The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1048: Fang family escapes

The teacher had a calm face. After killing Fang Jianchang, he continued to lower his head and flip through the textbook as if he was preparing for a lesson.

"If you don't leave, you will end up like him!" The teacher said calmly, his voice did not fluctuate at all, as if he were talking about a very common thing.

Everyone in the Fang family was taken aback for a moment, and then roared again. However, the violent jump returns to the violent jump, the roar turns to the roar, but no one dared to step forward, just shouting loudly to let the senior leaders of Qinghe College come out to speak.

The teacher never paid attention to these people. After about two minutes, he picked up a piece of chalk again.

At this moment, the Fang family suddenly panicked. This teacher's chalk shot would surely kill someone, and these people just shut their mouths.

"Let's go!" A man's voice trembled, and he still insisted: "But... but this matter is not over, I... My family and you Qinghe College will never die!"

Before the man had finished speaking, many people in the Fang family had already slipped out of this large classroom, and they did not dare to stay here.

When someone ran away, the others dared to stay even less, and ran away in a hurry. Before long, all the Fang family in this big classroom ran away, not one left.

As for those who watched the lively scene, they all ran away wherever they could sit still. For a time, there were only less than a hundred people left in this classroom, that is, those people who usually teach here.

Su Yang was already prepared and planned to have a fight with the Fang family. Unexpectedly, it was in this situation in the end. Before he could take action, the teacher solved the Fang family first.

Su Yang was stunned at this moment. This teacher's action not only solved this matter, but also broke Su Yang's previous recognition. These teachers, seemingly simple, are actually not simple!

After thinking about it, Su Yang walked to the stage and whispered: "Teacher..."

"Class is coming, let's go back to my seat first!" The teacher said calmly, as if he had done nothing just now.

Su Yang was stunned for a moment. Did this teacher completely never happen before?

He scratched his head, and finally returned to his seat with Zhao Jun and others.

This time, no one dared to skip class again, and no one dared to whisper in this class. After all, Fang Jianchang, who was so powerful just now, was directly beaten to death by this teacher with two pieces of chalk, and the powerful Fang family was also driven away by this teacher. Who dares to make trouble here now!

This class can be said to be the best order for these students, including kindergarten, elementary, middle school and high school so far.

Of course, it was not listening attentively, but everyone almost held their breath, even the sound of breathing was not dared to come out. Everyone looked straight at the teacher who was slowly lecturing on the podium. All the sloppyness, all the carelessness, all the arrogance were gone, and only awe, awe from the heart.

But the teacher seemed to have nothing happened, and he didn't care about the attitudes of the following students, just finished the lesson as usual. After the get out of class bell rang, he, like all the teachers, left with the textbook in his hand, and did not stay here.

Everyone at the scene didn't move, until they watched the teacher leave and walked away completely, it seemed as if they had exploded, and they started making noise.

"Wow, I didn't read it wrong, right? Let's... our teacher, killed Fang Jianchang with two pieces of chalk?"

"Is that right? I saw it too!"

"Oh my god, our teacher, who usually speaks slowly, is actually... so powerful?"

"I said a long time ago that there is a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Qinghe College, now you have seen it!"

"It's really real people don't show their faces..."

Everyone kept exclaiming, Su Yang's side, Zhao Jun and others were also shocked. They never dreamed that a high mathematics teacher with a rickety figure who could enter the soil almost at any time would have such a strength against the sky? What the **** is this?

"Brother Yang, I...I was dazzled just now, right?" Zhao Jun asked in a low voice, his voice still trembling.

"Yeah, I...we won't be dazzled..." Lin Dawei's voice was even more trembling: "I...what did I see just now? That...that...that wouldn't it true? "

Several other people also looked directly at Su Yang. Su Yang was silent for a long time, then slowly stood up, and said in a low voice: "It seems that this school is more complicated than we thought!"

The few people looked at each other. They didn't think it before, but now they completely believe it.

An ordinary maths teacher has this kind of strength, what about other teachers? What about their physics teacher, chemistry teacher, biology teacher and other teachers? Which is an ordinary person?

If these teachers have the strength against the sky, what kind of academy is this Qinghe College?

"During this time, take classes honestly, don't think about other things!" Su Yang whispered.

"That must be!" Zhao Jun replied invariably, joking, is this still necessary? Do they dare not attend class honestly?

Su Yang thought of Yuan Tiangang and Wu Daozi, both of whom were also teachers of Qinghe College. Since this high math teacher can have such a skill, do these two teachers also have such a skill?

However, thinking of the wretched looks of these two old lamps, Su Yang remained silent in the end. These two old lamps are different from ordinary people, but they don't look like an expert.

Even if there are some masters of the game, there is no such thing as them, any shameless and dirty thing can be done. Although I haven't come to Su Yang for a meal in the past few days, it is said that I deceived a few students outside and lived a leisurely life. How can there be such an expert?

After class, Su Yang did not return to the dormitory, but waited in this classroom.

The Fang family Fang Jianchang died in this school, this incident will certainly not let go, the Fang family will definitely make a big fuss. Now Su Yang has no plans to take action. He wants to see how Qinghe College will deal with this matter. In the face of an established family like the Fang family, will Qinghe College be tough to the end?

After waiting for less than ten minutes, Zhao Jun heard news that the Fang family had entered the school again.

This time, more people came from Fang's family, and they went directly to the teaching office. Even the corpses of Fang Ping and Fang Jianchang were brought over. Seeing this posture, they were going to make a big fuss. Moreover, he also named the surname to let Su Yang die in the past, and let the teacher just now pay his life!

Su Yang went directly to the teaching office. When he got here, Su Yang saw his own high math teacher walking slowly.

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