The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 973: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Zhang Jiuling was talented and intelligent since he was a child. He could recite poems and compose poems at the age of five or six, and was called a child prodigy for a while.

In the spring when he was seven years old, Zhang Jiuling visited Baolin Temple with his family.

Baolin Temple is a famous temple with prosperous incense, beautiful scenery and numerous tourists. Zhang Jiuling was fascinated and watched with gusto.

Suddenly, it was reported that the prefect of Shaozhou Prefecture led the state government officials to worship in incense. Pilgrims in front of the temple hurriedly avoided.

Zhang Jiuling hid the peach blossoms he folded before entering the temple in his sleeve and watched the eunuch and his entourage playing with the offerings as if nothing had happened, without any fear. The prefect saw that Jiuling was lively, innocent and cute, so he wanted to test his talents.

Then he asked, "Do you want to eat the fruit from the offering? I will make a pair. If you match, I will give you the fruit to eat."

Zhang Jiuling said confidently: "Okay."

The prefect had already seen the peach blossoms hidden in Jiuling's sleeves, so he wrote a couplet "The white-faced scholar hides the beauty of spring in his sleeves".

Zhang Jiuling responded: "The governor of Huangtang is very aware of everything."

The prefect thought, this child is really a prodigy, let's test him again.

Another pair appeared: "A boy, climbing on a dragon, a phoenix, and a osmanthus." Zhang Jiuling raised his head suddenly and saw three big Buddha statues in front of him.

The prefect and his entourage all marveled: This boy will definitely not be an ordinary person in the future.

Zhang Jiuling went to play in the back with the fruit given by the prefect. A monk saw him and thought he was stealing the fruit. Zhang Jiuling said that it was a reward from the prefect, but the monk didn't believe it: "Why do you say that the prefect gave it to you?" Zhang Jiuling told the whole story. The monk was so surprised that he asked Zhang Jiuling to explain the match made by the prefect. Zhang Jiuling read out the first couplet of the prefect, and the monk asked, "Then how did you deal with it." Zhang Jiuling had an idea and said that the second couplet I was right was: "Monks all over the temple steal pigs, dogs, and vegetables."

When the monk heard the second line of the couplet, he was shocked and rushed to chase the prefect to explain it to him.

Chapter 1327 The Legend of Zhang Jiuling The Ten Great Scholars

Zhang Jiuling lives in Baoanli, the county town, and studied at Dajian Temple when he was a child.

The ink he often uses is as long as a ruler, and the inkstone is as big as a soup basin.

One time, Mo Yan was dragged away by a big mouse. He was very angry, caught the mouse, nailed it to a wooden board, and wrote: "Zhang Jiuling, I will go to the court to solve the problem of the mouse. If I can't solve it, the land of the mountain god will not be peaceful." "

Then he put the plank in the river. Strangely enough, when the plank hit the water, it did not go south with the current, but went north against the current.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of gongs and drums ringing in the river, and saw flags fluttering where the wooden planks were, as if soldiers and horses were marching to the capital.

One year, there was a severe drought in Shaozhou. The fields were dry and cracked, and the seedlings withered. People go to Dajian Temple from morning to night to pray for rain.

Zhang Jiuling felt very sad when he saw the tragic situation, and asked the rain seekers: "Can you get rain in this way?"

The rain seeker said: "If you ask for more, God will be moved."

After hearing this, Zhang Jiuling still said that God is unreliable.

Seeing the child talking non-stop, the rainmaker said impatiently: "If you have the ability, please make some rain."

When Zhang Jiuling heard this, he quietly put his inkstone on the ground, held the ink in both hands and began to grind it.

The rain seeker was surprised and asked him what he wanted to do.

Zhang Jiuling said: "I want to write a lawsuit against God."

Everyone thinks that the child is talking angrily and ignores it.

Unexpectedly, the clear water in the inkstone became darker and darker as the inkstone was rubbed, and the sky became darker and darker. By the time the entire strip of ink was rubbed out, the sky was already covered with dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder.

At this time, Jiuling suddenly picked up the inkstone and threw it into the sky. With a crash, the plate of ink turned into a heavy rain and fell down.

People all over the city ran out of their homes to soak in the rain. From this time on, Zhang Jiuling's name has been deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people of Qujiang.

