The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1350: Lead the king into

   Although the people's comments Chisaka Yanagyu could not hear, he could feel it clearly.

He has a very peculiar feeling. He is like a fierce beast in a quagmire, looking very powerful, but the quiet seemingly innocuous quagmire is devouring him bit by bit; he is like a The wasp stuck only to the cobweb, looks fierce, but is heading towards death little by little.

He originally thought that Qin Yang might have used some secret technique to stimulate combat effectiveness, but after fighting for so long, he found that Qin Yang did not seem to have the slightest discomfort, his combat effectiveness did not decrease, and his expressions, eyes, and movements were so calm. Not impatient or impatient, it seems that he wants to drag on like this more than himself.

   can't go on like this anymore!

   If you continue to consume it like this, I am afraid I will be consumed first.

   Maybe you can try the strategy formulated by the previous sovereign to lure Qin Yang to use the flawed trick.

   Yanagiu Chisaka's thoughts came up, and the offensive in his hand slowed down again. He was waiting for Qin Yang to counterattack. Only when Qin Yang counterattacked, would he use that trick. If he was just defending, it would be impossible.

   The battle between Yanagyu Chisaka and Qin Yang became fierce, both of them had offensive and defensive, and it was no longer the overwhelming attack by Yanagyu Chisaka.

   Suddenly, Chisaka Yanagi shot Qingyun to break, and slashed to Qin Yang fiercely with a tricky angle and fierce strength.

   Qin Yang moved naturally to block, and then pushed outwards, and the long sword in his hand suddenly rose. At this time, Qin Yang's body rotated naturally, and the long sword in his hand fell like a star river, slashing towards Chisaka Yanagyu.


   Chisaka Yanagi was overjoyed. At the moment when Qin Yang turned sideways, he was already prepared for the shape of electricity, and he suddenly sprinted to the side. Then, he pulled out a backhand with a sword in his hand and directly pierced Qin Yang's ribs.

   At the same time, the faces of the audience suddenly changed.



   "Ueno Toki Jiang really saw this flaw!"

   "The victory is divided!"

Yamaguchi Rika's expression changed. Although she hadn't seen the flaws Qin Yang revealed when she was practicing swords, from the speed of Yanagyu Chisaka's attack, his sword would inevitably fall on Qin Yang before Qin Yang's sword. And seeing that he made the move at the moment Qin Yang just raised his sword, he obviously had a calculation.

   Situ Xiang suddenly narrowed his eyes for two points, clenched his fists in both hands, and stared straight into the field.

  Yu Chengmin's face suddenly changed, his expression nervous.

The eyes of Ito Shunsuke who were onlookers brightened, but his eyes were mixed with two points of loss because he felt that Qin Yang was about to fail miserably, but unfortunately it was not in his hands. He might not have the opportunity to avenge his uncle himself. Up!

  Looking at Chisaka Yanagi's sword, this sword might cut off Qin Yang's entire arm. Naturally, Qin Yang, who was seriously injured or even disabled, would no longer accept his own challenge.

On the other side of the ring, Mingzhi Zongxiu squinted slightly, her face was unexpectedly calm, and even showed a two-pointed unobtrusive smile. Looking closely, there seemed to be two-pointed mockery in this smile, but it was not. Knowing that it was aimed at Qin Yang, or it was aimed at Yanagyu Chisaka...

   Yanagyu Chisaka's attack was full-fledged, and the speed was very fast. However, when Chisaka Yanagyu thought that this sword was tenable, Qin Yang suddenly disappeared from his position!

   Yanagyu Chisaka's Taidao flew across the air at a very fast speed, making a violent wind breaking sound, but Chisaka's heart suddenly sank into the abyss.

"You got Fooled!"

   A low, mocking voice sounded behind Chisaka Yanagyu. Although this voice was very low, it blasted directly into his heart like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

   Because of the full blow of Yanagyu Chisaka, the center of his body was shifted along with the blow, and now it was discovered that Qin Yang's seemingly vicious move turned out to be a false move!

   He turned out to be just to get himself hooked!

   Yanagyu Chisaka's heart was cold, he forcibly contained his leaning forward, and with a backhand, he slashed behind him.

   However, before the light of his sword fell to Qin Yang's position behind him, he saw his arm and the big Prajna long light flew directly and landed directly on the ground.

   Sword light flashed, Qin Yang retreated, and moved away from Chisaka Yanagyu.

   The winner is divided.

   Yanagyu Chisaka tilted his body, staring blankly at his neatly severed small arm, blood was pouring from the fracture.

   Yanagyu Chisaka's eyes were filled with deep despair and disbelief.

  He is not reconciled!

   He also prepared a powerful killer move, and Aoki Ryu's powerful secret skills were useless, but his right hand had been neatly cut by Qin Yang.

   My hands are broken, can I still fight?

   There was a moment of silence around, everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the scene in disbelief.

How is this going?

   How did the situation change in an instant, and the result was completely reversed?

   It was unknown just now that Chisaka Yanagyu caught the flaws in Qin Yang's moves.

   Qin Yang's fierce slashing move turned out to be a false move?

   All he did is to lure Chisaka Yanagyu into action?

   All the onlookers from the major genres took a breath and looked at Qin Yang with incredible eyes.

   If this is a round, doesn’t it mean that Qin Yang was practicing swords just now, and it was also the round that Qin Yang set, in order to attract Liu Sheng Chisaka into the ring?

   What a deep mind!

Qin Yang danced the sword three times. The first and second rounds showed flaws. If Qin Yang continues to reveal the flaws for the third time, it might make people suspect that this was done deliberately, but Qin Yang did it for the third time. When he skipped this trick cleanly, but it made people believe that he really believed that the trick was his real flaw!

Qin Yang would not take the initiative to make that but Chisaka Yanagi took great pains to lure Qin Yang into making that move, and then prepared to take advantage of the flaws to kill with one blow, but he did not expect this to be true. It fell into Qin Yang's game.

   Everyone looked at Yanagyu Chisaka with sympathy.

   Whoever counts is always counted.

   Yanagyu Chisaka and Ueno Toshie conspired for a long time before, afraid that they designed this routine to lure Qin Yang?

   I'm afraid they all have the desire to die now.

   It’s nothing more than Yanagyu Chisaka, young and inexperienced, but what about Ueno Tokie?

  As the Sect Master of Aoki Ryuu, a strong man with great fighting experience, he was calculated by a 20-year-old boy.

   This face is really lost.

   Everyone's eyes first looked at Qin Yang, then at Chisaka Yanagyu, and finally all fell on Ueno Toshie, who was standing on the side of the ring with ferocious eyes.

  Ueno Tokie jumped and appeared directly beside Yanagyu Chisaka, reaching out his hand and tapping a few times on Chisaka Yanagyu's arm, slowing down the bleeding speed for Chisaka Yanagyu with a gray face.

   "We give up!"

  PS: Chapter Three.


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