The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 968: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Realize the historical unification of China.

Huo Qubing was a native of Pingyang, Hedong Province. He was a famous general and strategist in the Western Han Dynasty. He reached the rank of Grand Sima Hussar General and was awarded the title of "Champion Marquis".

Huo Qubing was the nephew of the famous general Wei Qing. He was good at riding and shooting, flexible in the use of troops, focused on strategy, not adhering to ancient methods, brave and decisive, and was good at long-distance raids, quick raids, large detours, and large interlude operations.

In the first battle, he led 800 brave cavalry to penetrate hundreds of miles into the enemy's territory, killing the Huns and sending them fleeing. In the two battles in Hexi, Huo Qubing defeated the Xiongnu, captured the Xiongnu's Jinmen, and took the Qilian Mountains directly. In the Battle of Mobei, Huo Qubing sealed Langjuxu and returned home victoriously.

In the sixth year of Yuanshou, Huo Qubing died of illness at the age of twenty-four.

Emperor Wu was very sad and dispatched the armored troops from the five border counties to form a formation from Chang'an to Maoling. He gave Huo Qubing's tomb the appearance of a praying mountain, combined the two principles of bravery and territorial expansion, and gave him the posthumous title of Jinghuan. Hou.

Huo Qubing was a famous young general who fought against the Hungarians in the Western Han Dynasty. Huo Qubing was born in a legendary family. His uncle was the Han general Wei Qing, and his uncle was the Han emperor - Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty!

Seventeen-year-old Huo Qubing was appointed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as the captain of Piao Yao, so Huo Qubing was also called Huo Piao Yao. He followed Wei Qing to attack the Xiongnu in Monan. He and the Qingyong Cavalry 800 abandoned the army for hundreds of miles and went to Li, beheading the leader. He went too far and captured more than 2,000 enemies, including the prime ministers and officials in charge of the household. He also killed Chanyu's grandfather Ruohou Chan, and captured Chanyu's uncle Luo Gubi. He bravely defeated the entire army. One thousand six hundred households were awarded the title of Champion Hou.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed 19-year-old Huo Qubing as a hussar general. In spring and summer, he led troops to attack twice and occupied the tribes of King Hunxie and King Xiutu in the Hexi area, wiping out more than 40,000 enemies.

He captured five people of the Xiongnu king, his queen mother, the Shan Yulan family, princes, prime ministers, generals and more than 120 people. In the autumn of the same year, he was ordered to welcome the Xiongnu King Hunxie who led his troops to surrender to the Han Dynasty. At the critical moment of the partial surrender, , led his troops into the Xiongnu army, killed the rebels, and stabilized the situation. King Hunxie was able to lead more than 40,000 people back to the Han Dynasty.

From then on, the Han Dynasty controlled the Hexi region and laid the foundation for opening up the road to the Western Regions.

The Xiongnu lamented about this: "The loss of my Qilian Mountains will make my six animals unable to live; the loss of my Yanzhi Mountain will make my married woman colorless."

Chapter 1320 One Hundred Thousand Iron Cavalry Seal the Wolf into Xu

Huo Qubing attached great importance to the construction and use of cavalry.

The period of Emperor Wu was an important stage in the history of the Chinese military system when the major transition from using both chariots and cavalry to cavalry as the main body of combat was completed.

The large-scale use of cavalry groups, rapid maneuvers, and long-distance attacks were one of the main reasons why the Han army defeated the Huns in the early stage.

The development of cavalry in the Han Dynasty can be roughly divided into stages by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Previously, cavalry and chariot troops were given equal emphasis. After that, cavalry completely replaced chariot troops, and then became the main force of the Han Dynasty army.

Huo Qubing was very good at using surprise tactics.

Huo Qubing's combat strategy can be said to be an innovation in the Han army's tactical concepts.

His operations can be described as roundabout and deep, interspersed with encirclement, completing the roundabout and interweaving at the fastest speed, encircling the Huns, and carrying out devastating attacks on them starting from the weakest link.

During the Battle of Mobei, Huo Bu abandoned the supplies he had brought with him and used all the country's efforts to prepare them. He abnormally fed on the enemy and tried to find ways to replenish military supplies in Mobei.

Objectively, it hit the Xiongnu's production capacity to the greatest extent, and at the same time it could also solve the problem of the Han Dynasty's insufficient national strength to support the war against the Xiongnu.

As we all know, Huo Qubing is Wei Qing's nephew.

The relationship between the two people is very close. Although they have outstanding military exploits, they never form factions, let alone keep followers. Su Jian once advised Wei Qing to raise scholars to gain a good reputation. Wei Qing believed that raising scholars would be taboo for the emperor, and as a minister he could only As long as you abide by the law and obey your duties, why bother raising scholars just to gain a good reputation?