This is also Zhang Jiuling's most legendary story.

Zhang Jiuling played chess well, so Tang Minghuang often asked him to play chess. Tang Minghuang was not Jiuling's opponent, but he always refused to admit defeat. He asked Zhang Jiuling to play chess with him every day, and he wanted to compete with Zhang Jiuling. Jiuling felt anxious when he saw that Tang Minghuang was obsessed with playing chess and ignored state affairs.

One day during a game of chess, when the fight was in full swing, Zhang Jiuling couldn't help but said to Tang Minghuang: "Your Majesty, it's not good to play chess every day."

"It doesn't matter," Tang Minghuang replied, while carrying a "car" to catch Zhang Jiuling's "horse".

"Your Majesty, if you keep playing chess like this, how can you care about the important affairs of the court?" Zhang Jiuling said again.

"It doesn't matter," Tang Minghuang ate the opponent's "horse".

"Nowadays, officials are corrupt internally, and foreign tribes are invading the territory externally. If we don't make the country rich and strengthen its military, the country will be in trouble and it will be difficult for the people to live in peace."

"It doesn't matter. There are hundreds of civil and military officials in the imperial court. Come and play chess." Emperor Tang Ming was still playing with the chess pieces.

Zhang Jiuling stopped talking. While playing chess, he tried to get Tang Minghuang to free up the "rook".

Thinking that he had gained the upper hand, Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty picked up the "car" and went on a rampage. After several sweeps, he called "general" on the line of the central palace.

Zhang Jiuling did not get an "official position" to ensure "handsomeness", so he only took one step forward. Tang Minghuang reminded Jiuling when he saw his strange move.

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Jiuling said as if nothing had happened.

"You ignore the general and you lose because you are handsome, and you still say it doesn't matter."

Zhang Jiuling laughed loudly and said: "Your Majesty, playing chess is like managing national affairs. If the commander is motionless and does not coordinate with the other players and does not protect him, then of course he will lose the game. Playing chess is entertainment, but national affairs are more important. "The words made Emperor Tang Ming blush.

From then on, Tang Minghuang changed his mind.

Finally, Zhang Jiuling returned south from Chang'an claiming to be ill and returned to his hometown to support his mother.

According to legend, Zhang Jiuling recovered from the miasma he contracted shortly after returning to his hometown by drinking two bowls of herbal tea made from honeysuckle, light bamboo leaves, Luo Han Guo, licorice and other medicinal plants every day.

From then on, in order to express Zhang Jiuling's great contribution to society, people named this herbal tea 'Zhang Jiuling' herbal tea. The latter called this herbal tea: the herbal tea with the most historical and cultural heritage in Kyushu.

Fusu knew that Zhang Jiuling had great talent.

Some people even rated Zhang Jiuling as "one of the top ten civil servants in Kyushu".

Together with the ancient "sage seeker - Zhang Liang" and the later "chief assistant - Zhang Juzheng", he entered the top ten civil servants.

Of course, this is a family, and it doesn't have much convincing power.

Generally speaking, Zhang Jiuling is a talented writer with excellent poetry and prose, especially his artistic achievements in poetry.

In the poetry world of the Tang Dynasty, he was an important person who, after Chen Zi'ang, aligned with the Liang Dynasty, followed the style of the Han and Wei dynasties, and opened up the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

With his poetry creation and political status, he influenced the development of poetry of a generation. The heroic and upright folk customs of Lingnan and his upright character made his poetry creation reflect the vigorous style of "majestic and uplifting", "high bones and strong bones, deep thoughts and powerful thoughts", and also had a unique style. The magnanimity of the prosperous Tang Dynasty that is "elegant and upright".

Later Guangdong poets, such as Yu Jing in the Song Dynasty, Nanyuan Wuzi in the late Yuan Dynasty, Nanyuan Hou Wuzi in the Ming Dynasty, the three Lingnan masters in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, and even Li Jian and Song Xiang in the Qing Dynasty, can all have tangible and intangible qualities in their poems. The influence of Zhang Jiuling was clearly seen, and the unique style of the Lingnan School of Poetry was gradually formed.

When Qu Dajun of the Qing Dynasty discussed the two major schools of Lingnan poetry, he once said: "Cantonese people began to use poetry as poetry in Qujiang; they began to use Tao as poetry in Baisha."

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