The Super Blue Three Abuse Champa at the Start, Participate In The Power Conference

Chapter 85 This sword! It can really kill gods! 【Subscription】

on the ring.

Toppo's destructive energy ball is getting bigger and bigger, and the power it emits is enough to shake the entire ring.

His eyes locked on Hill, the woman who injured his body and disgraced Gods of Destruction!

This move is with the determination to kill, even if it is as strong as Hill, it is absolutely impossible to stop it!

Of course, this is Toppo's own opinion.

"Be ready to be destroyed! Woman!! No one can stop me now!! Under the power of Gods of Destruction, let's be eliminated!! Destruction!!!" A thunderous roar came from Toppo out of the mouth.

At this moment, at his chest, a burst of purple light of destruction surged, and the flames belonging to Gods of Destruction ignited around him.

The condensed super-giant destructive energy ball was smashed and expanded madly.

It was oppressed by Toppo's powerful external force, forming a super-giant purple-red energy ball with a diameter of 100 meters.

Driven by Toppo's breath, this super destructive energy ball escaped control and attacked Hill.

This speed is neither fast nor slow, but the power contained within is enough to blow most of the arena into pieces.

In the face of this terrifying to extreme destructive energy, Hill just stood there, with a dignified face, but he was unmoved.

She slowly raised her hand, and there was a ghost-like arrogance around her body.

The energy of the whole body is compressed, and it continuously gathers on the blade.

"What an incredible force, Gods of Destruction! I played against Gods of Destruction Champa of the sixth universe a long time ago, and although I failed miserably, it was not a small inspiration for me! To this end, I even I have honed a sword that is enough to kill a god, and you are just right to be my test subject." His solemn face, as the words were spoken, became evil and charming, and a trace flashed in Hill's eyes. red light.

In the next second, the deep arrogance surrounded the surroundings, surging continuously, as if alive.

Under the mobilization of her mind, the inexhaustible power of the Demon King gathered on the Qi Sword.

The color of her energy qi sword also changed, adding a hint of blood red to the purple at the beginning.

A frigid wind blew through.

Hill has disappeared in place.

That iron-shattering, unstoppable Qi Sword 14 aimed at the hundred-meter super destructive energy ball, and slashed down with a ruthless sword.


The deafening roar resounded throughout the arena, and then spread to all corners of the boundless world.

The super destructive energy ball that was enough to destroy most of the arena was split in half again by Hill's sword that was enough to kill a god.

Not only that, even the arena under his feet was divided into two by this devastating slash, and a slender gap spread in the center.

This sword! It can really kill a god!

When the destructive energy ball was cut off, all the gods couldn't help but stand up.

The horror and disbelief in his eyes were revealed.

The most shocking is Toppo.

He gave up the Gods of Destruction power that he had acquired in a single switch, and was cut off by the opponent's sword???!!!

Where is this woman... so holy?! Why is she so strong?!

He felt that even Jiren would be difficult to do this kind of thing.

Unwilling to accept defeat, Toppo was furious.

"No!!! It shouldn't be this ending, I won't lose!! I will never lose if I give up everything!!!" Toppo, who was completely red-eyed, ignited the flame of Gods of Destruction again. , His eyes were red, as if he had gone crazy and fell into an evil evil spirit, he rushed towards Hill with his fangs and claws.

"Hmph~! Did the psychological defense line collapse so easily? This kind of behavior is really stupid." In Hill's eyes, Toppo's weakness was exposed.

Toppo, who is irrational at this moment, is full of flaws in her eyes. If she wants to, she can take Toppo's life in an instant.

It's a pity that the rules of this power conference allowed Toppo to save his life.

"Accept!! Destruction!!!" Toppo with red eyes once again gathered a mass of destructive energy in his chest, intending to block Hill with his huge body and carry out a devastating blow.

"You should also feel honored to be the stubborn stone for this king to hone his tricks, but unfortunately, the battle is over now!" As the cold words fell, Hill suddenly accelerated and swung a god-killing strike.

'Pfft~!' A sound of blood separation sounded.

Time and space seem to freeze at this moment.

Gods of Destruction Toppo and Demon Lord Hill landed at the same time.

Toppo stood motionless with a gloomy expression on his face.

Hill, who was behind him, turned around slowly, dissipating the qi sword in his hand, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that you can't do what you want. I won the battle." As soon as Hill's voice fell, there was a continuous reaction on Gods of Destruction Toppo.


