The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 970: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Records of bile alum turning iron into copper have been recorded since ancient times. There are similar records in "Huainan Wanbi Shu" by Liu An, King of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty, and "Baopuzi" by Ge Hong in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

According to Guo Zhengyi's research, Shen Kuo's records were recorded in "Danfang Jingyuan" written in the mid-Tang Dynasty.

However, it was not until the fifth year of Emperor Zhezong's reign in the Song Dynasty that Zhang Qian took the initiative to present the "Synopsis of Copper Leaching" to the court. With the strong promotion of the Northern Song government, the copper production method was quickly promoted.

Shen Kuo also used "petroleum ink".

The earliest written record of petroleum in the world can be found in the "Book of Han" written by Ban Gu, a historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In the history of China, petroleum has been called stone paint, ointment, fertilizer, petroleum grease, fat water, flammable water, etc. It was not until the Northern Song Dynasty that Shen Kuo proposed the scientific term "petroleum" for the first time in the world. name.

According to Shen Kuo's records, oil was produced in Yanzhou and Yanzhou, and local people often collected it in earthen jars for lighting. This oil looks like pure paint, burns like burning hemp poles, and emits thick smoke that can blacken a tent.

Shen Kuo named it petroleum and used petroleum carbon black to make ink. The gloss and brightness were ideal, so he produced it in large quantities and named it "Yanchuan Stone Liquid". After using it, Su Shi commented that it was "better than pine smoke".

In addition, Shen Kuo also made outstanding achievements in astronomy, improving the armillary sphere. Shen Kuo also reformed the clepsydra, changing the curved copper leakage tube into a straight-necked jade mouth, and moved its position to the clepsydra. Lower body. This way the water flows more smoothly and the spout is much stronger and more durable.

Shen Kuo also made a standard watch for measuring the sun's shadow. He realized the influence of the Mongolian air difference on the measurement accuracy, and advocated using three sun shadow tables to observe the shadow difference to overcome the influence of the Mongolian air difference on the accuracy. Based on this, he made The new Gui watch improved the technical level of Gui watch photometry in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Shen Kuo also used a dial and a telescope to observe and discovered that the true solar day has length and length. According to modern scientific calculations, the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the true solar day in a year is only fifty-one seconds.

Shen Kuo also observed in detail the trajectory of the five stars and the scene when the meteorite fell; and designed a spy tube to measure the true distance between the North Star and the North Celestial Pole. Three times a night for three consecutive months, more than 200 pictures were taken, and he concluded that the "Pole Star" at that time was " The rough measurement conclusion is that it is more than three degrees from the celestial pole.

Fusu looked at the introduction to Shen Kuo and was even more shocked. This man was a bit awesome!

It's so fucking awesome.

Are you a human?

He is simply a god!

If he wasn't convinced that the other party was summoned, Fusu would have suspected that the other party was also a time traveler!

Fusu knew about Shen Kuo and his "Mengxi Bi Tan", but he didn't expect that Shen Kuo would be so awesome and scary!

According to rumors, Shen Kuo has a pair of discerning eyes.

According to "Mengxi Bi Tan", Shen Kuo saw a mural by Gao Yi in Kaifeng Xiangguo Temple. The content was about musicians playing together, which was very artistic. But people criticized the pipa musicians for plucking the wrong strings. The wind instruments played the "four" sound, which was on the upper string of the pipa, but the lower string was plucked on the painting.

After careful observation, Shen Kuo believed that Gao Yi's painting was correct. He pointed out that string instruments are different from wind instruments. When playing wind instruments, whatever note you press with your fingers will produce the sound at the same time. However, the pipa is different. The sound will only be produced after your fingers pluck the strings. The action precedes the sound. of.

Because of this, the fingers of the musician playing the pipa are not on the upper string of the "four" sound, but on the lower string.

This shows that the painter's arrangement is ingenious and ingenious.

Chapter 1323 Playing with the princes with beacon fire - Bao Si

Just after Fusu thought that Shen Kuo was a god, the next content made Fusu let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that the other party is not a god either.

Everyone knows that Bai Juyi is a great poet. Bai Juyi traveled to Lushan with his friends and wrote many poems, one of which is "Peach Blossoms in Dalin Temple".

I believe many people have heard of this poem.

The beauty of April in the world is gone, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are beginning to bloom.

Everlasting regret has no place to return to in spring, and I don’t know where to turn.

