The Super Blue Three Abuse Champa at the Start, Participate In The Power Conference

Chapter 84 Demon King Hill shot, slashed and destroyed with a sword 【Subscription】

Toppo here.

At this moment, he has completed the transformation of the form of Gods of Destruction.

The strength of the breath and the coercion emanating from the invisible are completely different from the previous level.

This power is properly at the ninth dimension level.

His body had more than doubled in size before, strong and infiltrating, mighty and domineering.

The whole body was enveloped by that strange purple energy.

Without a doubt, this is the power of Gods of Destruction!

At the position of his chest, a special purple energy surged, forming a strange rune.

This is also the status symbol of the candidate of Gods of Destruction, and the mark of being able to use the power of Gods of Destruction.

"Hehehe~~!! You seem to have become more interesting." With a sinister smile on his face, Majin Oza became more interested in Toppo in front of him.

Although the feeling of danger is still there, it does not prevent him from wanting to fight.

Raising his hand, an energy ray shot out from the tip of his index finger, hitting Toppo's face.

At this moment, Toppo was expressionless, just quietly watching the energy rays shot towards him.


A shocking scene happened. The moment Oza's energy ray touched Toppo's skin, it instantly turned into endless particles and dissipated in the space.

"Huh?!!" In such a situation, Oza was slightly taken aback.

Since this attack is useless, he should be more serious.

He raised his hands, and the energy in his body was accumulated by Oza.


There were bursts of ripples in the space, Oza's facial expression became terrifying, and the majestic energy was fully liberated at this moment.

An energy ball swelled infinitely in his palm.

The diameter reaches ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, five hundred meters... Kilometers!!!

The birth of the incomparably gigantic energy ball disturbed all the players in the ring. This huge and dazzling energy also made everyone open their mouths with "117", making them feel shocked and horrified.

Because of them, as long as they are contaminated by this terrifying energy, they will die in an instant.

"Hehehe~~!! Let's see if you can stop this." With a sinister smile, Oza threw his hands violently.

This is comparable to the scorching energy bullet of the sun, blocking all space for escape, and smashing it towards Toppo's head.

"Humph~~!!" With a cold snort, Toppo's eyes were full of disdain.

Do you still think he is the one he was before?

With this level of energy, he can destroy it with a single gesture.

The five fingers spread out, located in Toppo's palm, and a mass of purple-red destructive energy emerged.

This is a destructive energy ball that has been compressed to the extreme. Although it is not large in size, its destructive power is quite amazing.

Toppo flicked his fingers, the seemingly inconspicuous destructive energy ball, and crashed into Oza's super-large energy ball attack.

There was a loud noise of 'Boom~~~!!!!!!'.

In just an instant, an incredible scene happened.

The super huge energy ball condensed by Oza was actually blocked by this seemingly fragile energy bomb. Moreover, the terrifying power burst out in an instant, the power of destruction eroded, decomposed, and turned the huge energy bomb into particles that filled the sky. dissipated in this space.

This scene shocked everyone.

Toppo, who has mastered the power of Gods of Destruction, has become incredibly powerful.

Such a terrifying attack, he could easily resolve it with just a flick of his finger...

"The devil of the sixth universe, is this all you have? It's really disappointing. Now I have no worries. Under the power of Gods of Destruction, let's be eliminated!" A dull voice came from Toppo's As he spoke, his tone became heavier and heavier, and his sense of oppression increased little by little.

In the next second, Toppo's hands were folded together, and the powerful energy set off a huge wave, which surpassed everything Gods of Destruction.

The power of Gods of Destruction converged in his palm, a watermelon-sized energy ball, condensed and completed.

At the moment of being driven by Toppo's idea, he rushed towards the demon Oza, and in the process of advancing, it continued to expand and swell.


A dangerous signal came from his body, and Majin Oza sensed a dangerous signal in this devastating energy.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but found that he couldn't move at all.

After a closer look, he found that the purple Gods of Destruction force had somehow spread under his body, blocking his legs firmly.

For a split second, Oza knew that things were bad.

If he was hit by that terrifying energy, even if he didn't die, he would have to lose half of his life.

This Gods of Destruction force was less than five meters away from Oza's position, and it had swelled into a huge energy ball.

All the cells in Oza's body were screaming, and he felt even more panic and uneasy.

Is he... dying?!

The sound of 'Whoo~~!!' rang out.

An invisible slash bypassed Demon Oza's body in an instant and attacked the huge destructive energy ball.