Several dark red thunderbolts lingered around him and exploded in an instant.

There was a slender crack in the chest where he was slashed by Hill.

Bright red blood continued to overflow from the wound, Toppo's breath quickly diminished, his pupils turned white, and he couldn't even cry in pain.


The huge body fell to the ground.

The force of the Gods of Destruction dissipated, and he was alive, but unconscious, a lamb to be slaughtered by others.

Gods of Destruction, lost!

This undoubtedly shocked everyone present.

The power of Hill's sword can indeed kill Gods, and it can still kill Gods of Destruction!

The most important thing is that, looking at her relaxed appearance, she can handle it with ease, and her apparent strength is just the tip of the iceberg.

Her true power is far from being shown.

Stroll to Toppo's side, overlooking the unconscious Toppo with a victorious attitude.

"Although you gave up everything, you lost your heart in the end. Even if you have a strong power, you can't exert it. It's a pity, even a god is only a stepping stone under the king's feet. After that, Hill kicked out. .

"Pound~~!!" a muffled sound.

This kick is not very powerful, but it can make Toppo fall from the ring.

The game was decided, Hill, by a landslide.

After eliminating Toppo, Hill turned around and smiled at Bergette, who was at the highest point, with her head held high, as if she was saying, "Look, how is the old lady doing?! Surprised?!"

Noticing the meaning of Hill's actions and gestures, Bergette shook her head with a wry smile and gave Hill a thumbs up.

This woman is still the same as the one he knew before, as always, a candidate Gods of Destruction, she was eliminated after three moves in her hands.

Jiren's here.

When Hill easily eliminated Toppo as Gods of Destruction, he got serious.

It is his conceit not to save Toppo!

He will not shoot lightly unless the opponent is worth his shot.

Beating Toppo gave him a little interest.

[It seems that the sixth universe deserves more attention than the seventh universe, that woman is not simple. 】 Jiren said silently in his heart.

Just the sword that was enough to kill a god just now, even his mind was touched.

Replacing him, although he can block Hill's sword, it won't be easy.

At least a little more tiring than dealing with Son Goku.

This woman's strength is far stronger than Son Goku who surprised him before.

If he came to deal with it, it would take some effort.

So, Toppo lost no wrong.

The viewing area of ​​the sixth universe.

Champa danced with joy when Hill overwhelmed the Eleventh Universe candidates and Gods of Destruction.

"Good job!!! Hill, hehe~~!! My Gods of Destruction candidate was knocked out of the ring, the expression on Vermut's face is really wonderful. 35 Champa sneered, at Vermut's twisted appearance, Intrigued, and mocking mercilessly.

The shock brought by Jiren was too great, and now Toppo was eliminated as a candidate for Gods of Destruction, which directly suppressed the momentum of Eleventh Universe.

That damn clown, he used to be very uncomfortable.

"Speaking of Vermut-sama's Universe, our Universe's Hitsang is also fighting with their Universe's Dyspo-san, and... it seems that the winner is about to be decided. 35 Vados reminded Champa to pay attention to the battle on the other side.

"Dyspo? Is that the rabbit who ran very fast?" After Vados reminded him, Champa remembered that in the eleventh universe, there was a purple-skinned rabbit that looked very similar to them, but was not of the same species.

They are cats and Dyspo is a rabbit.

"Yes, Lord Champa," Vados confirmed.

"Looks like Vermut is going to lose another general, hahahahahahahaha~~~!! Hit, can be regarded as the ace of our Universe. 35 Champa couldn't stop laughing, and he began to imagine Vermut's frantic appearance.

Now, he is taking the initiative to target the eleventh universe, that clown is too annoying, the more he is eliminated, the happier he is.

The viewing area of ​​the eleventh universe.

The dying Toppo came back to life after being treated by Supreme Kai Kaye.

As soon as he wakes up, he already knows that he has lost, and he has lost very thoroughly.

Feelings of loss and rout enveloped him, and Toppo changed again.

"I'm sorry, Lord Vermut...I..." Toppo was about to apologize, but was interrupted by Vermut.

"There's no need to blame yourself, Toppo, you've done a very good job. If you want to blame, you can only blame that woman for being too strong. I didn't expect that the sixth universe would invite people from the demon world to participate in the competition! Humph~~!! That guy Champa It's also hidden, they actually have masters in the universe who can't even ignore Gods of Destruction..." His fists clenched, Vermut felt very unwilling.

Hill's strength made even him feel a little tricky.