Shen Kuo was very surprised when he read this poem and commented in a sarcastic tone: "Since 'the beauty of April is gone', how can it be that 'the peach blossoms begin to bloom'? Great poets also wrote such self-contradictory sentences, which can be said to be ' A wise man will surely make a mistake when he thinks a lot!" After saying that, he forgot about it.

One year at the turn of spring and summer, Shen Kuo went to a mountain for inspection and saw the wonders in Bai Juyi's poems: It was April weather, and the flowers at the bottom of the mountain were withered, but the peach blossoms were red on the top of the mountain. Only then did he suddenly want to read Bai Juyi's poems, and then he realized I realized that I had wrongly blamed the great poet, and also discovered the influence of height on seasons: due to the low temperature in the mountains, spring arrives later than down the mountains.

Later, he found Bai Juyi's poems and found that there was a preface in it, which said: "The mountains of Dalin Temple are deep and the season is extremely late. In the Mengxia month, it is like the second day of the first month. The pears are blooming and the grass in the streams is still short. . The characters, climate, and climate are different from those in plain settlements." After reading it, Shen Kuo said with emotion: "It's all my fault for not studying carefully and having too little experience!"

Like Fang Xuanling and Qi Jiguang, Shen Kuo is also afraid of his wife, and what's even more embarrassing is that Shen Kuo's wife is a shrew!

Shen Kuo's second wife, Zhang, was the daughter of Huainan official Zhang Ji. She was arrogant and fierce. She often scolded Shen Kuo and even used fists and kicks. When she was in Xiuzhou, Zhang often went to the government to accuse him.

One time, Mrs. Zhang lost her temper and even pulled off Shen Kuo's beard and belt. The children cried and begged their mother to calm down. Under Zhang's abuse, Shen Kuo fell seriously ill in the fourth year of settling in Mengxi Garden. Since then, his body has become weaker and weaker, and he often lamented that he was not going to die soon.

Zhang died of a sudden illness, and his friends all congratulated Shen Kuo for being freed from Zhang's torture.

At this time, Shen Kuo was in a trance all day long and was on the verge of mental collapse. Once when he was crossing the Yangtze River by boat, he tried to throw himself into the water, but fortunately he was stopped by others. Soon, Shen Kuo also passed away due to illness.

It can be said that Shen Kuo was forced to death!

Sadly, according to rumors, Shen Kuo once reported on Su Shi.

Shen Kuo was five years older than Su Shi. In the second year of Zhiping, Su Shi entered the History Museum and served in Chongwen Academy together with Shen Kuo who was in Zhaowen Academy.

In the second year of Xining, Shen Kuo supported the reform and was reused by Wang Anshi; Su Shi, Sima Guang and others held opposing views, and the reformists and conservatives formed an opposition.

According to the records in "Yuanyou Supplementary Records" by Wang Zhi of the Southern Song Dynasty, in the sixth year of Xining, Shen Kuo was ordered to inspect farmland water conservancy in two Zhejiang provinces. At that time, Su Shi was appointed as the general magistrate of Hangzhou.

Shen Kuo arrived in Hangzhou, discussed old feelings with Su Shi, and made a copy of his new work. After returning to the capital, Shen Kuo handed over detailed "annotations" to the poems he considered slanderous in the form of appendices to the emperor, revealing that Su Shi had "fooled the court" and "had no righteousness between monarch and minister" in his poems.

In the second year of Yuanfeng, the censors He Zhengchen and Li Ding came forward to impeach Su Shi, and the Wutai Poetry Case broke out.

The following year, Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou, implicating more than 30 relatives and friends, and involving more than 100 poems.

It was at this time that Su Shi wrote his eternal masterpiece - "Niannujiao·Chibi Nostalgia".

The great river goes eastward, and all the waves are gone, and there are all the romantic figures of the ages.

To the west of the fortress, there is Humanity and Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms at Chibi.

Rocks and clouds collapsed, waves cracked the shore, and thousands of piles of snow rolled up.

Picturesque, a moment how many hero!

I think back to Gong Jin's time when Xiao Qiao got married for the first time and looked majestic and handsome.

Feather fans and silk scarves, while talking and laughing, the boats and oars disappeared into ashes.

My motherland wanders in my mind, I should laugh at my sentimentality and give birth to beautiful hair early.

The world is like a dream, a bottle returns the moonlight over the river.

Of course, Shen Kuo was not the mastermind of the incident, but it is said that Shen Kuo was the instigator. Li Tao also introduced the "Xu Zizhi Tongjian Changbian" on this matter, but he was skeptical of its authenticity.

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