The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 969: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Besides Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, who was granted the title of Langjuxu, was the only one in Fusu's heart.

Of course, Zhao Zilong and Emperor Ran Min are both his idols.

For Fusu, he has quite a few admirers.

As long as they have made meritorious service to China and served the country and the people, they are the objects of Fusu's worship and respect.

"Click", Fusu crushed the summoning card in his hand, and then summoned Huo Qubing.

Following Fusu's movements, a curtain of light appeared in the void.

Then, a figure appeared in front of Fusu.

It was Huo Qubing, the "champion" who sealed Langjuxu.

At this time, Huo Qubing was very young, his cheeks were a little pale, and he seemed a little weak.

Huo Qubing's body was a bit weak.

Historically, he died of illness.

Huo Qubing coughed lightly, then came to Fusu's side and said, "Huo Qubing pays homage to the eldest son."

"Qu Bing, please get up quickly." Fu Su helped Huo Qu Bing up.

With Fusu's support, Huo Qubing stood up and looked at Fusu in front of him.

Fusu looked at the champion in front of him, dragged his chin, and thought carefully.

Then, the champion of Fusu was born as the grandson of Huo Ren, the minister of Qin.

Huo Ren was a minister of the Qin State. Because he was old, he resigned, just in time to let Huo Qubing come out.

Fusu brought Huo Qubing out, and then looked at the summoning authority again!

This time, Fusu will use the "Special Talent Summoning Privilege".

"System, I want to summon a special talent - Shen Kuo," Fusu shouted to the system.

"Ding", following Fusu's voice, a summoning card appeared in front of Fusu.

It's "Shen Kuo"!

Shen Kuo, courtesy name Cunzhong, father-in-law of Mengxi, was born in Qiantang County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and was a politician and scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Shen Kuo was born in a family of officials, and traveled around the country with his father when he was young. In the eighth year of Jiayou's reign, he passed the imperial examination and was awarded Yangzhou manager to join the army.

During the Shenzong period, he participated in the Xining Reform and was highly regarded by Wang Anshi. He successively served as Prince Zhongyun, Jianzhengzhongshu Xingfang, Promotion Secretary Tianjian, History Museum Review, and Third Secretary Envoy.

In the third year of Yuanfeng, Shen Kuo went to Yanzhou and served concurrently as the economic and pacification envoy of Yanzhou Road. He stationed at the border to resist Xixia. He was later demoted due to his involvement in the Battle of Yongle City.

In his later years, he moved to Runzhou and lived in seclusion in Mengxi Garden. ,

In the second year of Shaosheng's reign, he died of illness at the age of sixty-five.

Shen Kuo devoted his life to scientific research and had profound attainments and outstanding achievements in many disciplines. He was known as "the most outstanding figure in the entire history of science in China". His famous work "Mengxi Bi Tan" is rich in content. It is a culmination of the scientific achievements of previous generations and plays an important role in the history of world culture.

Shen Kuo wrote "Mengxi Bi Tan" in Mengxi Garden, Zhenjiang.

Proficient in astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology, geography, agriculture and medicine.

Shen Kuo was born into the Shen family in Qiantang, Zhejiang. His grandfather Shen Zengqing was once the prime minister of Dali Temple. His father Shen Zhou and uncle Shen Tong were both Jinshi. Shen Kuo was diligent and studious since he was a child. He finished reading the family's book collection at the age of fourteen, and traveled to prefectures and counties with his father. He visited Quanzhou, Runzhou, Jianzhou, Bianjing and other places, where he got in touch with society, increased his knowledge, and showed his strong love for nature. Interest and keen observation.

Shen Kuo was frail since he was a child, and he studied very hard, so he often needed to take traditional Chinese medicine for treatment. The Shen family of Qiantang made great achievements in medicine. There is a family medicine book "Bo Ji Fang". Influenced by his family, Shen Kuo also started to study medicine by collecting medical prescriptions.

