The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1345: Your heart is so big!

   "Majito Ishida has a very good reputation. He enjoys a high reputation in Japan. You seem to be very prejudiced against him."

   After Madam Ishida left, Yamaguchi Rika turned her head to look at Qin Yang, with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

   Qin Yang replied calmly: "I'm skeptical."

   Yamaguchi Rika frowned, "Is it because he challenged your master, so you are subconsciously hostile to him?"

   Qin Yang shook his head, "Isn't it normal for me to be unfamiliar with him, and to be wary of him? Besides, I feel that he is a bit fake."

   Yamaguchi Rika asked suspiciously: "Fake?"

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yes, an intuition."

   Yamaguchi Rika retorted: "This is a very subjective statement, without any objective facts as a basis!"

   Qin Yang replied naturally: "That's why I said it was intuition. Intuition, you know, rely on the sixth sense, and it doesn't need objective facts as a basis."

   Yamaguchi Rika was speechless: "You are prejudice!"

   Qin Yang chuckled, not arguing about this issue any more.

   Yamaguchi Lixiang turned her head to Qin Yang and said, "I will open the room next to you."

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "Can you just live in our suite? You can share a room with Xiangxiang. If you don't want two people to sleep in the same bed, then Xiangxiang will share a room with me..."

   Yamaguchi Rika raised her brows, her eyes fell on Situ Xiang next to her: "You?"

   Situ Xiang said cleanly: "I am his servant, everything I belong to him, including my people and my heart."

   Yamaguchi Lixiang widened her eyes. She had investigated Situ Xiang, the owner of Huanyu Group, with a net worth of at least tens of billions, and she was at ease to serve as a servant for Qin Yang?

   Yamaguchi Lixiang turned her head to look at Situ Xiang, only to find that Situ Xiang's complexion was calm, without any jerky or shy expressions, and she was generous, like telling the plain fact that I had eaten lunch.

   Yamaguchi Rika frowned and said, "I remember you have a girlfriend?"

   Qin Yang touched his nose and said, "I didn't seem to say that I am a good person."

When Rika Yamaguchi heard Qin Yang say this, she couldn’t say anything. After all, this is someone’s private matter. Besides, nowadays, there are many rich and capable men and women in society. Changing girlfriends is just like eating. It’s not her turn. Go talk more.

   Yamaguchi Rika's mind turned, and suddenly he caught something. Situ Xiang served as Qin Yang's servant, perhaps because of Ito Koshiro?

  If it weren't for this, Qin Yang, who was not close and unreasonable, was only at a small level at that time, so desperately to kill the extraordinary master Ito Koshiro for her, taking such a big risk?

   Thinking of this, Yamaguchi Rika's mind changed slightly.

   "Okay, let's live in the same room with Situ Xiang."

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "I thought you would choose to live alone in one room?"

   Yamaguchi Rika felt that she had been molested by Qin Yang, and hummed, "The cultivator has very good ears, I'm afraid the soundproofing effect of the room is not good enough!"

   Qin Yang chuckled, continued walking towards the room, and asked casually: "Miss Yamaguchi shouldn't be married yet, right?"

   Yamaguchi Rika raised her head and snorted coldly: "Why, don't I look like someone who can't get married?"

Qin Yang smiled and shook his head: "Miss Yamaguchi, you have misunderstood. I only see you being so active and serious about your work, and when it comes to protecting me personally, I haven't seen you talk to or notify anyone. That's why I said that, Ms. Yamaguchi is so beautiful. , If you really want to marry, how many people are crying and crying for marriage?"

   Good words always sound smooth, and Yamaguchi Rika’s cold face suddenly eased a bit: “You’re too exaggerated. I’m so busy with my job all day, where can I find time to fall in love and get married.”

   Qin Yang said with a smile: "You have to be busy at work, and you can't lose your life. People are alive, but only for work!"

   Yamaguchi Rika curled her lips and said: "You think all of you are like you, you are a famous teacher, you will be billionaires with a casual toss, life is leisurely..."

laid back?

   Are you busy with a dog?

   Either all kinds of enemies are chasing and running, or tasks are chasing and running, or life is chasing and running, where is it leisurely?


   But Qin Yang can’t say this...

Qin Yang smiled and said, "How can I be so leisurely as you said, don't you see me being challenged to come to the door? Chisaka Yanagyu, Shunsuke Ito, Matsuhide Akechi, Makoto Ishida, martial arts, swords, medical skills... I If you don’t work harder, you will be scumbed and embarrassed..."

   Yamaguchi Lixiang didn't refute Qin Yang this time. She checked Qin Yang and knew Qin Yang's origin, and probably knew that he had many opponents.

   A special sect like the Hidden Gate has more friends and no fewer opponents. Although the descendants of each generation can obtain a lot of resources, they also bear greater responsibility.

   "Do you want to invite your friends to dinner tonight?"

   Qin Yang smiled: "Yes, isn't the piano competition over? Everyone gathers together and then they will be separated. They are all ordinary people, and they won't be mixed with the following things."

   "Then you still have to drink?"

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "I'm just asking for dinner. I don't know what's going on tomorrow. Naturally, I don't drink, I want to keep my best condition!"

Yamaguchi Rika nodded: "It's pretty much the same. I thought you despised Chisaka Yanagyu to such an extent. Since he dares to challenge you, I think he should also have some tricks at the bottom of the box. After all, he bet on their collection of large prajna long. Light, this represents the face of their Aoki Ryuu. If he does not have a chance to win, it is absolutely impossible to bet on the great prajna longlight."

   Qin Yang suddenly remembered something: "By the way, can you do me a favor?"

   Yamaguchi Rika looked sideways and looked at Qin Yang vigilantly: "What's busy?"

Qin Yang looked at Yamaguchi Rika’s vigilant eyes, and said silently: “Would you like to guard me like a thief? I said, I’m not a person who likes to make trouble, you see, I’ve been someone else from beginning to end. Trouble with me, there is nothing that I trouble other people."

   Yamaguchi Rika gave a hum without comment, and continued to ask: "What are you talking about?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yagyu Chisaka and I asked for an unlimited weapon. He deliberately raised this matter. Then he will definitely use weapons, and it may be the big prajna light. I can't fight with others empty-handed. Fight, you can find me a long sword that you can take advantage of. Don't be too sword, but long sword, as long as it is strong and durable, don't be cut by the opponent's sword."

   Yamaguchi Rika widened her eyes: "You let me find weapons for you?"

   Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yeah, what? Are you unwilling to help? You are a person in the special affairs department. It should be easy to find a long sword of decent quality."

Yamaguchi Rika stared at Qin Yang blankly for several seconds, before nodding, "Okay, I'll find the sword for you, but tomorrow is going to be a battle, and today you are not even prepared for weapons... Your heart is so big! "


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