The Supreme Spy

Chapter 1351: I bet on Chinese cultural relics

When Qin Yang's long sword slashed Liu Sheng Qiansaka's arm cleanly, Situ Xiang and Liu Chengmin's expressions suddenly relaxed.

Liu Chengmin looked at Qin Yang with bright eyes. Although he didn't know the twists and turns, he could see that Qin Yang's design had pitted Chisaka Liusheng.

This made Liu Chengmin sigh in his heart.

This guy is amazing.

Not only are they strong, but more importantly, those who can fight with their brains and wisdom are always far more terrifying than a brash guy who only knows how to run wild.

Perhaps Chisaka Yanagyu was not lost to Qin Yang's strength, but to his wisdom!

Ito Shunsuke's face was rather strange. The excitement and regret before it had been replaced by anxiety and anxiety, because he suddenly discovered that the guy he was about to face was definitely not that easy to deal with!

Ito Shunsuke must be stronger than Chisaka Yanagyu, but Chisaka Yanagyu failed before he could perform any tricks. Qin Yang also didn't show his trump card against the bottom of the box, which left Shunsuke Ito with no bottom.

Yanagyu Chisaka has been defeated, and the next one is himself. Can he defeat the cruel-minded guy?

Before he came, Shunsuke Ito was full of confidence, because his strength has reached the 27th of Celestial Man, and he has almost reached the peak of Celestial Man. At this level of strength, he does not believe that he will fail, but he looks ashamed in front of him. Yanagyu Chisaka seemed to remind him.

There is nothing impossible in this world, no one who has a strong realm can definitely defeat an opponent with a weak realm!

Isn't Yanagyu Chisaka higher than Qin Yang's realm, isn't he also defeated?

No matter if he loses wrongly or not, if he loses, he is defeated!

Ito Shunsuke clenched his fists.

Should I continue to challenge Qin Yang while I am now?

On the other side, Zhizongxiu's expression remained calm, and the changes on the court didn't seem to surprise him at all.

His eyes fell on Qin Yang, with two points of enthusiasm and war intent in his eyes.

Sure enough, he is the descendant of the hidden door.

If you can easily be defeated by Chisaka Yanagyu, how can you be regarded as an opponent you value?

Keep fighting.

When you defeat everyone and your reputation reaches its peak, let me defeat you again!

All your brilliance now will be the stepping stone to my success!


On the arena, Qin Yang picked up the severed arm that was still holding the big Prajna Changguang tightly, took the big Prajna Changguang from it, then walked to the front of Chisaka Yanagyu and handed the broken arm over.

"I didn't attach destructive qi to the sword. The arm was just neatly chopped off. If I rush to the hospital for surgery immediately, this hand can be connected, even if it can't fully return to normal, but at least it will not affect normalcy. life."

Chisaka Yanagyu took his broken arm with a numb expression, glanced at the broken arm, and then fell on Qin Yang's face.

He had prepared to chop off Qin Yang's arm with a single knife, and destroyed the fracture with the qi, turning Qin Yang into a useless person, but the result was indeed so ridiculous.

Qin Yang's arm was not broken, but his arm was broken.

Qin Yang also spoke to him in this tone, a tone that I had merciful to you...

This really hurts self-esteem.

Too much face.

"I only have one question. Did you leave the flaws in that trick deliberately for us to see when you practiced swords before?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I was just thinking about trying, but I didn't expect you to actually believe it, but that's okay, I think you have other killer tricks that you have prepared, and it's everyone. Just lighten it up. I believe that as long as you display a killer trick, you will definitely feel uncomfortable."

The onlookers around heard the conversation between the two and looked at each other, each with a very subtle expression.

Sure enough, he set the game!

It’s just that if you win, you won. Don’t be like Yanagyu Chisaka’s sake.

You are just sprinkling salt on people's wounds, right?

Chisaka Yanagyu gritted his teeth, turned around and left without talking nonsense.

What are you doing here?

Is it humiliating?

Instead of staying here and being humiliated, it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible and pick up your hands early. Perhaps the impact on the future will be smaller.

Two Aoki-ryu people stepped forward and helped Chisaka Yanagyu walk out, while Ueno Tokie stayed on the stage.

"Good calculation! Unexpectedly, I was so old that I was calculated by a young man in my twenties..."

Qin Yang smiled slightly: "I just want to save a little effort as much as possible."

Ueno Shijiang almost vomited blood because of Qin Yang's words, gritted his teeth, his eyes fell on the long light of Prajna in Qin Yang's hand, his eyes were somewhat complicated, and he hesitated and said: "According to the bet, Chisaka Yanagyu If you lose the game, this big prajna light is your trophy, but I want to redeem this big prajna light with money. I will double the price of the bet, 20 million Chinese yuan, what do you think?"

Qin Yang smiled, walked to the edge of the ring, picked up the big prajna long light scabbard, put the big prajna long light back into the scabbard, looked at it a few times, then smiled and said: "I still like this one better. The big Prajna is longer and lighter."

Ueno Shijiang's face changed slightly Shen said: "50 million!"

The smile on Qin Yang's face narrowed, and his tone became cold by two points: "I am not short of money. I know that you Aomu Liu have money, but the people in my hidden door have never bad money. If it is only for money, I will not Accept this bet."

Ueno Tokie still refused to give up. After all, this great prajna light represents the face of their Aoki Ryuu. This is a famous sword in the Japanese famous swordsman. It fell into the hands of Chinese practitioners from their Aoki Ryuu's hands. It's hard to get it back.

This incident will inevitably become a shame in the Japanese practice circle. Anyone who mentions the Great Prajna Longlight in the future will probably sigh.

Hey, such a good sword was lost to the Huaxia people by the people of Aoki Ryu. Now it has become a trophy of the people of China. Aoki Ryu's people are really ashamed!

"Mr. Qin, you can ask for a price, or other antiques and other things. Oh, yes, we still have many top antiques that originally belonged to China. As long as Mr. Qin is willing to return the Great Prajna Changguang to us Aoki Ryu, I am willing to exchange three top antiques belonging to China. I think Mr. Qin, as a Chinese, may be more willing to take them home!"

Qin Yang's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Hundreds of years ago, your group of predators took away many of China's national treasures, but now they are used to blackmail me?"

Now that he has torn his face, Ueno Shijiang doesn’t mind speaking more naked. Naked, he said solemnly: “If you think the exchange is not good, then I can take out Chinese cultural relics that can wait for value. Challenge your bargaining chips again. If you lose, you will be left with the great prajna. If you win, the cultural relics belong to you!"


Chapter Four.


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