The Supreme Dragon Emperor

Chapter 75 Heading to the Trading Center

What exactly is here?

Qin Zheng tried to mobilize his spiritual energy to explore inside, but in the end he got nothing.

Although he could feel the aura of aura, it seemed to be imprisoned by something, and no matter how hard he tried, it was to no avail.

In desperation, Qin Zheng finally gave up.

Lying on the bed, closing your eyes and relaxing, time has passed before you know it.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone on his face, Qin Zheng staggered and rolled out of bed.

After practicing as usual, I washed up, changed into a neat outfit, and then walked out of the hotel.

What was gratifying was that not only did the sign not mention the time, but the seat was also in the VIP seat, which surprised him quite a bit.

We were speechless all the way, so we took a taxi and headed straight to the suburbs.

After getting off the car, Qin Zheng handed over a few red pictures of Mao Zedong in a cool manner, and then walked towards the venue casually.

Originally, he came here with the intention of giving it a try, but when he arrived at his destination, he couldn't help but believe what the previous two people said.

Although there were just a few inconspicuous stalls here, he could vaguely feel the aura within them.

More or less, there are some. Whether it is the furnace or weapons used for alchemy, they are much better than outside. It is definitely not comparable to what was seen outside the Taoist temple last time.

But despite this, it was still far less than what he wanted.

After walking around, except for a few slightly better weapons, Qin Zheng couldn't see anything else, and his handsome face was full of boredom.

Just when he was about to abandon the outside and go directly to the auction area, suddenly a wretched-looking man blocked his way and said with a wink.

"Brother, you can tell from the first glance that you bought something. How about you come and see the cultivation techniques I have here?"

"Huh?" Qin Zheng asked doubtfully. After looking the man from side to side, he finally shook his head: "Forget it, I'm just strolling around. I don't have the money to buy anything."

"Tch, even poor people dare to come here. If you don't have money, don't come here. Go away and get round." The man said with contempt, driving Qin Zheng away from his stall.

However, Qin Zheng said nothing and left. He vaguely felt the prehistoric aura at that person's stall, which was emanating from an inconspicuous piece of iron.

Although the feeling has become less and less due to the passage of time, Qin Zheng can still clearly sense it, as if it has never disappeared.

"Wait, what is that thing?" Qin Zheng asked regardless of the man's disgusted eyes.

Hearing this, the man sneered repeatedly and pushed Qin Zheng back: "If you can't afford it, don't make trouble. Go away, go away."

"No, I want that thing, you can give me a price." Qin Zheng said calmly.

The man instantly had the urge to roll his eyes and kill him. He said he didn't before and now he has it again. What on earth is the master in front of him doing?

Forget it, that piece of iron isn't worth much anyway, it was just something I picked up before, so it's better to just give him a break.

With this thought, the man said: "This is an ancient thing. Unfortunately, I don't know what it is. It's five thousand yuan. I'll give it to you for five thousand yuan, but do you have it?"

Listening to the boss's sarcastic words, Qin Zheng burst into laughter. I'm joking about myself, the dignified Young Master Qin, the boss of Jiuqitai. If you don't even have this little money, why don't you make people laugh to death?

He is really a guy who judges people by their appearance. He was thinking that Qin Zheng took out his wallet, took out a card, and asked the boss, “Can I swipe the card?” This is really the first time I've seen it, that's all, just take it away, give me the card, and I'll do it for you as quickly as possible." The man said with a smile, taking the card from Qin Zheng's hand with a look of contempt on his face, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't ask a high price, otherwise the bumpkin in front of me would definitely not be able to afford it, so wouldn't it mean that I wouldn't be able to get away with it? I'm still smart. He sighed in his heart without any expression on his face. After a while, when he came out again, he already had a machine in his hand, which was obviously for transferring money.

After Qin Zheng carefully entered the password, the two quickly completed the transaction. He didn't hear such a call again until he was far away, which made him sigh in various ways.

It seems that the world of monasticism in the mortal world is not only a world of strength, fame and fortune are also relatively important. It is really a reality. But looking back on all the things he did in heaven, it's not like this.

Qin Zheng didn't sigh because he didn't have time to sigh. A few short thoughts flashed through his mind and he quickly walked towards the main road.

Walking along the most crowded area, I passed through the crowd and came to the outside of a huge door. If I looked carefully, I saw the words "Trading Center" written in simple characters on the door.

Vigorous and powerful, it really looks like that. If you look closely, you can still vaguely feel the feeling of spiritual energy. After Qin Zheng took a deep breath, he moved in in a flash.

What you see is a huge open space, like a Roman Colosseum, with a bunch of people sitting in groups in the surrounding stands.

Judging from their clothes, it was easy to tell that they were together.

Of course, in addition to family members, there seemed to be other organizations in the entire venue, but there were not many single people like himself.

However, judging from their age alone, these people are basically around fifty years old. There seem to be only a few people of his age.

Even among some big families, they are scarce.

Obviously this was not the point. After looking around, Qin Zheng finally sat down without interest.

At this moment, the audience suddenly burst into warm applause. As the central curtain opened, a white-haired Wen Xin appeared in the center.

He has a childlike face with crane hair and piercing eyes. He wears a white gown that shows a Taoist style, which makes him look like an immortal.

Almost as soon as he appeared, the originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet. It was no exaggeration to say that even a heel drop could be heard. It seems that this person has a good background, Qin Zheng thought to himself, looking curiously at Wen Xu.

Almost as soon as Qin Zheng looked at him, his warm eyes met Qin Zheng's by chance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen him.

Although Qin Zheng knew in his heart that Wen Xu was just smiling in front of everyone, he couldn't help but be shocked in his heart, and even his breathing became a little panicked.

After a moment of astonishment, Qin Zheng put away the panic in his eyes and took a deep breath.

At this time, the warmth in the center began to speak.

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