The Supreme Dragon Emperor

Chapter 76 Making money is actually easy

"First of all, I welcome Taoist friends from all regions to my auction. I hope that everyone will choose the destined items today and maintain good order. I would like to thank you all here."

Wen Xu said slowly, bowing deeply to express his gratitude.

As soon as he said this, warm applause erupted from the stands.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

"Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah..."

The sound could not stop being heard, but at this moment Hexu made a silent movement, and the venue became quiet again.

After a moment, Hexu slowly took out the box in his arms. Several hollow dragon patterns shone with golden light. Needless to say, it must be a treasure.

Almost instantly, the eyes of these cultivators were straightened.

Soon, a big man next to Qin Zheng raised a sign in his hand: "Six million, I want this."

"Seven million!"

"Eight million!"

"Ten million!"

"Two thousand and five..." The price calls came and went, but Qin Zheng showed no interest at all.

After scanning the box with a faint gaze, he muttered: "It's just a Xuan Qi Pill, so what?" The voice was not loud, but it fell into the ears of some people.

People who practice Taoism have been known for being aloof and arrogant since ancient times. Seeing that their elixirs are being squandered by others, they feel a little helpless after having been practicing Taoism for many years.

Completely ignoring everyone's shouting, he directly heard the voice and said: "Boy, how dare you try to use my pills? Don't act unethically and run rampant. Apologize to me as soon as possible, and I will naturally let you go."

"Haha, am I wrong? This thing is garbage." Qin Zheng smiled playfully and transmitted the sound into his ears.

Hexu's expression changed instantly when he heard this, and he shouted with warmth and anger: "Stop being so arrogant! Apologize quickly, otherwise I will make it impossible for you to leave this house."

"What? Can't the alchemy be changed into a threat? This elixir is...made, right?"

"You, how do you know?" He Xu asked with a surprised look on his face. "

Qin Zheng smiled slightly and said mysteriously: "Let's ask for advice after the meeting is over."

"That's okay, but I hope you can save some face for me." He Xu said hurriedly, but he had his own plans in his heart.

It was indeed strange that Qin Zheng could see through his own formula, but he vaguely felt that this matter must not be that simple. There must be something to it, but he just didn't find it.

However, what kind of strangeness was there? Hexu felt that he could not figure it out and could not figure it out, so he simply withdrew the sound transmission and continued the auction.

But what pleased him was that Qin Zheng stopped making any remarks and just continued to watch.

The whole situation lasted until the end of the auction, which was when it came to an end.

Overall, the entire auction was a success, but it was quite boring for Qin Zheng.

I don’t know if the things I saw were too good, or the things in the world were too inferior. In short, I didn’t even have the mood to let him take another look.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and almost everything was sold, and some even fetched sky-high prices.

This made Qin Zheng speechless for a while, but since it was over, he didn't have much meaning, so Qin Zheng turned around and left with this thought.

As the crowd rushed towards the exit,

When I came outside, I couldn't help but stretch my arms comfortably. Just as I was about to leave, a familiar voice came from behind me.

"Hey, didn't you ask me to find you? Why did you leave first?" Looking carefully, isn't it the warmth of the central government before? Qin Zheng vaguely remembered that almost all of his things were sold at sky-high prices, and the income was quite considerable. .

It's just that he didn't expect that he just said it casually, and this warmth actually came to him, which was a bit interesting.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to come to me. Is there anything wrong?" Qin Zheng asked pretending to be confused.

Hexu opened his white teeth and said, "Seeing as you know a lot about alchemy, you must be an alchemist too. I'm here to ask you why you said that today."

Why? Because your stuff is too bad and you still show it off. At this time, Qin Zheng complained in his heart, but maintained a calm smile on his face and said: "Just say it casually, don't take it to heart."

It would be nonsense not to take it to heart. You can tell what you are using at a glance. Even if you are not proficient in this, you should be a genius. He Xu thought that he had been traveling for many years, but he rarely encountered such a situation. The Qin Zheng in front of him really made him want to date.

With just one look, Qin Zheng could tell what He Xu was thinking, but he had no intention of contradicting him. It was his first time in this vast mortal world, so it would be good to have more friends. He thought in his heart that he had not waited for He Xu. After saying that, Qin Zheng said: "Fellow Taoist, if you don't mind, let's have dinner together later."

When He Xu heard this, he immediately nodded with joy on his face: "Okay, okay, then let's go to Saito Residence. How about I be the host?"

"Well, guests do as they please." Qin Zheng replied calmly.

Soon the two got into a commercial vehicle and drove away. Sitting in the extended version of the BMW, Qin Zheng looked at the passing scenery with a normal expression.

After the car passed through the bustling urban area, it climbed over towering mountain peaks before slowly driving into the flatland.

