The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1349: spring!

   At least hundreds of people gathered in the clearing. A small part of these people were senior Aoki Ryuu, and many of them were practitioners of other schools in Japan.

   Kitashatsu One Sword Style, Two Days First Class, Second Sword Style, Jingxin Mingzhiyu, Xinyinyu, One Sword Style, etc., a large number of famous Japanese swordsmanship genres, Iga, Koga, Kai and other ninja genres were present.

   Although the people from these genres may only be two or three people, and they are not the most important figures in the sect, they are already very high in terms of their scale and attention.

Naturally, there is no shortage of masters among these spectators. Although most of them saw Qin Yang's sword dancing, they just took a cursory look and turned their attention to other places, but some people wanted to judge Qin Yang by Qin Yang's sword dancing. These people are sharp-eyed people for their combat effectiveness, and naturally there are others who have seen the jerkyness of Qin Yang's move.

   It's just that when someone with a heart saw that Qin Yang canceled the flawed sword move for the third time, some people put it down, and some people thought about it carefully.

   Is this a real omission or a real flaw?

  No one in the room is a fool. Seeing such a situation, I can't help thinking about it several times, but no one can be sure of the real answer.

  Perhaps only actual combat can test the authenticity, but did Chisaka Yanagyu notice the flaws in Qin Yang's swordsmanship?

   Everyone whispered to each other, Ueno Tokitake took Yanagyu Chisaka onto the ring and looked at Qin Yang who had stopped dancing his sword and said, "Mr. Qin, the time is up, are you ready?"

   Qin Yang carried the standard sword made of tungsten steel into the ring and stood opposite Chisaka Yanagyu.

"I'm ready!"

Rika Yamaguchi immediately followed Qin Yang and said in a deep voice: "I am Rika Yamaguchi from the Special Affairs Department, and I acted as the notary for this battle. This is a battle that does not restrict weapons and combat methods, and is arrogant. The two sides of the fight are from China’s Qin Yang and Aoki Ryu’s Yanagyu Chisaka. One party completely loses combat effectiveness or opens up to admit defeat as the end of the game. The other side must not attack again. If Yanagyu Chisaka loses, this great Prajna Nagami will lose to Qin Yang, if Qin Yang loses, he will lose to Yanagyu Chisaka with 10 million Chinese yuan and bow down to admit defeat... Can both parties have objections?"

   "No objection!"

   "No objection!"

   Qin Yang and Yanagyu Chisaka stared at each other, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

   Yanagi Chisaka held in his hand is the famous sword Big Prajna Nagami that Ryu Aoki collected. He drew out the sword, threw the scabbard to the side of the ring, and then raised the sword, staring at Qin Yang with scorching eyes, murderous.

   Qin Yang also raised the long sword in his hand and opened his hands-up pose.

   "Competition, start!"

   Yamaguchi Rika and Ueno Tokie both retired from the ring, leaving the spacious steel ring to the two on the stage.


   Liusheng Chisaka exhaled, and rushed towards Qin Yang like a shadow. The sword in his hand slashed towards Qin Yang, as fast as lightning.

Qin Yang raised his right sword to block the sword that was smashed by the pocket head. With the force of his right wrist, the long sword followed the sword's momentum and pushed outward like flowing water. This fierce sword was immediately unloaded cleanly and neatly. After losing his strength, he slid to the side against Qin Yang's shoulder.

   Yanagiu Chisaka didn't feel any surprise, as he slid away the sword backhand and cut across, sweeping towards Qin Yang's waist.

   Qin Yang slid, his body was blowing like a breeze, dodging the knife, and his long sword stabs Yanagyu Chisaka's chest smoothly.

   The two people have swords like wind and bodies like phantoms, chasing and colliding constantly, making a crisp crashing sound.

   Everyone's eyes are chasing the two figures, their eyes full of attention.

   Situ Xiang's face was cold, and she didn't have any worries. She knew Qin Yang's combat effectiveness very well, and knew his personality better.

   If he is not sure, he would never agree to this challenge.

   Yamaguchi Rika's complexion was twofold, and she found that she didn't want Qin Yang to lose in her heart...

  I shouldn't expect Chisaka Yanagyu to win, why do you have such an idea?

   Yanagyu Chisaka attacked wildly, but he was quite surprised.

   Qin Yang was able to withstand his full attack!

   Didn’t Qin Yang just enter the heavens?

   He is also a hole higher than Qin Yang's strength level anyway, shouldn't this strength obviously have the upper hand, but Qin Yang and himself are head-to-head, but they are not let down!

   How did he practice this?

   Did he use secret methods to inspire and increase combat effectiveness from the beginning?


  The hidden gate has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are a few secret methods to temporarily increase combat effectiveness. This is really easy.

   Chisaka Yanagyu thought of this, his attacking rhythm suddenly relaxed a little, and he wanted to slowly consume Qin Yang.

   Regardless of any secret method, it is time-sensitive. As long as this period of time is delayed, the combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced, and then I can easily win.

But when Chisaka Yanagi just slowed down, Qin Yang's counterattack instantly strengthened. It was like Qin Yang was a strong spring. Before Chisaka Yanagyu suppressed with all his strength, Qin Yang seemed to be in a compressed state, but When Chisaka Yanagyu breathed a sigh of relief, the spring bounced.

   Yanagyu Chisaka instantly felt the pressure, and he had to increase his attack strength again, maintaining that kind of storm-like attack strength.

   As soon as Yanagyu Chisaka's offensive was strong, Qin Yang's offensive momentarily shrank back, continuing to maintain the posture that he had previously held firmly, and I was in a posture of standing still.

   The expressions of the crowd onlookers suddenly became two-point What does Qin Yang want to do?

   is just sticking to the defense, not attacking, is this trying to fight a war of attrition?

The sword and light sword shadow in this game seemed extremely dangerous, but it was not too thrilling to really fall into the eyes of the master, because the strength of the two people seemed to be similar, and the combat effectiveness was similar. If the two sides attacked, it might be extremely dangerous. , The winner may be determined at any time, but when one side only defends but does not attack, the scene is not dangerous.

   "Qin Yang seems to want to drag Chisaka Yanagi to death. After all, the cost of defense is less."

   "It doesn't seem to be good for Chisaka Yanagyu to drag on."

   "Qin Yang's combat experience is very rich. Although Chisaka Yanagyu seems to be attacking, the real rhythm of the fight is controlled by Qin Yang. He makes Chisaka Yanagyu unable to slow down!"

   "I think Chisaka Yanagyu should have a killer. You see Ueno Tokijiang's calm face, there is no panic at all."

   "Maybe it is a secret technique that stimulates potential. If there is no way, there is only one way to go, or some ultimate move. Aoki Ryu seems to have a few secret techniques that are very powerful."

   Just when everyone was talking about it, there was a sudden change on the court.


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