Five days later,

the highest peak on Ciggu Island,

like the palace of Disney Castle, was already densely covered with image bugs.

Morgans, wearing a light blue shirt and a yellow bow tie,

walked excitedly up and down the hall.

Even Shiji’s destruction of the Navy Headquarters base did not make him so excited. In fact , no one who knew Shiji’s situation was too surprised

when he destroyed Malinfando . Because it’s very simple, Shiji just destroyed the navy’s base. It only disgraced the navy, but it did not cause excessive casualties to the navy. Destroying a place is too easy for Shi Ji who has the ability of Piao Piao Fruit. Therefore, anyone with a normal mind will know that the navy is still very powerful. It is only some ignorant pirates who feel that the destruction of the navy headquarters is the reason why the navy is completely incompetent. And most people, including Morgans, believe that this is just the afterglow of Shiji at the last moment of his life. Even the World Government and the Warring States Period felt that this was it? In the past, you, the golden lion, had the courage to break into the navy headquarters and fight alone? Now we only dare to lose the island. Apart from causing us a little trouble, what else can we do? But it was different now. Morgans was so excited that his feathers were all blown up. An old man who causes great harm and a young man who is at his peak have completely different threat levels! Just like Whitebeard, if Whitebeard was still at his peak, would the Navy really dare to start a “war on top”? So, if the Golden Lion, who is as famous as Whitebeard and Roger, returns to the top today, can the World Government and Navy really still be so calm? For this reason, Morgans not only mobilized all his connections and abilities in five days , but also personally came to Drum Island to ensure the success of this live broadcast. He was wearing red and white plaid trousers and walked back and forth in the hall without stopping for a moment. The phone in his hand kept contacting the outside world to ensure that there would be no problems with the equipment. In the lobby of the Drum Island Kingdom, everything has been cleared away, leaving only the sofa facing the phone bug. Shiji looked at the sofa and felt that it was not particularly suitable. He moved it to the side and with a thought, the ground rose up to form a huge throne. Shi Jiduan sat on it, his tall figure and the throne beneath him combined together, there was an invisible domineering air that filled the hall. When the time came, Morgans came over to confirm with Shiji that there was no problem, and then turned on the image phone bug. As the phone bug was turned on, waves of invisible biological radio waves were transmitted from an altitude of 5,000 meters above the Drum Island. Then, through the countless telephone bugs placed on the path, Shi Ji’s image was spread all over the world. At this time, any image phone bug that can receive bio-waves can receive the picture. At this time, on Mariejoia, in Pangu City, the Five Old Stars were furious.

“Why does Morgans still dare to do things we have banned?”

“It’s so bold!”

“It seems that Morgans needs to be taught a lesson for how dare he ignore the orders of the World Government! ”

Before the live broadcast started,

Newsbird had been spreading the news about an unprecedented and major live broadcast to the whole world for several days in a row.

This time,

even Morgans did not charge for the news and

broadcast it for free. When the World Government learned that Morgans actually wanted to conduct a live broadcast

without their consent, it had already issued an order not to a

“The screen appears!”

“Really, the screen appears!”

“I’m so looking forward to it. What is the big news live broadcast mentioned in the newspaper? ”

In the square, densely packed people were looking at the screen excitedly.

A man with a pockmarked face said with a lewd smile:

“Tell me, could it be a scene of a princess from some country having an affair?”

The companion on the side said with disdain:

“Please, clear your dirty mind~”

“Although the scene of the live-streamed affair is very exciting, it is obviously not worth such a big fight, right? ”

In Pangu City,

Wulaoxing and Warring States

watched the live broadcast that was about to start.

For this live broadcast,

Warring States put down the headquarters that was being rebuilt and

came to Pangu City.

The purpose is that if any big event occurs, they can They reacted immediately.

The picture gradually became clearer,

and a tall figure in black robe was seen, sitting on a gorgeous throne,

looking ahead

. As the hood of the black robe was lifted,

a familiar face appeared in front of them. In front of them.

Even though this face was

older than the figure in their impressions,

they recognized it at a glance with the domineering look of a lion roaring all over the world and its ambition to swallow up the world.。

“Golden lion! ! ! ”

The new world is

the territory of the four emperors.

Whitebeard looked at the old Shi Ji in the live broadcast and

couldn’t help but take a sip of wine in frustration.。

“Shiji, you are old! ! ! ”

Wan Guo,

Charlotte Lingling, happily ate the cake and looked at the old Shi Ji,

“Mamamama, so miserable! Shiki~”

On the ghost island, Kaido, who was rarely drunk, saw that his brother who used to roam the sea was now

so old,

as if his days were numbered.

He couldn’t help but feel sad.

“What a pity, Brother Shiji, it is such a pity that he died of old age instead of being beaten to death by me!”

“Woo woo woo……”

If you don’t drink, you’re drunk!

The red-haired man looked at the opponent he had to look up to in the past, and

now he looked like this,

and he couldn’t help but lament the passage of time.。

“Shiki! ! !”

“It turned out to be Shiji! ! ! Golden Lion Shiji! ! ! ”

East China Sea,

the red-nosed clown, the owner of our overlord luck, the future four emperors, Lord Bucky with two “royal fathers”. When I saw the people

in the live broadcast,

I was so scared that my head and limbs flew into the sky。


“Captain Bucky, is this Shiji very powerful?”

“Yes, never heard of this person? Bucky

looked at his ignorant men and couldn’t help but cursed:

“Shut up! This is the legendary pirate who almost defeated Captain Roger more than 20 years ago!”

“More than 20 years ago?”

“At that time, Captain Bucky was only in his teens, so how could he know so clearly?”


Bucky hesitated,

“I know, Captain Bucky must have known it through study!”

“Captain Bucky, you really love learning.��”

Before Bucky could think of a reason,

his pirates had already figured it out.

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