Huo Qubing also had the same view as Wei Qing.

Huo Qubing was born as a slave and grew up with Qiluo, but he never indulged in wealth and luxury. He put the safety of the country and making achievements before everything else.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty once built a luxurious mansion for Huo Qubing, but Huo Qubing flatly refused, saying: "The Xiongnu are not destroyed, why do we need a home?"

Huo Qubing was Huo Zhongru's illegitimate son. His father never fulfilled his father's responsibility for a day, but when Huo Qubing grew up, he learned about his father's affairs. Once when he was serving as General of Hussars and went to Pingyang, Huo Qubing ordered his subordinates to invite Huo Zhongru to the hotel where he was resting, and he knelt down and said: "Qubing didn't know he was his father's son earlier."

Huo Zhong was ashamed and did not dare to respond. He kowtowed and said, "I have to entrust the general to you. This is the power of heaven."

Later, Huo Qubing purchased farm slaves for Huo Zhongru, and after returning from leading the army, he brought his half-brother Huo Guang to Chang'an to cultivate him into a useful person.

During the Mobei War, Li Gan accompanied Huo Qubing to fight against the Huns. In the fifth year of Yuanshou, Li Gan resented the general Wei Qing because of the death of his father Li Guang, and injured the general Wei Qing. Wei Qing hid the incident, but not long after, Huo Qubing, who was Wei Qing's nephew, shot and killed Li Gan during a hunt in Ganquan Palace.

Some people may not know who Li Gan is, but I believe there are not many people who don't know Li Gan's father.

He is Flying General Li Guang.

Huo Qubing is an idol for many people, especially in ancient times.

His words, "The Huns are not destroyed, why do we call home?" has inspired generations of descendants.

Huo Qubing's title of "Champion Lord" is unprecedented and unprecedented.

The title of champion can only be won by "Huo Qubing"!

No one dares to put this title on themselves, because everyone knows that only the champion Hou Huo Qubing can have this title.

Champion, Huo Qubing’s exclusive title!

Cao Cao's son Cao Zhang once said: "As soon as my husband served as Wei and Huo, he would ride a hundred thousand horses through the desert, drive away the soldiers and Di, and make great contributions to the army."

Zhao Yun also took Huo Qubing as an example: "Huo Qubing thought that the Xiongnu were not exterminated and had no use for his family. The traitors to the country were not only the Xiongnu, but he could not seek peace."

Su Xun also once said: "Wei, Huo, and Zhao Chongguo of the Han Dynasty, Li Jing and Li Ji of the Tang Dynasty are virtuous generals. Han Xin, Qing Bu, and Peng Yue of the Han Dynasty, Xue Wanche, Hou Junji, and Sheng Yanshi of the Tang Dynasty are talented generals."

Huo Qubing's status was quite high. In the third year of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Yan Zhenqing, the etiquette envoy, suggested to Tang Dezong that 64 famous ancient generals should be honored and temples should be built to commemorate them, including "the Great Sima Champion Hou Huo Qubing".

In the fifth year of Xuanhe in the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty followed the practice of the Tang Dynasty and established temples for famous ancient generals. Among the seventy-two famous generals, Huo Qubing was also included.

In the "Biography of One Hundred Generals in Seventeen Histories" written during the Northern Song Dynasty, Huo Qubing was also listed among them.

However, such a powerful person was a jealous man and died young.

A person who is jealous of Heaven is a person who is jealous of God.

He passed away when he was in his twenties.

There are different opinions as to the cause of Huo Qubing's death.

Chu Shaosun added in the eighth chapter of the chronology of marquises since the founding of the Yuan Dynasty in Volume 20 of "Historical Records": "When Guang was still alive, he wrote a letter saying: My brother, General Hussar, cured his illness and served in the army. When he died of illness, he was given the posthumous title of Marquis Jinghuan and had no descendants." , Chen Guang is willing to share the 3,500 households in Dongwuyang City with Shan."

This is the only record of the cause of Huo Qubing's death in historical books.

Some people also say that during the Battle of Mobei, the Huns buried cattle, sheep and other livestock that died of illness in the water source to sacrifice and curse the Han army, so a plague occurred in the water source area.

Huo Qubing drank water containing germs here and fell ill.

Some people also say that it was because Huo Qubing was tired from leading troops on several expeditions and was exposed to harsh conditions for a long time, which caused incurable injuries to Huo Qubing's body and he died of the illness!

Chapter 1321 "Mengxi Bi Tan" - Shen Kuo

Fusu held the Huo Qubing summoning card in his hand.

His hands were shaking a little.

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