walked out.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, a country cannot live without a king for a day, nor can it live without a mother for a day. Your Majesty should establish the position of the Prince of the East Palace and the Queen," Wei Zheng remonstrated.

"Yes, yes," everyone nodded after hearing this.

"You are right, but there is no rush for the position of prince. I will give all children a fair chance. Anyone who is talented and talented will be given a chance to become the master of the world in the future." They are all his own children, and Fusu will not favor one over the other.

Of course, what's more important is that Fusu doesn't want to establish a prince yet!

"But..." Wei Zheng seemed to want to say something else.

"Nothing but", Fusu waved his hand.

"Yes", Wei Zheng's face was full of reluctance.

But even so, he couldn't say anything.

Fusu announced to everyone.

"Queen Zheng was granted the title of Empress Dowager. In the harem, there were seventy-two concubines in three palaces and six courtyards. Concubine Yan was the mother of the world and had good conduct. During her reign, she took care of everything in an orderly manner and moved into the East Palace. The lord of the East Palace; Mu Guiying is stunningly beautiful, generous, kind-hearted and broad-minded, and can be the lord of the West Palace; Liu Tao is as gentle as water, considerate, and can be the lord of the South Palace.

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