'Boom~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!' with a loud bang.

In just a split second, the seemingly indestructible sphere of destructive energy was split in two from the center.

The energy that was cut into two halves also fell on both sides of the ring, causing an unimaginable explosion and decomposing everything that could be decomposed.

"Huh??!!!" Noticing that his Gods of Destruction power was cut in half, Toppo glared with disbelief on his face.

The powerful attack just now was enough to kill the Demon Oza.

But now, the attack was cut in half by an invisible slash.

And the devil Oza, who was almost hit by Gods of Destruction force, couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

Although his consciousness is incomplete, although he is like a child, for a moment just now, he thought that he was about to die.

"The power of Gods of Destruction, I haven't experienced this power for many years, Oza, how about giving me this opponent?" An arrogant, ethereal female voice came from behind Oza.

Hearing the words, Oza looked behind him subconsciously, and saw a tall woman with a dark purple air sword walking towards him step by step.

In this arena, who is the woman who is qualified to compete with the candidates of Gods of Destruction, besides the Demon King Hill of the sixth universe?

"It's you?!" Seeing Hill, Demon Oza babbled and stopped talking.

Since the Demon King opened his mouth, he naturally would not refuse.

In particular, he couldn't beat the other party, and this woman came to fight, just right.

He jumped out of the ring, and went to other war zones to find fun to hide his fears.

Oza agreed to let Toppo be his opponent. The corners of Hill's mouth undulated slightly, and he looked at the burly Toppo not far away, exuding the power of Gods of Destruction.

"Did you stop my destruction? Sign up!" Looking at Hill, Toppo's eyes were very solemn.

The expression on his face was cold, and he could not see the slightest mood swing.

On the surface, it was actually agitated inside.

Oza was nothing to him, but the woman in front of him was not simple.

"If you want to know my name, it depends on your ability. Let me experience the power of Gods of Destruction." Hill concentrated his energy in the air blade in his hand.

"Are you ready to fight with me? Don't think that if you are a woman, I will be merciful. Now I have abandoned everything, and anyone who dares to stand in front of me will be destroyed by me." Indifferent words, from Speaking out, Toppo's huge body rushed towards Hill's position like a cannonball.

But in the blink of an eye, he carried a terrifying power to kill Hill, and slammed a heavy blow towards Hill's face.

For Toppo's attack, Hill smiled and disappeared like a ghost.

There was a loud noise of 'Boom~~~!!!!'.

Toppo's attack shook the ring, and the ring under his feet was torn apart.

"Being so violent to a lady, I can imagine how boring and boring your life must be. Hill's sneer, lingering in Toppo's ears.

The provoked Toppo shrank his pupils, turned around suddenly, and punched hard.

This turn around was still easily dodged by Hill, and because his attack was too eager, Hill caught the flaw and slashed Toppo's chest with a ruthless sword.

'Boom~~~!!!' The power of a sword is enough to open up the world.

'Puff~!' The sound of blood separation sounded.

A burst of bright red blood suddenly bloomed on Toppo's strong body, which was enveloped by the power of Gods of Destruction.

The slender mouth spreads from Toppo's chest to the abdomen.

The understatement broke Toppo's defense, and also hurt Toppo, who liberated the power of Gods of Destruction, and Hill landed gracefully on the ground.

The air sword in his hand swept away the blood stains on it.

"It turns out that Gods of Destruction can also be injured? I thought that you who gave up everything to become Gods of Destruction have a little bit of ability, but now it seems that your level is nothing more than that, I have to say, it's really amazing Disappointed." Hill shook his head in disappointment, a look of regret on his face.

Little do they know that at this moment, Toppo has completely murdered her.

The majesty of the Gods of Destruction cannot be desecrated!

"I'm going to destroy you!!" The furious Toppo jumped up and came to the sky above the arena, the super Gods of Destruction power surging in his body.

A majestic purple light blooms with the might of the Gods of Destruction.

The deep purple light of destruction liberated, such a magnificent sight, attracted the attention of all the gods and Angels in the viewing area.

The viewing area of ​​the eleventh universe.

"The power of Gods of Destruction is so strong, it's unbelievable that Toppo can unleash the power of Gods of Destruction to such an extent... This is not weaker than your power, Lord Vermut, right?!!" Toppo's feat was a shock.

You must know that Toppo has just accepted the baptism of Gods of Destruction, and he can release this terrifying power, which shows how well Toppo has mastered this power...