Just the sword just now, he may not be able to block it.

Toppo is the alternate Gods of Destruction. Although his strength is very strong, he still has a long way to go compared to the old Gods of Destruction.

"The sixth universe is a great threat to us. At present, only one Son Goku can be seen in the seventh universe, but in the sixth universe, there are only two in the Gods of Destruction level... This is not very good. , Lord Vermut." With a frown, Angel Macarita calmly analyzed.

"Humph~~!! So what? We have Jiren enough, they have the Gods of Destruction level, and we have it too! Jiren is a warrior beyond me, no matter what kind of opponent, he will not lose! !" The only thing Vermut can do now is to believe in Jiren, and believe in Jiren's powerful fighting power.

Jiren, is their only hope of winning in the eleventh universe.

He is also a warrior recognized by Gods of Destruction. No matter what the situation is, Jiren will definitely win!

Even though Sixth Universe has both Hill and Bergette, the king of demons, he still has confidence in Jiren.

Angel Macalita on the side saw the change in Vermut's expression, but was unmoved.

She knew that the eleventh universe was probably hanging this time.

In the sixth universe, Bergette alone made them feel pressure, and now there is another Demon Lord Hill.

The pressure on their Universe side is very high.

It's not just them, other universes feel the pressure too.

The sixth universe is also regarded by them as the universe that this conference must solve.

Previously, it was the eleventh universe that attracted the main force of all universes, and now, it has become the sixth universe.

And this is the chaotic battle of the power conference, and the battle situation and situation are changing rapidly.

Seventh Universe here.

"That woman... actually used only one move to decide the winner..." Gods of Destruction Beerus shed cold sweat on his forehead, and was horrified by Hill's power.

There is such a luxurious lineup in Champa.

On their Universe side, only Son Goku, Vegeta, and Broly are enough to watch, and the others are not enough to watch.

"The sword just now... just like her name, it is a blow that can kill a god..." Whis's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were fixed on the sixth universe 117 Demon King Hill.

This woman gave him a very bad feeling.

And, Whis is guessing, another layer of Hill's identity.

The sword just now reminded him of the tricks of a demon god tens of millions of years ago.

Slash enough to kill a god!

Hill's origin is definitely not as simple as a person from the devil world.

It is very likely that it is involved in the dark demon world that was destroyed long ago.

"Whis, I don't seem to have seen Vegeta's actions, where is he now...?" Beerus glanced at Whis beside him and asked.

His previous attention was attracted by the warriors of the sixth universe and the eleventh universe, so that he ignored the second force of his universe, the only warrior who could compete with Son Goku.

It hasn't popped up until now, it's not like Vegeta.

"Vegeta-san's words... huh?! Vegeta-san seems to be fighting the Sailor Moons of the second universe, and... it seems that all the members of the second universe will be eliminated by Vegeta." Vegeta, Whis himself was stunned.

For just a few minutes, Vegeta did nothing but compete with the second Universe player.

It's just that the warriors of the second universe are not good, so they are overshadowed by other battles.

Now, the second universe can be said to hate the seventh universe, because most of the players have been eliminated.

"Nani?! You mean, that Vegeta guy almost eliminated all the contestants in the second universe by himself? Is there such a thing? This guy is so reliable???!" Beerus was stunned. Unexpectedly, in such a short few minutes, Vegeta actually did such a big thing.

All the members of the second universe are about to be thrown out of the ring?

Beerus, who got this news, was deeply relieved. Although he and Gods of Destruction·Jerez of the second universe did not have a holiday, they were not friendly either.

It's also a good thing to get rid of it quickly.

That woman was not only ugly to death, but also said that she was beautiful and not beautiful all day long, making him nauseous.

battlefield on the other side.

Vegeta here.

At this moment, Vegeta, I don't know what kind of stimulation, has already turned on the violent mode, which is a wild bombardment at the personnel of the second universe.

The second Universe's favorite warrior, Ribrian, is being chased and beaten by Vegeta at the moment.

The dense energy bomb attack poured down as if it didn't want money.

"You savage stinky man!! Give in before my love!!" Ribrian, who was chased and beaten by Vegeta, finally started to counterattack.

It's just that her counterattack was so weak and weak, Vegeta rudely blasted her energy directly, and punched her ugly face with another punch.

"You give it to me!!! Shut up!!! Obediently accept this uncle's trial and be eliminated!!!!" In a roar, the angry Vegeta punched and kicked Librian to vent his heart 's anger.

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