The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1295: Unconscious miss

Han Qingqing sat in Qin Yang's car co-pilot seat and slightly cocked his mouth.

"I don't call earlier. I thought you were going to be busy today, so I discussed with Yuxin and others about going out shopping, but when you called, they made me laugh and said that I saw my friends..."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Isn't it normal to see friends who want to see sex? Are they not used to it? The guys in my dormitory have long been used to..."

Han Qingqing was amused by Qin Yang's words, then picked up the seat belt to buckle herself, and asked casually, "Where are we going?"

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Let's find a place to eat first, then watch a movie, then drive to the Bund, watch the fireworks on the Bund beach, across the New Year?"

Han Qingqing hesitated: "Why don't we buy something and go to your house to eat? You are now a big celebrity in the limelight. You are 100% recognized when you eat out, and it will be troublesome..."

Qin Yang froze for a moment: "We can find a better restaurant and have a private room..."

Han Qingqing made a decisive decision: “Just two people, what kind of private room we want, that’s it. Let’s buy some delicious food, and then go to your house to eat, after eating, watch a movie, and watch New Year’s Eve on your balcony in the evening. Fireworks, um, it doesn’t matter if you don’t see them. The key is that we are together. Besides, how comfortable the house is. The cold wind outside is like a knife. Why go outside and suffer..."

Qin Yang saw that Han Qingqing had made a firm decision, and smiled: "Well, you are the master, then you say what you want to eat, let's pack it!"

Han Qingqing said without hesitation: "It's chilly, let's pack a pot of mutton soup, and buy a few catties of spicy crayfish. It will be enough for the two of us!"

"it is good!"


At the same time, there is a gourmet shop in the prosperous pedestrian street.

Xue Wantong hurriedly walked into the store, looked around, and then saw Donna who was beckoning to herself.

Xue Wantong walked over, sat down on the seat opposite Donna, put down her satchel, and said apologetically, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Donna smiled and said, "I just arrived, just ordering good food."

Xue Wantong smiled and asked: "Today is New Year's Eve, why do you have time to ask me, don't you accompany your boyfriend?"

Donna smiled and said: "He is very busy all day long, flying around. I originally wanted him to accompany me on New Year's Eve, but he was going to a high-end cocktail party. I didn't want to go, thinking about you. Just ask you out for dinner, it's boring to be alone."

Xue Wantong smiled and said: "You have a boyfriend, what a man, a man busy with work and career, is like that!"

Donna smiled and said, "No matter how busy you are in your career, you can't ignore your girlfriend. By the way, what have you been busy with recently? I have asked you a few times. You all said that you are busy. Work is important, but life is also important! "

A two-minute flash in Xue Wantong's eyes was sad, and he responded casually, "Isn't it the end of the year? Many things need to be settled, and everyone is working overtime."

Donna laughed and said, "You, you are so serious in doing things."

At this time, the waiter began to serve food and brought two bundles of home-brewed wheat beer. Xue Wantong looked at the big glass: "Just the two of us, do you want to drink?"

Donna took it for granted: "Isn’t it the New Year’s Eve today? Men can drink but women can’t drink. Drinking a little is more atmospheric. Speaking of which, we haven’t seen each other for many years, and we all feel strange to each other. It.\'

Xue Wantong heard Donna talk about the friendship between classmates, and she felt a little touched. In addition, she had been having troubles in her heart for some time recently, and she was also a little bored, so she did not refuse: "Okay, let's drink less."

Donna smiled and said, "Okay, drink less, we will go to the bar after dinner."

Xue Wantong shook her head and said: "We won't go to the bar anymore. It's easy for us two women to get into trouble when we go to that place."

Donna smiled and said: "What can be the trouble, let's play our own, are you afraid of someone eating your tofu, but that's right, you are so beautiful, there must be so many men who come to the bar to talk to each other."

Xue Wantong said angrily: "Aren't you the same. Two women go to the bar, I am afraid they will attract a group of flies, where can I still have fun?"

Donna saw that Xue Wantong was very unfriendly to the bar, so she stopped reluctantly: "Okay, then we are here, drink slowly, and chat slowly!"

"Okay, the environment here is relatively quiet, it's suitable for chatting, there is nothing else in the bar except for drinking!"

Donna raised her cup: "Come on, for our long-distance reunion, drink one!"

The food Donna ordered came up, and the two of them were talking and drinking, but most of the conversations were from the time when they were studying.

Classmate XX liked you at first, classmate XX later went to study abroad, classmate XX married an ugly second-generation female official, etc...

Since the last time Xue Wantong met with Qin Yang, after Qin Yang’s care inadvertently pushed her true heart away, Xue Wantong has indulged herself in work, and wanted to numb herself through heavy work. It was just a blink of an eye. New Year's Eve.

On this relatively special day, Xue Wantong did not work overtime, but her heart was a little empty. It happened that Donna called her again for dinner and said that she was also alone. Xue Wantong agreed and wanted to take this opportunity to come out for a walk. Walk through and breathe.

During these recent days, Xue Wantong felt that she was almost out of breath.

When she didn't tear her inner, she can still not think about it, but when she understands her heart, she thinks irresistibly every day.

She followed his Weibo, followed his whereabouts, watched his videos, watched his photos...

She often lay in bed in a daze, thinking about his and her past moments, thinking about the two drinking, thinking about him helping herself to solve problems, even her hands will be inadvertently on her chest, but her mind is thinking back to her. Just lying on the bed, Qin Yang touched her chest during the acupuncture massage for him, and then unconsciously flushed with red ears, and unconsciously his heartbeat accelerated...

Alcohol is the best catalyst for emotions.

Xue Wantong's drinking volume was not bad. Under Donna's persuasion, she drank four daggers, and she started talking more, but she still kept Qin Yang in her heart and didn't say anything.

"This is the last tie, stop drinking, I'll go to the bathroom..."

After Xue Wantong went to the bathroom, Donna quickly swept her eyes around. After confirming that no one was paying attention to herself, she quickly took out a small pill from her pouch, and quickly threw it into Xue Wantong with the last half of beer left. In your beer glass...()

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