The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1344: Mr. Ishida, you are so realistic!

When Qin Yang and the others returned to the hotel, a middle-aged man stood up on the sofa in the hotel lobby and walked towards Qin Yang and the others with a smile.

Qin Yang stopped and looked at the middle-aged man.

At the age of more than 40 years, he has a national character face, a thin body and a little short, but he carries the aura of a superior.

"Madam Ishida!"

Lixiang Yamaguchi next to him whispered the other's name, and waited for Qin Yang to be reminded.

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes for two points. This middle-aged man is Masato Ishida, the Japanese medical expert who is going to challenge his master?

Madam Ishida stopped in Qin Yang and smiled: "Mr. Qin, hello, I am Madam Ishida."

Qin Yang responded with a smile: "Mr. Ishida, hello."

Madam Ishida said straightforwardly: "Mr. Qin was busy participating in piano competitions before, so I never came to bother. Now that the piano competition is over, I came to discuss with Mr. Qin about the time for our competition. Presumably Mr. Mo has already told you. Let this matter go."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I said, what is your opinion, Mr. Ishida?"

Madam Ishida smiled and said: "I heard that you accepted the challenge of Aoki Ryuyuu Chisaka. Why don't we find time after you challenge?"

Qin Yang chuckled: "No problem, I don't know how Mr. Ishida is going to learn from each other?"

Madam Ishida was obviously prepared for a long time, and smiled and said: "After all, medical skills are to cure diseases and save people. We will treat diseases and learn from each other. Whoever has good treatment effects will naturally have higher medical treatments."


Qin Yang sneered inwardly, the comparison is false, and the comparison is true.

Qin Yang smiled faintly: "Yes, but I still want to ask a little bit more clearly, are we purely discussing and discussing the improvement of medical skills, or should we divide the level?"

The smile on Madam Ishida’s face remained unchanged: “It’s the master of the competition, but Mr. Mo said that if I can beat you, he will accept my challenge.”

Qin Yang's tone was filled with a faint sarcasm: "Mr. Ishida never thought about trying to compete with my master before, but someone in Korea said that the first person in Chinese medicine is the first person in Chinese medicine. You should go to my master. The name of the first person in Chinese medicine?"

Madam Ishida’s expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, “I didn’t know Mr. Mo’s name before, but Mr. Qin, you made a vote of experts in South Korea willing to bow down. This shows the magic of your medical skills. Mr. Mo is your master of Mr. Naturally, my medical skills are more powerful. I am also a healer, so I naturally want to discuss with Lingshi and improve my medical skills."

Qin Yang was too lazy to engage in this kind of argument with Ishida, and said lazily: "In order to compete with my master, and even promised to compete with his disciple first, Mr. Ishida is really sincere!"

Madam Ishida didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Qin Yang's words at all, and looked at Qin Yang with piercing eyes: "Mr. Mo said that you have learned his medical skills. What is lacking may only be actual experience, and Mr. Qin The patient you are treating in Korea is helpless by a group of experts and professors. I have studied the patient’s medical records and it is indeed very difficult to treat. Mr. Qin can restore her consciousness in just half a month. This method is indeed very powerful. I am very excited and looking forward to discussing with Mr. Qin!"

Qin Yang smiled and asked, "Mr. Ishida, you said it's very difficult to treat, but the implication is that you can cure it too?"

Masato Ishida said with a confident face: "Although I don't know Mr. Qin's treatment method, it must be inseparable from internal Qi stimulation and drainage. Ordinary doctors can only use drugs, massage, etc., but it can only be superficial after all. Only by using internal qi stimulation and dredging can the muscles and nerves be stimulated and warmed, and then stimulated with drugs, and finally the legs can be regained consciousness."

"Although I only looked at the medical records and did not personally contact and treat them, I have evaluated the treatment plan myself. I will use the medicated bath to warm her atrophic muscles, use the internal qi to clear the meridians, open up the meridians, and then take the medicine. Working together inside and outside, I believe that within half a month will allow her to regain consciousness, and within three months to half a year, she will regain her ability to walk on her own."

Qin Yang nodded in recognition. Although he was mocking Madam Ishida, he was not underestimated at all. As a powerful doctor, they are better at combining the advantages of their practitioners and applying their skills to patients. Body can treat patients to a greater degree.

They often have the skills of general expert doctors, but they also have unique skills that they don't have, and then all these skills are combined to form a more effective medical treatment.

Mo Yu is like this, Qin Yang is like this, and Madam Ishida is like this.

Madam Ishida has obviously studied patient cases, so there is no psychological barrier to discussing with Qin Yang, because in his eyes, Qin Yang is already a very powerful doctor, and he is fully qualified to compare medical skills with him. What's more, through the comparison with Qin Yang, he can understand Mo Yu's ability in advance, and if he prepares enough, he will have a higher degree of certainty when challenging Mo Yu.

He asked himself that he also had the ability to treat Liu Xiaomin, otherwise he would have been compared to him in one case alone, so why should he seek humiliation?

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Will our discussion this time be public or private?"

Masayoshi Ishida still has a warm smile on his face: "Openly, there will be many colleagues in the medical field attending at that time. After all, we will discuss together, and we will be able to improve medical skills. All discussions and results will be announced to the outside world."

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly: "The whole video is released?"

Madam Ishida smiled and said: "Yes, I attach great importance to our discussion meeting. Similarly, many colleagues in the medical field are also looking forward to it. They have also studied the medical records of the Korean patient. They admire your medical skills very much and want to Ask for advice!"

Qin Yang was silent for two seconds, then suddenly smiled: "Okay, since you are prepared with enthusiasm, then do what you said!"

Madam Ishida smiled and said, "Okay, I wish you a great success in your competition tomorrow."

Qin Yang said with a smile, "Mr. Ishida is Japanese, do you expect me to win?"

Madam Ishida replied calmly: "If Mr. Qin loses in the match, then according to the contradiction between you, I am afraid that you will suffer serious injuries. Wouldn't it affect our subsequent exchanges? "

Qin Yang gave a thumbs up: "Mr. are so realistic!"

Madam Ishida made no secret of his contempt for Chisaka Yanagyu in his tone: "I have heard of the source of the conflict between Mr. Chin and Chisaka Yanagyu. I am very disgusted with his behavior. Even if you want to win, you must be honest It's a shame to defeat the opponent and use that kind of conspiracy and tricks that are not on the table!"


A supplementary chapter~

On the last day of 2018, I wish you all a smooth and prosperous new year, peace and happiness!

The last time I asked for a monthly pass in 2018~ It would be a waste not to vote, please support!


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