The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 972: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Baosi stepped forward and bowed to Fusu Yingying.

"Bao Si pays homage to the eldest son." Bao Si came to Fusu and paid homage to Fusu.

"Please get up." Fusu looked at Bao Si in front of him. Although he was a little excited, he was not as excited as he was at the beginning.

Fusu is someone who has seen the four beauties of China.

Although Bao Si is beautiful, she is almost the same as Da Ji.

However, there is a big difference in the styles of the two people.

Bao Si's style is sad, while Daji's style is coquettish.

Each has its own merits.

"Please get up." Fusu gently raised his hand to lift Bao Si up!

"Thank you, sir." Bao Si stood up and smiled slightly.

Then, Fusu helped Bao Si up.

The identity Fusu arranged for Bao Si was a woman secretly cultivated by Emperor Zhou. For the sake of his own status, he planned to dedicate Bao Si to Fu Su.

After Fusu gave birth to Bao Si, he turned his attention to the second task.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission - changing the dynasty, and will be rewarded with a chance to summon random civil servants, a chance to summon random generals, and two privileges to summon magic soldiers."

"System, I want to use the dynasty change summoning privilege and the civil servant summoning opportunity," Fusu said very firmly.

"Ding dong, host, would you like to use it?"

"Use", Fusu nodded.

Following Fusu's words, summoning cards appeared in front of Fusu one after another.

Then, Fusu stretched out his hand and pulled out a summoning card.

The summoning cards here are all civil servant summoning cards.

Fusu looked at the summoning card in his hand, and a figure appeared on it.

"Zhang Jiuling?" Looking at the name in the upper left corner, Fusu couldn't help but be shocked.

Zhang Jiuling's talent is not weak.

It can be said that China's top civil servants are not an exaggeration at all.

Zhang Jiuling, courtesy name Zishou, was a natural history scholar and posthumous scholar. A native of Qujiang, Shaozhou in the Tang Dynasty, he was known as "Zhang Qujiang" or "Wen Gong".

He was a famous prime minister and poet during the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty.

"The bright moon rises over the sea, and we share this moment at the end of the world" is a poem written by Zhang Jiuling.

Many of these celebrities wrote poems to Zhang Jiuling.

The most famous one is Meng Haoran.

Looking at Dongting Lake as a gift to Prime Minister Zhang, "this Prime Minister Zhang" refers to Zhang Jiuling!

In August, the lake is horizontal, but the water is too clear.

The steam is rising over the Yunmengze, and the waves are shaking Yueyang City.

If you want to help without a boat, you will live in the shameful sage.

Sitting and watching the fishermen only envy the fish.

Unfortunately, Zhang Jiuling did not reply to him.

Zhang Jiuling was the 14th grandson of Zhang Hua, Duke of Zhuangwu County in the Western Jin Dynasty, after Zhang Liang, the remaining marquis of the Western Han Dynasty.

He learned that he was a scholar at the age of seven. He was a Jinshi in the early years of Emperor Zhongzong Jinglong of the Tang Dynasty, and he began to train Shulang. Xuanzong ascended the throne and moved to the right to repair the palace.

During the Kaiyuan period of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, he was the Minister of Liguan Zhongshu, Tongzhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, and Zhongshu Ling. In mourning for his mother's death, he paid homage to Tong Pingzhangshi. He was a famous virtuous prime minister in the Tang Dynasty, with elegant manners and extraordinary demeanor. After the death of Zhang Jiuling, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty always asked the people recommended to the prime minister, "Are they as elegant as Jiuling?"

Therefore, Zhang Jiuling has always been revered and admired by future generations.

Chapter 1326 Documentary—Zhang Jiuling

Zhang Jiuling is a famous politician, writer, poet, and prime minister with courage and vision.

He was loyal and conscientious, impartial, outspoken and dared to advise, selected talents, did not bend the law for personal gain, did not follow the crowd, dared to fight against evil forces, and made positive contributions to the "Kaiyuan Rule".

