The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1307: Please forgive me


Xue Wantong opened the door and looked at Donna at the door, her face changed suddenly, and she said coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Xue Wantong wanted to close the door at will, Donna pressed the door and whispered: "Don't close the door, I'll just say a few words."

Xue Wantong sneered: "I don't seem to have anything to say with you."

Donna resisted the door and pleaded: "I'll just say a few words."

Xue Wantong put down her hand to close the door and said coldly, "What do you want to say?"

Donna looked around, and whispered: "May I go in and talk, don't worry, I'll leave after speaking."

Xue Wantong blocked the door to prevent Donna from entering the room, and replied in a cold voice: "Just talk about it here."

Tang Na saw that Xue Wantong really had no intention of going in by herself, gritted her teeth and knelt down.

Xue Wantong froze for a moment, and then said with a cold face: "If you come to see me just to kneel, then you can kneel, I won't forgive you."

Donna hugged Xue Wantong's leg, and said in horror: "Wantong, I was wrong with you. If you want to be punished, I will admit it. Can you let me go?"

Xue Wantong was taken aback for a moment: "Let you go?"

Donna nodded and held Donna's legs in horror, her eyes were full of horror: "Yes, please, Wantong, if you hate me, hit me hard, as long as you let me go, you let me I promise you everything."

Xue Wantong looked at Donna in horror. She wanted to say that she had never thought of dealing with her, but suddenly her heart moved. Why is she so scared? Is it because of Qin Yang?

Did Qin Yang do something?

Xue Wantong stared at Donna and said solemnly: "What happened, what are you afraid of?"

Donna raised her head and said with a panic: "Jack is dead."

Xue Wantong's complexion changed abruptly. Just about to speak, she suddenly felt that it was inconvenient to talk about these things at the door, so she let the door open: "Come in and talk."

Tang Na followed Xue Wantong into the house, Xue Wantong closed the door, turned around and stared at Donna tightly: "You said that Jack is dead, what's the matter?"

Donna stared at Xue Wantong with a panic: "Jack had a meal with me last night, and then we separated. I received a call at the company this morning. He crashed into a cliff of hundreds of meters on Panshan Road in Xishan last night. It was only discovered this morning."

Donna's face became paler as the narration, and the fear in her eyes became more and more: "I went to the scene, and he fell apart and died terribly..."

Xue Wantong was also taken aback. Jack died?

last night?

Xue Wantong frowned and said, "What did the police say?"

Donna whispered: "The police initially determined that this was a traffic accident. They adjusted the surveillance and found that Jack had separated from me after dinner last night and went to the garage. Then he drove all the way to Xishan. The surveillance showed that he was alone. ..."

Xue Wantong breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and her voice became two-pointedly cold: "Since the police have said this is a traffic accident, what are you looking for me for, and beg me to let you go..."

Donna gritted her teeth: "Although the police judged that this was a traffic accident, my instinct told me that Jack's death was definitely not a traffic accident. It must be a man-made accident..."

When Donna said this, her whole body suddenly broke down. She knelt down and hugged Donna's leg, and said in horror: "I know, he must have done it, it was Qin Yang! He knew it was Jack who forced you to jump off. Loud, so he killed Jack, the next one is me..."

Xue Wantong's expression changed, and immediately said with a serious face: "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. The police said it was an accident. You are a delusion of victimization, right?"

Donna shook her head: "No, it wouldn't be so coincidental! You were discharged from the hospital yesterday, and Jack died yesterday, and Jack didn't drink. How could he fall off the cliff, and why did he suddenly go to Xishan in the middle of the night? "

The thinker in Xue Wantong's mind, she was shocked just when she heard the news. Although she disagrees with Donna's statement, she actually believes Donna's statement a little bit.

Because Qin Yang told her that Jack who hurt her would pay the price.

Perhaps this is the price Qin Yang said?


Qin Yang will fly to Japan today, so before he leaves, he has to deal with this matter?

Xue Wantong’s heart was in a mess. She knew that Qin Yang was very powerful and capable. She also thought that Qin Yang might use violent means to help herself get justice. It is even possible that Jack may be beaten and disabled, but Jack died. Up?

Did Qin Yang really kill someone?

Xue Wantong is just an ordinary woman. Such things as murder are a big deal in her Three Views and are illegal...

Where did Donna know what Xue Wantong was thinking? She was panicked and terrified now.

Intuition told her that Jack's death could not be separated from Qin Yang, but she did not dare to tell the police, even if it was said, it was useless, there was no evidence.

Besides, if it was really Qin Yang, then Qin Yang could kill Jack even if he wanted to kill him, and he would kill himself perfectly, wouldn't it be easy to kill himself?

After Donna came back from the police station, the more she thought about it, the more she became I was afraid that the next one would be her turn. After thinking about Qin Yang knowing that she had harmed Donna, Xue Wantong must also know it, begging Qin Yang must be Useless, then only ask Xue Wantong!

Donna looked at Xue Wantong frowning and thinking, lest she reject herself, and quickly said, "Wantong, we are classmates after all. I admit that I have been jealous of you. Last time I gave you the medicine and wanted you to become like me in the end. I was wrong with this, but I called an ambulance as soon as you fell downstairs. I also offended Jack for this..."

Xue Wantong looked at Donna's horror and sighed: "This is all about you scaring yourself. Qin Yang is just an ordinary person. Where can he kill? Besides, hasn't the surveillance also proved that Jack was driving the accident alone? ?"

After a short pause, Xue Wantong added: "Although I will not forgive you, I never thought of harming you or retaliating against you. Don't worry, Qin Yang won't do anything to you. I have treated him before. Enough said, although you can't tolerate what I did, everyone is still a classmate..."

When Donna heard Xue Wantong say this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you so much, Wantong, you are a good person!"

Xue Wantong was upset at this time, not wanting to listen to Donna's words, so she perfunctorily gave Donna away again.

After Donna left, Xue Wantong sat on the sofa, her face hesitant.

After a long while, Xue Wantong finally made a decision, took out her mobile phone and dialed Qin Yang's number, but was prompted to shut down.

Qin Yang is already on his way to Japan.

If this matter is true, he really does not hesitate to kill for himself, how should he face him?


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