The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1306: Will the next one be yourself?

Jack did learn about Xue Wantong's family background from Donna, but whether it was Donna or Jack, he missed a little.

It is true that Xue Wantong's family conditions are very average, with no strong family background, but she has a friend named Qin Yang.

Jack went into the parking garage, opened the door, and sat in.

Just as Jack inserted the car key, he suddenly felt something wrong.

There are people in the back row!

Jack's hairs stood up all of a sudden, and he turned around abruptly, but his face was only half-turned, and a cold pistol was already on the back of his head.


Jack looked behind with the corner of his eyes, and found a masked man sitting in the back seat, looking at himself with a cold look.

Jack looked at the pistol on his head and slowly raised his hands: "Friend, do you want money? I have money in my wallet. I have five thousand dollars. I can give it all to you. If you If I don’t think it’s enough, I can still transfer the money to you.

The masked man in the back seat was naturally Qin Yang, and Qin Yang coldly pushed the gun in his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, drive!"

Jack pondered for a moment. If he resists now, the space for movement is too small and it is easy to be shot. He immediately started the car: "Okay, I drive, don't get excited, I will listen to you."

Qin Yang said coldly: "Place your hands on the steering wheel, don't make small movements, follow the navigation prompts!"

Qin Yang took out his mobile phone and clicked on the navigation that had already set the destination.

Jack did not dare to defy, started the car obediently and drove out of the garage.

The car followed the navigation set by Qin Yang all the way, but out of the city, all the way to the west of the city, and finally came directly to the Panshan Mountain Road where Qin Yang participated in the racing.

It was already night, and there was basically no traffic on the Panshan Mountain Road. It was dark and the car climbed all the way, and finally came to the highest mountain.


Jack stopped the car and looked at the deserted people around him. He felt a little flustered, but he was still a little emboldened because he was a practitioner.

As long as he gets out of the car and is no longer affected by the narrow space in the car, he can take the gun, and then the situation can be reversed.

"get off!"

Jack heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party was not ready to kill himself in the car.

Jack opened the car door cautiously, and then walked out of the car with his hands raised. Qin Yang also walked out of the car following him, and put the pistol back into his waist.

Jack saw Qin Yang's movements, his eyes lit up, and he didn't say anything, he rushed towards Qin Yang directly, very fast.

Jack had a grinning smile on his face. You don’t need a gun, so don’t blame me for being cruel!

However, the smile on Jack's face instantly solidified, because Qin Yang suddenly disappeared from the front of his fist!

So fast!

Jack suddenly came back to his senses and understood why Qin Yang had to put away the pistol, because the opponent was also a cultivator and was very strong!

Qin Yang didn't leave any hands. As soon as he came up, it was a phantom step. He instantly avoided Jack's attack and appeared directly beside him, slashing a heavy palm on Jack's neck.

Although Jack was also a cultivator, his strength was far worse than Qin Yang's. With the palm of Qin Yang's palm, Jack suddenly went black and fell directly to the ground.

Qin Yang got into Jack’s car, turned the car over, stopped at the top of the long slope, then pulled up the handbrake, then dragged Jack to the driving position to do it, and then put the car into gear. , Put Jack's foot on the accelerator, and after everything was ready, the handbrake was released.

The car started steadily. Qin Yang closed the door smoothly. The car slid in front of Qin Yang, and then slid down the long slope. The speed was getting faster and faster. At the end of the long slope, the speed of the car was already It reached very quickly, and rushed down the cliff directly from a gap at the turn.


The car fell directly from the top of a hundred-meter-high cliff into the pile of rocks below, making a dull noise.

Qin Yang stood on the top of the mountain, staring coldly at the falling car, and then walked a bit forward. A car was parked on the dark side of the road. Qin Yang got into the car, pulled off his mask, and drove. Back to the city.

Jack must die!

Jack is a member of a family of cultivators abroad. If Qin Yang only beats Jack to disability, he will definitely suspect Xue Wantong, and maybe he will retaliate against Xue Wantong and track him down. Qin Yang is not afraid that he will trouble him, but Xue Wantong is just an ordinary person. If Jack finds him, the result is hard to predict.

If you kill a snake, you will suffer from it.

Since Jack almost killed Xue Wantong, Qin Yang killed him directly!

Qin Yang's forged car accident scene, even if someone investigates, he can't find himself at all, because the surveillance along the way will clearly photograph Jack driving to Xishan alone. He doesn't exist, he is a ghost. !


Donna arrived at the office in the morning and waited for a long time, only to find that the boss Jack hadn't come yet.

Isn't he going to have a meeting this morning?

Why haven't you come?

Donna waited for a while Seeing that Jack hadn't arrived yet, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed his phone, ready to ask where others were.

The phone is connected, but it is a stranger who answers the phone.

"who are you?"

"I'm a policeman. The owner of this phone was in a car accident. We are dealing with the scene. Who are you?"

Had a car accident?

Donna was shocked: "I am his secretary. Where is he now? Is he seriously injured?"

"Below Xishan Panshan Road, it should be the car accident that happened last night. It should be that the speed was too fast and there was no time to turn. The car rushed out of the road directly from the peak curve and fell off the cliff because there were not many cars here at night. I waited until the morning until I was discovered. When I found out, your boss was dead..."


Donna's head buzzed, Jack is dead?

Xishan Panshan Road?

What did he go to Xishan Panshan Road for?

Donna's mind was suddenly messed up, and she didn't even hear the opposite.

Although the police was a car accident caused by too fast a turn, but Donna always thought it was weird.

For some reason, Donna thought of Qin Yang inexplicably, the young man who scared herself.

When Donna and Jack were separated yesterday, Donna was still thinking about what Qin Yang would do, but after one night, Jack died?

Car accident?

Is it really a car accident?

Could it be man-made?

Qin Yang's revenge?

If it is really Qin Yang's revenge, now it is Jack, will he be the next one?

Donna's heart was suddenly filled with fear...


Some kavans are missing a chapter and will be added later~


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