The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1047: Tough teacher

After Su Yang came to Qinghe College, he paid special attention to the teachers here, because he felt that Qinghe College had problems, and the teachers here must also have problems.

However, he could not feel the slightest breath of power in these teachers. These teachers are also conscientious at ordinary times, teaching them all kinds of knowledge, which is no different from ordinary people.

Usually these students skip classes too much. These teachers will also criticize a few words, but they have not done any other actions.

Even, sometimes, when these students fought in class, the teacher could only move out of the school rules and threatened to expel these students in order to control the situation when he scorned useless.

Some students are tired of these teachers' old school rules to scare people, and they have threatened and insulted these teachers, but these teachers have not taught these students, and eventually they will not stop.

This situation makes people fully believe that these teachers are ordinary teachers. Even ordinary teachers are inferior, because they don't even have the ability to discipline students.

Even Su Yang was deceived by the situation of these teachers. He thought they were ordinary teachers.

Who can imagine that this teacher who usually seems like an old scholar has such strength?

Fang Jianchang is not weak, slightly worse than Huo Zihen, but not much worse.

In front of this teacher, he couldn't even stop one move. A piece of chalk almost killed him?

How strong is this teacher?

Everyone was stunned at the teacher who came in at the door. Everyone's expressions were frozen. Is this still a teacher?

And this teacher seemed to have done a very simple thing. He crouched while coughing lightly, and walked to the podium. That appearance really looked like an old man with a dying wind, as if he might be in the soil at any time.

"Class is about to start soon, everyone returns to their seats. If you are not in this classroom today, please spare the classroom." The teacher said slowly, without the slightest ripple, as if nothing happened just now.

Everyone finally came back to their senses, and everyone looked at Fang Jianchang in unison.

Fang Jianchang finally suppressed the blood surging in his throat at this time. He gritted his teeth and stood up forcibly. He trembled: "Who...who are you? dare to control me...our side? Home affairs..."

The teacher glanced at him and said calmly: "I'm just a teacher here. I don't intend to take care of anyone's affairs. However, the school has school rules. You people who are outsiders want to beat me students from Qinghe College in the school. That won't work."

"This...this is a matter between our Fang family and...and Su Yang, what does it have to do with you..." Fang Jianchang gritted his teeth and said angrily: " you know that the last name is Su? Killed my son, killed...killed the heir of our Fang family. Even if our Fang family fights the entire family, it...will definitely kill him and avenge my son. If Qinghe College... if it insists Intervene in this matter, that...that is to be an enemy of our Fang family..."

Fang Jianchang knew that he was not the teacher's opponent, so he directly raised the matter to the level of the Fang family, and wanted to use the Fang family to suppress the teacher.

The teacher's face remained unchanged, and he calmly said: "In Qinghe College, students of Qinghe College cannot be killed. This is the rule of Qinghe College!"

" are trying to protect him, and you have to fight against our Fang family!" Fang Jianchang sternly said: "Do you know, I... if our Fang family gets angry, what will be the consequences? You... …Can you dare to bear the consequences of our anger, Qinghe College, may you bear the consequences of our anger?"

The teacher finally raised his head, his eyes swept across the Fang family, and finally fell on Fang Jianchang, his voice was slightly cold: "If you don't leave, you will all die here!"

Fang Jianchang was furious and roared: "Could you still dare to kill us? Do you dare to kill my Fang family? I tell you, if our Fang family died in this Qinghe College, you will also wait for Qinghe College. Let's be wiped out!"

The teacher did not speak, but directly shot, throwing out a piece of chalk again.

This time, everyone watched the teacher act with their own eyes. The expressions of everyone at the scene changed, especially the Fang family masters, who shot almost at the same time, trying to block this piece of chalk.

However, the power of these people hit the chalk and couldn't shake the chalk at all. The chalk pierced the air and screamed sharply before hitting Fang Jianchang again.

This time, Fang Jianchang couldn't even make a cry, and fell directly to the ground, tragically dead on the spot.

There was an uproar at the scene, everyone's eyes widened, and everyone's eyes were full of shock.

Although the teacher had already made a move before, his move was too sudden just now, and there was no one to defend it. It could be said that it was almost a sneak attack. Therefore, Fang Jianchang suffered such a big loss, and everyone didn't think how strong this teacher was.

But this time, the teacher shot in full view, and several masters of the Fang family attacked at the same time, but none of them were able to stop him. Fang Jianchang was killed in front of everyone. This situation was unusual.

Su Yang stood behind and watched all this. When the teacher made his move, Su Yang had already seen that the teacher was not a venerable, but a land god.

In other words, a land immortal kills Fang Jianchang, and the Fang family is stronger, what can it be? Can they resist the fatal blow of the land gods?

What really shocked Su Yang was not the teacher's strength. What really shocked him was that this teacher dared to kill Fang Jianchang!

He is a land immortal, he is to be monitored by law enforcers. He dared to slay Fang Jianchang in the realm of the venerable in public. What did he think? The two people didn't have any deep hatred. This matter, plainly speaking, was Su Yang's matter, but he intervened and killed Fang Jianchang. Isn't he afraid of attracting law enforcement officers to strangle him?

This teacher made his move mainly because he was a teacher of Qinghe College and had to implement the rules of Qinghe College. But in fact, you are just a teacher. The school’s rules should also be resolved by the school’s senior management. It is not your turn to resolve it. What is the situation with you?

At this time, everyone in the Fang family started making noise, and Fang Jianchang's wife burst into tears. The rest of the Fang family were all furious, shouting loudly: "You dare to kill our Fang family, are you looking for death? Our Fang family will never die with you!"

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