The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 991: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Gather the weapons from all over the world, sell them and cast them into the twelve golden figures.

Unlike Qin Shihuang, Fusu was full of confidence in his generals.

In five years, schools have blossomed in every corner of the Qin Dynasty.

In the past, books and knowledge were in the hands of aristocratic families.

Because books are rare, how can we learn without books and knowledge?

Before Fusu arrived, everyone's books were bamboo slips.

Then carve articles on the bamboo slips, which are three-quarters deep into the wood.

It takes time and effort.

Later, Fusu summoned Cai Lun and invented paper. Then with Fusu's body shape, Cai Lun improved paper again.

It greatly facilitates the formation of books.

However, even if copying is easier than engraving, it is still time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Later, Fusu summoned Bi Sheng, who invented movable type printing.

Let books become more and more popular.

more and more.

This is why Fusu has the confidence to build schools.

There are three courses taught in the school.

The first one is Chinese, which is some Confucian thoughts, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

The second one is mathematics. Fusu sorted out the Arabic numerals and gave them to Shen Kuo and others. Then Shen Kuo and others taught them to his students. These students taught them to their students again, and there were more and more people. One day, the Qin Empire will all use this kind of numbers.

Fusu affectionately named this kind of numbers - Da Qin numbers.

The third physical education teaches some exercises to strengthen the body.

In addition to schools, Fusu also established "medical schools", "forensic medical schools", etc. across the country.

Teach doctors to save lives and heal the wounded.

The top leaders of the medical school are Hua Tuo, Sun Simiao, Li Shizhen and others.

The dean of the Forensic College is Song Ci.

The world of Da Qin is becoming more and more stable.

Fusu's recognition of the Seven Kingdoms People's Team is getting stronger and stronger.

Fusu also formulated certain strategies, such as building Chidao and recruiting civilians.

Unlike Qin Shihuang, Fusu did not have compulsory recruitment, but received money.

Fusu is rich.

In addition to He Shen's new bank, there was also Shen Wansan, a man who made money in a good way, who allowed Fusu to gather a large amount of wealth.

More importantly, Fusu encouraged business development.

Commercial taxes are much, much higher than agricultural taxes.

Because of the rise of commerce, many new crafts have emerged in the world.

Every family has surplus food and every family has spare money.

Fusu also had money to "buy strength."

Many people come to build roads and make some money.

Fusu also relied on Heshen's bank to issue "paper money."

Using the "Imperial Bank" as a transit point, banknotes, copper coins with round square holes, and gold and silver were exchanged.

For ordinary people, copper coins are more practical, but for some business people, paper money is more practical when the amount involved is relatively large.

In five years, too many things happened. The most important thing is that Qin Shihuang woke up.

Although he woke up, he became a disabled person.

All the effort disappeared, everything and everything was lost.

Moreover, Fusu has become a climate, and now everyone in the court is from Fusu.

Ying Zheng is a smart man and knows what to do.

To Ying Zheng's relief, Fusu accomplished what he had not done, which was to unify the world and make Qin the only country standing on the entire Nine Provinces.

Although Ying Zheng woke up, he was not as good as before, so he was arranged by Fusu to enjoy a stable life.

Queen Zheng, the Queen Mother, was also very happy. She followed Ying Zheng to the place where he lived and took care of Ying Zheng's food and daily life.

In addition to the matter of Ying Zheng, there is another thing that must be mentioned, and that is the Taoist martial arts competition.

Three hundred years ago, Taoism split into the Heavenly Sect and the Human Sect due to their different understanding of "Tao", and they have been fighting endlessly.

After the split between Tianzong and Renzong, the focus of contention was the sword "Xue Ji" passed down by the ancestor.

The two parties agreed to compete every five years, and the winner would be in charge of "Xueji".

Although Chi Songzi, the head of the Taoist Tianzong, is over seventy years old, his cultivation is close to the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and he has been in charge of "Xue Ji" for three consecutive rounds.

It is a pity that in a battle here, he was defeated by Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect, and lost "Xueji".

and died the next year.

After the death of Chisongzi, his junior sister Xiaomeng took over as the head of the Taoist Tianzong. The current "Xueji Sword" is in the hands of Xiaoyaozi.

At that conference, Fusu also went to watch the ceremony! ..

Chapter 1351 The great competition between Tianzong and Renzong and the sword fight

Three years ago, Fusu took Zi Nu and Yang Ying to the venue of the competition based on the news he listened to.

There were many people who came to watch the ceremony.

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