The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1296: Unyielding

Xue Wantong came back soon and checked the time.

"My mother should be home too, just drink this and it's over!"

Donna smiled and lifted the cup: "Okay, it's done!"

Xue Wantong also picked up the cup and drank the wine in the cup in one sip, put down the cup, and shouted, "Waiter, pay the bill!"

Donna picked up her purse and stopped Xue Wantong: "I asked you to have dinner. There is no reason to make you pay."

Seeing Donna's insistence, Xue Wantong gave up: "Well, I will invite you next time."

Donna smiled and said: "They are all old classmates, why do you see things like this, everyone is happy!"

Donna stood up, frowning suddenly: "After drinking a lot of beer, I have to go to the bathroom to help me watch the bag."

"it is good!"

Donna walked into the bathroom and checked the time. Three minutes later, Donna walked out of the bathroom.

Jack told her that as long as the medicine is drunk in a person's stomach, it will take effect within five minutes at most.

When Donna returned to her position, Xue Wantong's eyes were a little confused, and she was propping her head with her hands: "This wine is a little bit overwhelming, I seem to be a little drunk."

Donna was overjoyed, but there was a caring look on her face: "No way, you are drunk after only four ties, okay, come, I will help you out to take a taxi."

Xue Wantong picked up her bag: "Okay, trouble you."

Donna reached out and took Xue Wantong's arm, and the two walked outside and crossed the pedestrian street. When the cold wind blew, Xue Wantong's body had a medicinal attack. She became more drowsy, and her consciousness became a little confused. Almost the whole person was dependent on Donna. Body.

"Wantong, Wantong!"

Donna called Xue Wantong several times, shook her body, and found that she had just hummed twice unconsciously. There was no other reaction other than that, and she was relieved immediately.

Donna took out her mobile phone, quickly sent a message to Jack Nader, then put her mobile phone in her pocket, helped Xue Wantong to the side of the road, and stopped a taxi.

"Go to Loulan International!"

The taxi galloped all the way, and quickly entered the Loulan International Villa area, and stopped in front of a villa. Donna helped Xue Wantong, who was dizzy, got out of the car, and then walked into the villa.

Donna opened the door, helped Xue Wantong into the villa, and saw Jack Nader at a glance.

Jack Nader was wearing pajamas and was sitting on the large sofa watching TV. Watching Donna help Xue Wantong in, he straightened up from the sofa.

"Send her to the room on the third floor."

With a hum, Tang Na helped Xue Wantong directly upstairs.

After taking a taxi for so long, the effect of the medicine in Xue Wantong's body has disappeared. Xue Wantong weakly leaned on Donna, looking at the unfamiliar scene around her with dizzying eyes.

"Donna, this...where is this?"

Donna trembled, and immediately replied: "This is my house. I think you are drunk. You didn't say anything when you asked you where you live. I will drag you back to my house. You will take a rest and talk later. ."

Xue Wantong was dizzy so badly. Hearing Tang Na said that it was her home, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Tang Na is her old classmate and both are women.

Tang Na put Xue Wantong on the bed, took a slightly complicated look at Xue Wantong, and then exited the room.

Walking out of the house, he happened to see Jack Nader coming up with a cigarette in his mouth.


Jack Nader reached out his hand and grabbed Donna in the face: "Good job!"

Donna bit her lip, her eyes slightly complicated: "Thank you, boss."

Jack Nader stopped at the door and glanced at Xue Wantong, who was lying on the bed with all the graceful curves. His eyes showed a bit of greed, and he stretched out his hand and patted Donna's ass.

"You go take a wash, and then come together."

Donna was taken aback: "Ah, together?"

Jack Nader's mouth curled up for two points: "Aren't you two fellow classmates, aren't you two flowers in your grade? I love you being together!"

Donna's face was a bit red, and her expression was slightly hesitant. Jack Nader's eyes were cold: "Why, you don't want to?"

Donna was startled: "No, I am willing, I will go to wash it now!"

Jack Nader snorted, "Hurry up!"

"Yes, boss!"

Donna quickly slid to the bathroom next to her, and soon there was a sound of water.

Jack Nader walked into the room and sat next to Xue Wantong. He looked at Xue Wantong, who was blushing and drunk, with a bit more desire.

Jack Nader stretched out his hand and gently stroked Xue Wantong's beautiful face.

Perhaps Jack Nader's hands were a little cold, Xue Wantong was suddenly excited, and his eyes opened for two minutes. When he saw a man in pajamas touching his face in front of him, Xue Wantong's hair all over his body stood up. When he got up, there was a sudden awakening in his head, and his originally haunting head suddenly became sober.

"Ah! Who are you?"

Xue Wantong rolled away from the bed at once, and then stood up, perhaps because of too much force, she leaned forward and directly hit the balcony door of the bedroom.

The balcony door was not closed tightly. Xue Wantong slammed open the balcony door and leaned against the door with a thud.

Jack Nader stood up and looked at Xue Wantong like a cat catching a mouse.

"Xue Wantong, from the first time I saw you, I wanted to fall on you, don’t worry, you won’t be alone, and your old classmates, you will kneel in front of me and be **** hard by me. Do it..."

Xue Wantong was still in a coma in her mind, and her body was a little unwilling. Looking at Jack Nader who was slowly walking over, Xue Wantong cried out in horror: "Don't come here! Don't come!"

Jack Nader laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? You will be very happy later. Anyway, you won't remember anything tomorrow. Seeing you are so beautiful, let me have a good time. I won't treat you badly. Just like your classmate Donna, isn’t she just for my money? I give her money and she makes me cool..."

Xue Wantong retreated to the rear in horror, holding on to the railing tightly with both hands: "Don't come over, come over again... I'll jump down!"

A cold smile appeared on Jack Nader's face, and he continued to walk in towards Xue Wantong and stretched out his hand towards her: "Jump down? Although there are only three floors here, there is a concrete floor below. If you jump down, if your head falls on the ground , But it will fall into a rotten watermelon, but it will die!"

Seeing that Jack Nader's hand was about to catch Xue Wantong, Xue Wantong suddenly let out a sharp cry, and then slammed his upper body toward the outside.


Jack Nader's face changed His body suddenly sprinted, and he grabbed Xue Wantong's hand, but only caught a piece of flying clothing corners.

Xue Wantong fell straight down in midair and hit the concrete floor below with a "bang".

"Wan Tong!"

Jack Nader turned her head and saw Donna's face turned pale from the balcony of another room. She looked at Xue Wantong below in horror, and then turned her head and shouted at Jack Nader: "Call an ambulance. what!"


Chapter Fifty, an unprecedented explosion!

It was only at 7 o'clock in the morning today that I finally finished writing the last word. I didn't make a step for half a month, and it finally broke out! Chapter Fifty!

Since there has been no outbreak in the past two months, I have not been embarrassed to ask for a monthly pass. Now I just want to shout out!

Ask for a monthly pass! ! ! ! ! ! Monthly ticket! ! ! ()

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