The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 992: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Including the three great masters of the Confucian school, Fu Nian, Yan Lu, and Zhang Liang, as well as several great masters of the Mohist school, Juzi, Big Iron Hammer, Gao Jianli and others.

Fusu hid in the dark and watched everything calmly.

At this time, Fusu, wearing the mask of Sikong Zhaixing, turned into an ordinary person.

Fusu is so famous that if he appeared here, it would definitely cause a huge sensation.

None of the masters from the farm came, and I don’t know if it was because the farm’s leader “missed” and the group was leaderless.

That game was really shocking and made people cry.

Two huge Tai Chi Bagua are constantly rotating in life and death.

Xiaoyaozi and Chisongzi each come up with unique tricks.

Xiaoyaozi was a man who was passionate about fighting and vengeance before he was thirty years old, and was known as the best hero in the world.

Later, for some unknown reason, he escaped into Taoism and devoted himself to practicing Taoism without caring about worldly affairs.

But since Qin conquered the world, rumors about Xiaoyaozi gradually increased in the world.

It only made Fusu notice him.

Xiaoyaozi's martial arts is very strong, and he is also the head of the Taoist sect.

Xiaoyaozi possesses many unique skills, including many Taoist secrets, such as - Tianlai Sound Transmission.

Sound transmission is one of the secret techniques of Taoism. You can directly use your thoughts to communicate with other people's thoughts, and the enemy cannot hear them.

Taoism is a sect founded by Laozi, Li Er, so it has many secret techniques.

For example - all those who are facing a battle are arrayed in front, and the nine-character mantra is spoken.

It is also a Taoist secret.


Chi Songzi's strength is not weak, rays of green light bloom in Chi Songzi's body, and heaven and man become one, like gods.

This is a very powerful old man.

The name Chisongzi is not ordinary, it is the title of an ancient god.

Chisongzi, also known as Chisongzi, learned five thousand essays, and was known as "Zuo Sheng Nanji Nanyue Zhenren Zuo Xian Taixu Zhenren". He was an ancient immortal in the myths and legends of ancient Kyushu.

According to legend, he was the Shen Nong Shiyu Master, who could burn himself into fire and rise and fall with the wind and rain.

Chisongzi taught Shennong to cure diseases and prolong life. He can also jump into fire and burn himself without any harm. He often went to Kunlun Mountain where the gods lived, and lived in the stone palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

He could play with the ups and downs of the wind and rain. Emperor Yan's daughter followed him to learn Taoism, and she became a god among the immortals and secluded herself from the world with him.

During the reign of the Gaoxin family, he came out to work as a rainmaker again, and the god in charge of rain was still Chisongzi.


Behind Chi Songzi, lines of text appeared, constantly floating behind Chi Songzi.

It's like being in an "ocean of words", so vast and ethereal!

The cyan handwriting exudes a faint light.

"Whoosh", each word seemed to be directed, attacking Xiaoyaozi.

I saw Xiaoyaozi standing motionless, holding a sword finger.

Just when the torrent of words was about to touch Xiaoyaozi, suddenly, Xiaoyaozi's figure disappeared, and then turned into butterflies one after another.

Taoist secret method - Dream Butterfly Escape.

It is a Taoist escape technique, originating from the story of Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, and was also created from "Zhuang Zi".

A hundred years ago, Zhuang Zhou, a great master of Taoism, left an article in "On the Equality of Things", which mentioned this method of dreaming butterflies that is both illusory and real. It is said that it can change the spatial layout and achieve the effect of transfiguration.

Unfortunately, this technique cannot be activated out of thin air and requires the help of other media.

"Bang bang bang..." The torrent of words hit the place where Xiaoyaozi had just stood, causing a violent explosion.

Fusu looked at Chi Songzi and frowned.

He always felt that something was wrong with Chi Songzi at this moment, but he couldn't tell what was wrong?

"Is it because I'm too old?" Fusu thought secretly.

On the other side, the ice-smart Zi Nu seemed to have noticed something, but she didn't ask or say anything.

The butterflies gathered together, and a figure appeared on the ring again, it was Xiaoyaozi.

I saw Xiaoyaozi standing with a sword on his back, his left hands pointing together to become the sword fingers, and a little golden light formed on the fingertips.

Then, Xiaoyaozi used his finger as a pen and kept writing in the air.

There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, its name is Kun...

It was Xiaoyaozi's ultimate move - the early stage of Snow Queen.

The Clear Sky after the Snow is one of the Taoist sword techniques. "The winds and clouds in the world are both illusory and real, and the heaven and earth are endless and the great road travels." This sword move can clear away the gloomy atmosphere.

First write "Happy Journey" in the air with your fingertips, and then activate it. It can attack the target in a wide range. It is very powerful, but it takes a long time, so you need to be prepared.

This move has an unexpected coincidence and tacit understanding with Gai Nie's "Changhong Sun". The two moves are powerful together.

reflected in the original work.

But at this moment, without Gai Nie's cooperation, Xiaoyaozi has not been plotted at this moment. It can be said that he has deep internal strength!

Therefore, the moves Xiaoyaozi used at this time were extremely powerful! ..

Chapter 1352 Five Great Summons Xiang Fei Seven Sons of Jian'an

Chisongzi looked at Xiaoyaozi's attack in front of him and smiled slightly, not too excited.

Chi Songzi stretched out his hand, and a huge Bagua pattern suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was like a peerless shield that directly blocked Xiaoyaozi's Snow Queen Chuqing.

The happy journey written with inner strength seemed to sink into the sea after encountering the Bagua pattern.

The divine light is uncertain and constantly dissipates.

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