In the second year of Huangyou's reign, Shen Zhou knew Mingzhou, and Shen Kuo stayed at his mother's uncle's house in Suzhou. He benefited a lot from his uncle Xu Dong's works and collection of books, and began to develop a strong interest in military affairs.

Later, Shen Kuo was transferred to the capital, where he edited the books of Zhaowen Hall, participated in the detailed preparation of the armillary sphere, and studied astronomy and calendar in his spare time.

Shen Kuo's main achievement was his development in science.

Especially mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

For example, "gap product technique" refers to how to calculate the stack product. Shen Kuo used analogy and induction methods, based on the volume formula, to convert the cumulative number of discontinuous individuals into a continuous overall value to solve the problem. The idea of ​​using continuous models to solve discrete problems.

In the history of Chinese mathematics, he developed the problem of summation of arithmetic series, which had been stagnant since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and advanced it to a new stage of summation of high-order arithmetic series, creating a precedent for the study of stacking techniques in China.

In addition, there is Huiyuan Shu. Huiyuan Shu refers to the method of finding arcs from strings. Its main idea is to partially replace curves with straight lines and provide a more practical approximate formula for the arc-sagittal relationship of a circle.

Shen Kuo was the first in the history of Chinese mathematics to use chords and vectors to find the approximate value of the solitary length.

Fusu did not rely much on Shen Kuo in terms of mathematics.

After all, Fusu came from a later generation, and his mathematical ability was no worse than Shen Kuo, or even better.

But in terms of physics and chemistry, Fusu relied more heavily on Shen Kuo.

Especially chemistry.

Fusu didn't study chemistry. Fusu had long forgotten some experiments!

Chapter 1322 "The Traveler"——Shen Kuo

Shen Kuo recorded the method of artificial magnetization and conducted experiments with artificial magnetized needles to conduct in-depth research on compasses.

Shen Kuo compared four compass installation methods: water float method, bowl rim method, nail method and suspension wire method, pointed out that the suspension wire method was the best, and made corresponding analysis.

Magnetic declination refers to the angle between the geomagnetic meridian and the geographical meridian at any point on the earth's surface, that is, the angle between the north pointed by the magnetic needle and true north when the magnetic needle is stationary.

Shen Kuo was the first person in the world to experimentally prove that the magnetic needle "can guide the guide, but it always deviates slightly to the east." That is, the geomagnetic north and south poles do not completely coincide with the geographical north and south poles, and there is a magnetic declination.

In terms of optics, Shen Kuo made an accurate and vivid description of the principles of pinhole imaging and concave mirror imaging through observation experiments. He used the concept of "obstacle", which is now the focus, to point out the linear propagation of light, concave surface The law of mirror imaging, and the imaging of light through "obstacles" is called grid technique, that is, the equiangular spatial transformation relationship in modern optics.

Shen Kuo also studied the differences in mirror imaging between flat surfaces and concave and convex surfaces, and noticed the relationship between the difference in surface curvature and imaging, and used this to study the relationship between the correct handling of mirror concavity and imaging size when "ancient people cast mirrors". After analysis, it was proposed that if the small plane mirror is polished to be convex, it can "accommodate the human face".

In terms of acoustics, Shen Kuo observed acoustic phenomena and noticed that the pitch of pitch is determined by vibration frequency, and recorded the resonance phenomenon of sound, which was five hundred years earlier than in the West.

In terms of chemistry, Shen Kuo was even more awesome.

This is also what Fusu values ​​most.

According to Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan", there is a bitter spring in Qianshan County, Xinzhou, which is now a stream of copper sulfate solution.

By scooping out spring water and boiling it, you can get gall alum, which is copper sulfate. Boiling the gall alum can produce copper. The iron pot in which the gall alum is boiled will also turn into copper over time. This record by Shen Kuo refers to hydrometallurgical copper smelting, which uses chemical replacement reactions to refine metals.

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