"Although she is really strong, there is something weird about that woman, and the situation is not good... Toppo was forced into a desperate situation... That's why it broke out like this! What is the origin of that woman?! Toppo's Destruction Defense! Gods of Destruction · Vermut frowned, feeling that the situation was not good.

Just now Toppo's defense was broken by Hill's sword, but he could see it clearly.

This woman can break through the defenses of Gods of Destruction.

There are not many people in this world, not even the alternate Gods of Destruction, who can break through the defense casually.

"Toppo's situation is very bad... That woman... is the king of the demon world in the sixth universe." Angel Macalita saw the doubt, the demon aura on Hill was too strong.

"Demon World?! You said that woman is from the Demon World?" Hearing this, the clown Gods of Destruction Vermut was also taken aback.

He had heard of the Demon Realm, especially the Dark Demon Realm.

However, hasn't the Dark Demon Realm been destroyed long ago? Could this woman be the remaining survivor?

However, even people from the Demon World cannot necessarily defeat Toppo, who is the Gods of Destruction.

What kind of existence is this woman?

The viewing area of ​​the seventh universe.

"That his strength at this level...he is still a person from the demon world!" Cold sweat fell on his forehead, and Beerus was obviously shocked by Hill's super strength and expressiveness.

He knows how strong the current Toppo is.

Properly a warrior of the Gods of Destruction level.

However, Hill clearly had the upper hand in the battle with him, and he looked like he was indifferent. .

"Whis, does our Universe also have a Demon King? I remember, it seems to be called... it is called..." Beerus suddenly thought of something at this moment, turned his eyes to Whis, and asked.

Since the sixth universe has a demon world, their universe must also have it, after all, they are twin universes.

Facing Beerus' question, Whis pondered for a moment.

"It seems...there was indeed a king of demons, but Supreme Kai should know this better than me." Whis decisively gave the opportunity to explain to Dong Supreme Kai Sheehan.

"Huh?! You know the existence of the Demon King? Then why didn't you bring it up before?" Beerus' eyes fell on Sheehan and asked indifferently.

"That... Lord Beerus, it's not that we didn't invite the Demon King of our Universe... It's that the Demon King of our Universe was wiped out by Majin Buu many years ago... Also, Daprana Guy, the strength is far less powerful than that woman..." Dong Supreme Kai Sheehan said respectfully.

He was a little flustered, afraid that Beerus would blame him?

"Destroyed by Majin Buu? That fat man?" Speaking of Majin Buu, Beerus thought of the dead fat man who couldn't sleep at home.

That guy had a holiday with him, and it was because he didn't give him a pudding that he made a big fight.

However, the king of demons was actually eliminated by that fat man, which shows that the king of demons in their universe, Dapra, is not very strong, and he is also a cannon fodder when he comes to 1.5.

Beerus had no choice but to give up and stop thinking about it.

For him, things in the arena are naturally the bigger the better.

Anyway, it is the two contestants of the sixth universe and the eleventh universe competing.

No matter which side is eliminated, it is very beneficial for them in the seventh universe.

The viewing area of ​​the sixth universe.

Champa also showed disbelief when Hill shot and gave up everything to become Gods of Destruction's Toppo trauma.

Because in terms of strength, Toppo is almost the same as him in normal state.

If he didn't mobilize his Gods of Destruction power, he wouldn't necessarily be able to beat Toppo, who was also a candidate for Gods of Destruction.

Today, Toppo was traumatized by a sword that Hill underestimated, which made him involuntarily take a deep breath.

"When did this woman become so strong... Even Gods of Destruction can be hurt by her... If it was me... sigh~~!! Thinking back on the fact that he had had some festivals with Hill, Champa couldn't help but fall down. Take a breath.

Obviously, he was a little scared.

"Oops, Lord Champa, aren't you a little scared? This doesn't look like you. Vados on the side of 35 snickered.

"How is that possible! Don't talk nonsense, Vados!!" Champa suddenly looked anxious and repeatedly denied.

"Then why are you sweating so hard that you don't even dare to look at Hill..." Vados asked jokingly.

"Humph~~!! Why are you asking so many questions, since Hill is naturally stronger for us now, the better!!" Champa snorted coldly, not wanting to continue answering.

To be honest, he did feel a little guilty.

After all, the strength displayed by Hill is properly at the level of Gods of Destruction, and he once had a relationship with Hill.

If this woman suddenly takes revenge on him after the power conference is over, I don't know if he can bear it.

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