His five-character ancient poems have a light style, simple and simple language, and express far-reaching hopes for life. They made a great contribution to eradicating the Six Dynasties poetic style followed in the early Tang Dynasty. There is "Qujiang Collection".

Known as "the first person in Lingnan".

Zhang Jiuling was rewarded and promoted by Zhang Shuo. After Zhang Shuo's death, he assisted Xuanzong as prime minister in the 21st year of Kaiyuan.

As the last famous figure in the prosperous Kaiyuan era, he was deeply respected by people of his time. Both Wang Wei and Du Fu wrote poems praising him.

He once appointed Meng Haoran as a staff member of the Jingzhou Prefecture, and promoted Wang Wei to the right Supplementary Works. Du Fu also wanted to present his works to him in his early years, but failed to do so. Looking back on it in his later years, he still felt it was a pity.

Zhang Jiuling was born in a family of officials for generations. His great-grandfather, Zhang Junzheng, served as a special commander in Shaozhou; his grandfather, Zhang Ziqian, served as an official in Douzhou and joined the army; his father, Zhang Hongyu, served as the county magistrate of Solu County, Xinzhou.

Zhang Jiuling was smart and agile when he was young, and was good at writing articles. I learned that I belong to literature at the age of 9, and I can write good articles at the age of 13.

In his youth, Zhang Jiuling was extremely intelligent, studious, and good at poetry and prose. In the second year of Chang'an, Wu Zetian became a Jinshi and was appreciated by Shen Quanqi, a scholar of meritorious service. Was awarded the official position of school secretary.

Later, Prime Minister Zhang Shuo offended Wu Zetian's favored minister Zhang Changzong because of his outspoken words, and was exiled to Lingnan. After passing through Shaozhou, he read Zhang Jiuling's articles and praised his articles as "like light silk strings and plain and refined" and "can be used in times of crisis." He fell in love with him at first sight. Treat him favorably.

Zhang Shuo was an erudite man, a leader of the literati at that time, and an accomplished official in the court. His encouragement was a great encouragement to Zhang Jiuling, who had just embarked on the road of life.

Zhang Jiuling went to Beijing to take the Ministry of Civil Affairs examination, and was awarded the title of Secretary and Provincial Secretary. In the summer of the fourth year of Shenlong, I was envoyed to Lingnan to visit relatives. He worked as a secretary for several years and was unable to get a transfer, so he thought of returning home. It happened that the prince Li Longji had made a difference. He raised the world's scholars to personally advise and ask questions. When he was nine years old, he took the examination of Dao Mou Iluke. His countermeasures were excellent and he was promoted to Youshiyi. Li Longji ascended the throne as Xuanzong, and Zhang Jiuling was appointed Zuo Shiyi. However, the conflict between Zhang Jiuling and Prime Minister Yao Chong became increasingly serious. Yao Chong was a minister highly regarded by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty and was in charge of military and state power. In the second year after Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty came to power, Zhang Jiuling wrote to Yao Chong, reminding him to "stay away from impetuousness and approach with honesty and integrity." Yao Chongfu wrote a letter to commend his words, and eliminated the past drawbacks of selecting officials based on close relatives, insisting on selecting people based on their talents, and rectifying the administration of officials.

It can be said that Zhang Jiuling's life was full of twists and turns.

There are also many stories about Zhang Jiuling circulated among the people: It is said that Zhang Jiuling's mother, Lu, was pregnant for ten months in Shixing but still had not given birth.

His father saw that his wife was thick and frail, and suspected that she had jaundice. One day, I met an old man who was a doctor and fortune teller. After the diagnosis, the old man told Zhang Jiuling's father, "The fetus in the belly is an extraordinary person. Because this place is too small to accommodate it, it may have to be born in a big place."

After hearing what he said, the Zhang family had no choice but to move to Shaozhou. Zhang Jiuling is said to have been born there.

But Zhang Jiuling also returned to his hometown in Shixing after he was born. The popular story of "catching mice to unravel the imperial court" in Shixing County comes from Zhang Jiuling's experience of studying in Shitoutang when he was young.

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