It took about half a cup of tea to arrive at the destination.

The car door opened, and Qin Zheng followed He Xu and walked forward.

What he saw was a medium-sized villa with an ordinary style and an ordinary doorman. It couldn't give people a strange feeling anyway, which surprised him a lot.

I originally thought that this warm place would at least live in a super villa, but I didn't expect it to be a place like this. It's okay to just make do, but it will be difficult to get on the stage. I don’t know what the reason for this warmth is. Could it be that it’s for peace and quiet? Yes, ascetics naturally like peace and quiet, otherwise they would be too busy with too many worldly things.

Qin Zheng thought in his mind, and looked around the surroundings. He relaxed when he saw that there were no masters, and he felt much more relaxed.

As soon as I entered the hall, I sat down without waiting for anyone to greet me.

"Tell me what's going on." Qin Zheng said straightforwardly.

He Xu had originally designed the opening remarks, but he didn't expect that there was no room for use. Qin Zheng was too direct, but this was also in line with the character of a monk.

Seeing that Qin Zheng was concise and clear, He Wen was no longer vague and said directly: "Just now you saw the problem with my elixir at a glance, but I didn't know it, so I wanted to ask you for advice."

"So it's this. It's exactly what I thought. That's what I meant when I asked you to wait for me." Qin Zheng said with a smile, as if he had expected it.

He Xu was not angry when he heard this, but smiled and said: "Since you know, then just teach me how to do it. Of course, the reward will not be less."

remuneration? That's fine, anyway, I need money to develop there. It's really difficult to buy medicinal materials without that money. As the saying goes, a clever woman can't make a meal without rice. No matter how powerful you are, you can't use air to make elixirs. Anyway, this warmth is a lot of money. It doesn't matter if you just give him a small sum of money. Although the money won't be important in the later stage, it is absolutely indispensable in the early stage.

"Okay, come up with a price and I'll consider it." Qin Zheng said slowly.

He Xu's eyes lit up when he heard this. He originally thought that Qin Zheng would be difficult to solve, but he didn't expect that it could be solved so easily. Isn't it just money? This is what he lacks the most. But how much does he want? Hexu thought about it and asked tentatively: "Look, what do you think of all the proceeds I got from the auction today?"

"All the income? How much is that?" Qin Zheng asked doubtfully.

Wen Xu lowered his head in embarrassment, stretched out five fingers and said, "That's all."

"Five hundred? Five million? Fifty million? Or?"

"It's 500 million. If it's less, you can say something appropriate, or..." He said hesitantly.

Qin Zheng interrupted before he finished speaking: "Deal! Just 500 million. I don't want more from you. Just give me the money and I'll tell you the adjusted formula now."

"Yes!" Wen Xu nodded excitedly, took a pen and paper and handed it to Qin Zheng.

With a stroke of the pen, a detailed medication list soon came out.

After Qin Zheng stopped writing, He Xu slowly took it over, his eyes widening.

"This, is this really effective?" Looking at the highly toxic items above, Wen Xu asked doubtfully.

Qin Zheng curled his lips and said, "Why, do you think you are trying to default on your debt?"

"No, I just don't know if it's true. If you don't mind, can you let me try?"

"Okay, forget it if you don't believe me. Give me back the things." Qin Zheng said displeasedly. Upon seeing this, Wen Xu immediately put the order into his sleeves and took out a bank card without asking any more questions.

"There is money inside, and the password is four 1s. You can just withdraw it."

"Yes," Qin Zheng replied, taking the card.

After another exchange between the two, it came to an end. Around dusk, Qin Zheng left Hexu's house with satisfaction.

Under Wen Xu's arrangement, the driver sent Qin Zheng downstairs of the hotel without any delay, and did not leave until Qin Zheng went upstairs.

Although it's hard to say whether Wen Xu's behavior had ulterior motives, at least it seemed to Qin Zheng that it was okay at this time.

Getting 500 million easily and easily is, at least for Qin Zheng, faster than getting money from Jiuqitai.

Although it is not a long-term solution, it is enough in the short term.

At least it was enough to collect a batch of medicinal materials to make wine. Thinking of this, Qin Zheng couldn't help but cracked his mouth, weighed the card in his hand and walked towards the room.

In the room, Qin Zheng lay flat on the bed and reached out to take out the found item.

I saw that it was covered with rust spots, and the green-red rust tightly wrapped the entire piece of iron. At first glance, it looked unremarkable, but Qin Zheng vaguely felt that it was not that simple.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to feel it. There must be something to this. Qin Zheng murmured in his heart, and tentatively probed his spiritual power inward, only to see a beam of light suddenly coming from the iron piece, and it quickly integrated into his body.

A familiar feeling flows from Dantian to the brain, but the strange thing is not the aura but...

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